>No Beanbean Kingdom
>No Rougeport
>No Sarasaland
>No Game Overs
>Terrible, cheesy plot
>Barely any music
>The only notable song in the game is the one with fucking lyrics
>No punching or kicking
>Boring level design
>Sonic 06 city with realistic humans
>Wii U graphics
>Still linear

This game is going to be absolutely NOTHING like the game I want it to be. What went wrong?

Your taste in video games.

>Still no Waluigi


>What went wrong

Nobody here has played the game. You know this. So what's wrong with you?

I would disagree, but
>wanting Rogueport
Ya fucked up, OP.

this will be objectively, unironically and unmemetically a 6/10 game, yet Nintendicksucker video game "journalists" aka bloggers who are all millenial manchildren in their 30s and grew up with MUH NINTENDO MUH MARIOH MUH ZELDA MUH DONKEY KONG will give this piece of mediocre trash 10/10s across the board because the Nintendo bonus is very real when it comes to reviewing MUH NINTENDO's core ips.


>no argument

Totally agreed

>Complaining about reviewers increasing scores for "muh Nintendo"
>When "muh Bethesda" and "muh Ass Creed" get hugely inflated scores as well.
It's systematic of the industry. I guarantee if Breath of the Wild was a new IP from Ubisoft or some shit, it would have gotten at least a 9/10.

>posts that pic
>does the same thing

There's nothing to counter-argue, because all of those are moot points. The game isn't out yet, there's literally no way to know if those statements are true.

Baby's first shitposting.

>someone will reply to this post implying the things in the pic are valid arguments and criticisms

>Still posting this pasta

>wanting story in a mainline Mario

Not confirmed
>No Beanbean Kingdom
Not canon
>No Rougeport
Not canon
>No Sarasaland
Atleast the game has mario land references
>No Game Overs
This is a positive
>Terrible, cheesy plot
It's a mario game
>Barely any music
Ony when you start the level
>The only notable song in the game is the one with fucking lyrics
>No punching or kicking
Replaced with throwing your hat
>Boring level design
>Sonic 06 city with realistic humans
Looks like a fun level though
>Wii U graphics
Who cares
>Still linear
Implying linear is bad

Imagine sunshine, but get rid of the shine sprites. You just have blue coins. That's Odyssey.

Enjoy your filler game Nintendorks


>No Game Overs

Thank fuck

Lives are a relic from the arcade era that should of been binned when save systems were introduced.

>a previously existing franchise being heavily improved upon by introducing new features


>a brand new ip

>nintoddies this insecure

>>No Game Overs
>This is a positive
>yes, because everyone should be able to beat games.
>Make it simple for toddler gamers like me

>salty ass modern Sonic fanboys mad their game bouta flop

>still linear
I fucking wish

Game overs haven't had any sort of impact in the mario games since World, and even then the setbacks were minor. All it did for Mario 64 and Sunshine was kick you out to the title screen.

>Imagine sunshine, but get rid of the shine sprites. You just have blue coins.

Your taste

How did a game over screen ever stop you from bearing a 3D Mario game? You can just resume right from where you left off after the game over.

>hard games for hardcore gamers such as myself

Inb4 nintentoddlers come out of the woodwork to defend the "goty" despite not being released

>this amount of nintendie salt ITT

>no punching or kicking
that was useless.

Except it's more like, imagine if instead of shine sprites and blue coins they're both the same collectible. Some are easy to get like blue coins, some are hard like shine sprites.

>no game overs
they made the game more linear, you'd think they'd use this to add more challenging platforming or something

Mario is kid shit aimed at KIDS, not for autistic permavirgin manchildren like yourself, Nintenbro

dude don't molymeme unless you actually know what an argument is to begin with

>What went wrong

Like most Sup Forumsirgins who shitpost your "criticisms" come from a place of insecurity so you aren't nearly as interested in thinking critically about your hobby and seeking out better games as you are shitposting about something popular because it makes you feel like you've surpassed a video game in value.

