What will you be playing this Halloween? Spooky games thread

What will you be playing this Halloween? Spooky games thread.

is that game worth playing now?

I wish this was a game and not a glorified tech demo.

It's about the same as it used to be. There's more progress than a year ago, they added outside areas and a couple of bosses for the main story but still not a ton to do. If you enjoy the idea of it it's worth the money IMO but don't go in expecting a long RPG. Most of your time will be in the arena and restarting the story mode after getting brutally killed.

>early access game
No on principle.
Early Access makes me lose interest so by the time it's out and finished I no longer want to play it. I'd rather wait for the finished game.


I was gonna play Killing Floor 2, as I did with Killing Floor 1 every Halloween, but they skimped out on a Halloween update this year, and recently added the worst gun from KF1 for no reason.

Fuck halloween and fuck all white people

Call me back if this thing is already finished

Is this the newest SJW trend? Hating halloween because it's somehow racist/sexist/whatever?

It was last year, 'cultural appropriation' and all that

What game?

Dr. Mario


It's european, I know amis are all mixed now, but how is that appropriation?


I'll be playing FEAR, HL2, and made a character in Vindictus just to play the lvl 30 areas with the sick halloween vibe (Ainle I believe is what it's called).

the dressing up as other cultures part
just get the most collectivist minded people to be outraged because WE

I'll be going out to a costume party with a cute chick who will drink a lot.



If it's not who they are, why are they offended?

they're just tools being used. This kind of thing keeps escalating and never stops. You can't do this because it implies that, etc. It never ends. It's why free speech is so important otherwise you can't even stand in a certain way because it might be 'offensive' by whoever has the power to say it is.

this is how elites keep their power, they turn the little people against each other

This reminds me of that Ad Council campaign against using the phrase "that's so gay." We made fun of it years ago on Sup Forums.

>This is not who I am and this is not okay, and why that's just fine.

Playing it for the first time.
I wasnt expecting it to be this comfy

this, co-op