This is the best cRPG, better than Fallout and Baldur's Gate

This is the best cRPG, better than Fallout and Baldur's Gate

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No this is

>that combat

gothic sucks you fuckin kraut

It's not better than Fallout or Baldur's Gate. But it's pretty damn good.

Skyrim sucks you fucking Todd

ok. agreed. way to defend yourself kraut

>way to defend yourself

you gave 0 reasons why the game's bad so I have nothing to defend myself from retard

literally an unfinished game where flat featureless grassland cover 99.9% of the world map.

>how to spot the weeb
>'buh-but m-muh menus!'
>'muh specials muthafucka!'

Story is 10/10.

Only disappointment is some of the best companions aren't voiced. Perrimen Smythe and Geoffry have great interactions.

Unrelated but is Tyranny good?

>le chosen one kills the evil villains

>tfw played this back in the day when my toaster was so shit the hard drive had space for only one game
Got my mileage out of this for sure. Don't think I've ever explored any other game more thoroughly, including the game files.

Game has the best OST, that's for sure.

Played it a couple months ago and it was alright, until act 3 sort of just rushed right to whatever ending you had set up for yourself by then.
They recently released some kind of enhanced version update that supposedly fleshes out act 3 more so maybe it's better now.

git gud

it's solid but unfairly reviled by /vpol/ because of its perceived SJW content. 7/10 imo.

Great game for sure, but not better than Fallout 2
Is there any unofficial patch for Arcanum?

The main menu music of Arcanum is so good.

It's ok.

Heard the expansion was a huge improvement though, and apparently it ties into the main game or something.

>everything looks the same: the game

nothing really can hold a cadle to BG2 to be quite honest with you my family member
arcanum has an interesting setting, much like torment, which also excells in terms of writing and plot. iwd2 has arguably better combat and nwn more compelling ruleset. but no game has the same feel of an epic adventure from killing rats in the basement, through slaying dragons and demiliches, to godhood.

I like both Arcanum and Gothic!

No enhanced edition.

there's a dlc shit at expansion pack price, that finally adds a way to stay loyal.

otherwise no matter what you do you get railroaded into a retard ending.

>Story is 10/10

go into a dungeon