It really isn't difficult to do this legitimately. The trick is to focus on what you like and do more if that instead of spending your time and energy tearing something down.

>5 second screen
>right back where i left off

>game over
>30 second screen
>right back where i left off

its like this in literally every 3d mario theres no excuse

it's not even out yet

So what do you play then?

shut up retard

>no argument

>Game overs haven't had any sort of impact in the mario games
So why remove them then?
>even then the setbacks were minor
So why remove them then?
>All it did for Mario 64 and Sunshine was kick you out to the title screen.
Didn't (((Nintendo))) say that Odys would be like 64 and Sunshine?
So they lied.

btw. didn't you restart at a checkpoint in recent mario games when you lost a life, but when you lost all lives you had to start the level from scratch? That's just something "minor"?

game overs do literally nothing besides give an additional loading screen

Please explain how this game is more linear than Sunshine or 64. Galaxy is linear. Mario 3D World is EXTREMELY linear. Explain how this is linear at all.

Mind showing us your review copy, my good sir?

>You can just resume right from where you left off
I don't think so, sweetie.
SJW tactic. Not biting.

why bother doing the "hard" sections when the reward is the same as climbing 1 house or ground pounding the floor or buying it for 10 coins in a shop

my argument is your IQ is so low that you can't possibly comprehend what you're saying

it's like some braindead retard arguing with Stephen Hawking about physics

I dunno but your mom was playing with my dick in her mouth last night

>>right back where i left off
You don't know the English language, right?
Or you have never played Mario games.
That's what literally Uncharted movies are doing. Not what Mario games are doing.

>no argument

>boohoo why isnt spinoff garbage in a mainline 3D game
Paperfags are really becoming the next Metroidfags or the FEfags of Mario

>loading screen
There are loading screens in odys?
Now that's just sad.
Can't remember any loading screens in the Super Mario games on NES, sweetie.

>so why remove them then?
The same reason why they're removing booting the player out after getting moons, it was a waste of time losing all of your lives, seeing a game over screen, going back to the title screen, going back to file select, and going back into the damn game. I'd sooner have them just cut the bullshit and keep the game flowing. Death still has some sort of minor penalty in the loss of coins, but really that's still a slap on the wrist.

Starting a level from scratch in the 2D games is pretty minor too, in most of those if you fuck up and get a game over you lose a few levels progress tops but most of those levels can be breezed through in minutes if you know what you're doing

why would he bother providing you an argument in the first place when you're clearly retarded user.

>Uncharted MOVIES XD I said it again mom!
Says the 18+ year old playing Mario games still

>no argument

>he dies in a fucking baby game

>Why remove them
Because they were useless? And all they did was add to the loading time?

>Didn't Nintendo day that Odyssey would be like 64 and Sunshine? So they lied.
Yeah, man, we don't have FLUDD either. Start a riot.

My mom is dead, that makes you a skeleton fucker.


>No game overs
The game lacks consequence
Even if Game Overs didn't change much, they are a necessary mechanic. It's punishment. Encourages the player to do better without being too terribly disrupting. Man, I got a game over. That's irritating. I need to do better.
The Odyssey mechanic of just losing coins when you die is just a testament to the game being insensitive to your time and being less about platforming and more about collectathon garbage.

It also represents the industry's desire to forget the past. Things like main menu's disappearing and "Press Start" not being a thing. There are certain things that should be done in games. To lose them is to lose the essence of gaming.

>No argument

don't bother arguing with nu-Sup Forumsintendgaf about this

To collect everything, obviously. The easy moons are there for the kids (and you, I guess) so they can still get to the end. Beating a 3D Mario game was never hard, 100%ing it is the challenge.

can't wait for this to get even higher scores that GOAT of the wild

wow, that's a lot of words to say ''i'm a retard''

>mfw people still try to find flaws in this game

>get game over
>starts you at the beginning of the level anyways

Wow, its almost like its absolutely pointless to waste the players time with it. Fucking Nintendo.


