Your own OS will now rat you out

>Your own OS will now rat you out

wew lads


>Operating system that works against its owner
Why the hell would anyone ever use this?

>my OS
I have two OS. Only one has a number in it's name and it's a prime number.

>windows 10

And like anything made by Microsoft it wont work properly, I fully expect it to flag shit like overlays or some shit.

shame we have to deal with it because Linux is fucking trash

>>Your own OS
you are merly licensing the OS from microturd since it was free

>buy a game
>cheat at it to beat it
Why? Just don't waste your money/time with the game and claim you beat it. You can always watch a YT video of the ending.

>using windows 10

I don't cheat so this doesn't affect me.
Why does this concern you OP?

Eventually you will be forced to when other version (that probably will have similar implementation down the line) become obsolete.

>unironically using W10

"Your own licensed OS"
Happy now?


>Microsoft publicly releases optional API designed to help developers in combating cheating in their games, to what extent it is invoked, or even if at all, is entirely up to the developer

You may as well be whinging about VAC spying on you.

no since you don't own shit
microshit can do whatever it wants on W10 since you agreed to it on the terms of service

I will keep making my own cheats that bypasses anything so no worries

As long as this doesnt impact performance or single player games in any way I dont give a shit.

>butthurt cheating Germans and Chinese have to move to Linux, which barely has any games
worth it t.b.h.

Theres no way that it would be able to "contact" developers by simply knowing what you're running.

Which means they're likely just monitoring what you're doing and allowing all publishers/developers to see it.


>Only one has a number in it's name and it's a prime number.
The only Windows versions that use a prime number are Windows 97 and Windows 7. 10 is not prime.

Contrarian Sup Forumsposting aside
What the fuck are they hoping to acheive here?
Is it going to fuck your shit up in singleplayer games too?
Who are they to judge cheating from doing exploratory shit?
Why don't they just let game companies worry about this stuff?

ReactOS has been gaining more contributors even since Win8 and Win10 fiasco and making much bigger progress in past 2 years alone than it did in previous 10 years combined.
ReactOS an open-source Windows clone that does everything Windows does without any of the cancer and with all the advantages.
Furthermore Win7 will keep getting updates until at least 2023 at minimum thanks to WSUS Updates.

tl;dr Anyone even remotely tech savvy is safe from Microkikery.

Is that some illegally modded Fallout 5 i see in your hard drive? SHUTTING DOWN.

Because they can make a profit from it.

I have windows 10 and I didn't want to even install it, it happened automatically to me like a year ago and haven't been bothered to change it.

Now you look at that. Well done user, that's some remarkable detective skills.

Then you're a tech illiterate retard if you didn't know how to prevent the update.
t. Win 7 user since long before Win10 was a thing

where is the profit here though? Liscensing to companies/ If so, why would it be an in-OS thing?

Literal fucking spyware again.

Why not fucking reinstall 7 then you goddamn imbecile? Neck yourself you tech illiterate pleb. You deserve to get raped by Microdick in your shitstained corporate dick clenching ass.

the database that police use to run against your drives when they search them for cp is built-into win10

>hurrr durr it's good because fuck you cheaters
i hate cheating in multiplayer games but the fact that you are getting fucked by your OS is why you should be concerned.

>Furthermore Win7 will keep getting updates
>it updates to 10 for you

wtf I love win10 now
not even memeing this should have happened long ago

To know what actions are suspicious, its got to monitor what you're running and when. That data is valuable to everyone, not just video game companies. They will sell it to anyone that wants it.

Why wouldn't it be in-OS? Makes microsoft money. They don't give a shit about you.

>Which means they're likely just monitoring what you're doing and allowing all publishers/developers to see it.

>Because customers can choose to turn these monitoring capabilities off, developers must check whether the customer has done so before entering an experience or session which requires the protections and information provided by game monitoring. Two APIs (GetGameMonitoringPermissionState and RequestPermissionAsync) are available to allow detection of the customer’s opt-in state, one of which (RequestPermissionAsync) informs the customer that they are trying to access an experience which requires them to turn game monitoring on.
>To protect customer privacy, no data is shared or transmitted until permission is granted.

You have to register your game for TruePlay. If the user grants permission then Microsoft will share only the relevant data with the relevant developer.

Just another layer, since Win10 is already full of spyware you can't get rid of and if you do actually go through the autism of removing it or blocking it all in your router, the system literally won't even boot.

Reading comprehension is clearly not something you're capable of, nor is using a brain seeing as you didn't even know that all updates on Win7 are optional and you can uninstall them at any given moment and opt out as well, you could opt out of the intrusive Win10 one as well, it just took extra hoops to go through because they wanted to get as many retards like you on their cancer botnet as possible.