>Barely any music
This is the only thing that's really killing me. And it is fucking KILLING me. Where did Nintendo's music go?
>Still linear
Linear platforming is good. The world is open ended in where you go and which challenge you approach at what time. This is ideal.
>No Game Overs
I defend these in games designed for them. 3D platformers have enough fail state penalty in time consumption and other shit for this to be a non issue.

>no argument

Shitshine was a linear 64 with a shitty cleaning gimmick
Odyssey is the opposite, and its not for babs who play the boring Course Clear games.

>It also represents the industry's desire to forget the past. Things like main menu's disappearing and "Press Start" not being a thing. There are certain things that should be done in games. To lose them is to lose the essence of gaming.

Causal game's made for kids

>they're removing booting the player out after getting moons
Ah now I get it.
They don't want to waste the time of players.
>Make a stupid fixed moon animation instead that wastes 4 seconds every single time
>Put tons of shitty collectables that all look the same in the game
>All of those trigger this 4 second time wasting
Really makes you think.

>losing 10 coins
>but really that's still a slap on the wrist.
Eh no, that's literally nothing at all.
Why even bother with that?

>Starting a level from scratch in the 2D games is pretty minor too
>if you know what you're doing
Totally makes sense.
I know all levels that I never played inside out, so it's no set back at all. But taking 10 coins from me, now that really is a punishment.

>no argument



Fucking I just can't believe people are saying
>dying is so inconvenient, having to be booted back to the main screen or having to sit through a game over screen

Dumb kids and their expectations for games to be what they want.

>was add to the loading time
I don't remember any loading going on in SMB1,2,3 etc.
But whatever you say, millennial.


>>No WAH
Stopped reading here. The opinion of memeing faggots is not relevant.

>When the GOTY is only 6 days away

>Sonic 06

hi pokebarneyfag still salty af i see :)

Not even that anymore.
The other mario games were made for kids as well.
This one was made for retarded special snowflake kids.

>Everyone is a winner
>Even you retarded Timmie
Why even have checkpoints? Why even make it so that Mario can take damage at all?
>That is just wasting time
Ok, millennial.
We will see what (((Nintendo))) is going to do in Odys 2.
>Make it a movie, while allowing the "player" to keep on pressing buttons randomly
>Wow, I totally beat this game.

>what went wrong?
You set your expectations too high.

>When I only play kids games

dude, chill, it's just a video game lmao

>3D platformers have enough fail state penalty in time consumption and other shit for this to be a non issue.
Only smart point in the thread

>they made the game more linear
Wtf is that?
How do you even come to that conclusion?
Are you fucking stupid?

They gotta add some kinda minor fanfare for getting the moons, otherwise there's no stimulation for getting them. That's just basic feedback, user, better to have a brief 4 second animation than a two to three minute showstopper like how it was in Super Mario Galaxy.

and again, the coins thing is just some minor negative reinforcement for fucking up, you can't really expect some massive penalty from a Mario game, can you? Sure, the original SMB fucked you hard if you got a game over by taking you to the title screen with all progress lost, but they offered warp zones as a means of continuing.
Like it or not, Nintendo goes to pretty great lengths to keep Mario accessible for people, and for good reason, he's their friendly mascot character that anyone should be able to enjoy, if people are looking for a greater challenge in platformers, there's other options out there in the form on N++ or Meatboy, but Mario has to strike a really delicate balance of easy babby accessibility and a tougher challenge for those who go digging for it, almost all of the Mario games have either hard hidden levels or some other crazy ass end goal for the people who really want to cut their teeth on the game.

how is Mario a kids game? Because it doesn't have gore and swastikas?

You lose coins which you need. Some places and missions can't be accessed without some dosh.
t. played the demo.

Its a nintentoddler. To them preschool and kid- I mean Nintendo games are all they know

I think the bigger sin is no fall damage
In a fucking 3D platformer
What the FUCK??

fuck you too, faggot.

>how is Mario a kids game?

ahahahaha fuck me Nintoddles really are fucking delusional

How the fuck is Mario NOT a kids game?

Play a real man's game like Stalker or Half Life