Inb4 it flags CE.

>it sneaks in win10 update in various patches and prevents you from uninstalling

If a cheat detecting engine is opt-in, its useless.

W10 monitoring cannot be turned off. You can switch every single thing off in every control panel you find, it won't switch it off completely. its free because you're the product.

What about cheats in private servers among friends?


>>To protect customer privacy, no data is shared or transmitted until permission is granted.
I wonder how fucking naive you have to be to actually believe this.

Except that never happened. What it snuck in was the advertisement banner for Win10 and you could actually uninstall it you brainlet retard.

>Microsoft publicly releases optional API designed to help spy on its users
That sounds more accurate to me.

>((relevant)) data
>(((relevant))) developers
In Microsoft we trust!

Its not like there is a law against it, so they aren't politicians pushing to make an invasion of rights okay. They always could have done what they are doing.
Once getting fucked by my OS actually applies to me, I won't buy. There's no floodgates because this isn't politics or laws they're attempting to deny; that's how it works.

I'm not as optimistic as you are when it comes to the open source community stepping up and filling the void but I do hope for it. Windows 7 will lose support when it comes to newer hardware and software especially ones aimed at the 'gaming' audience.

>All these "facts"
>Zero source

>thinking they won't sneak it in more updates

finally the year of the Linux desktop will come true!

Google what WSUS is before you make yourself look even more like a retard, protip, it's not made by Microsoft.

Next they'll outlaw any Windows sans 10 because they're operation systems that can be used for criminal activities unless registered and have TruePlay™ Classic™ installed.

>soon, needing both a constant online connection AND having to opt in with anti-cheating software before you can play your single player games

imagine drm like denuvo literally preventing you from playing any game unless you turn it on first.


Wish it would drop a jdam on their houses as well.

>having updates on
>being technologic mongrel

>If a cheat detecting engine is opt-in, its useless.

What is blocked and what is allowed is up to the dev. So, for example, if the customer opts out of cheat monitoring then multiplayer can be disabled while single player still happily runs.

TruePlay is not W10 data metrics gathering. It's a separate application monitoring service that looks for suspicious activity, e.g. memory manipulation. If it notices something interfering with the game process in a suspicious manner then relevant data is recorded about what is happening and it's sent to the developers.

>Windows 7 will lose support when it comes to newer hardware and software especially ones aimed at the 'gaming' audience.
Unless they include some kind of kill switch in the hardware itself that will prevent it from running on Win7, they can't do shit. All the currently available hardware, even latest newest Intel CPUs that are supposed to be "Win10-only" actually work just fine on Win7.
And ReactOS has been a thing for a decade now precisely because some people had enough foresight to see this shit coming from a mile away.
ReactOS even already advanced enough that it can play many Windows games, most of them older, but it can and it's not even close to the first RC build, it's still in pre-alpha.

Own doesn't just mean something you possess entirely and solely. I own a credit card, but that doesn't mean I have absolute right over it.

linux revoltuon when?
i noticed that doom 2016 was using vulcan instead of directx

>using windows 10

Anything done against cheaters is a good thing. But windows 10 is still trash though.

Sure it is.
I'm sure Microsoft did this for purely selfless reasons and aren't making any money selling your data.

In other words, it's spyware.

just use aegis voat

Sure, if you consider VAC and anti-virus software to be spyware as well.

>Anything done against cheaters is a good thing.
Good goyim.

>thinking a update won't deal wth that

>open up a custom launcher to get a nonstandard resolution in an older game

reactos is also shit and barely going anywhere at this pace

stop being a fucking retard, or better yet kys

Yes let's regulate Microsoft the government is on our side here and not cooperating with them at all.

I want to fuck that granny

So you mean chinks will get banned? Fucking sweet, I'd rather have this than VAC with it's track record.

>buy 60$ game
>multiplayer is ruined by cheaters
How is this a good thing in anyway?

This is your last since you're clearly just shitposting about things you are completely tech illiterate about.

It's been making substantial progress in past 2 years though. And the more Microsoft squeezes people with Win10, the more people will join ReactOS development and the more popular will Linux get.

>chinks using win10

What if you're cheating in singleplayer in a game that has multiplayer? MrAntiFun btfo

Couldn't you guys just stop pirating and cheating?

I'm all supportive of a Windows replacement but without DirectX cancer, this is no better than running WINE+PoL. The whole advantage Windows has is DirectX, and no one has been able to replicate that due to the sheer amount of work it would take.

You have better odds of getting devs to switch to Vulkan than you do of cloning DirectX.

Even if I dont cheat ever.
Do they even think it will matter?
cheaters will find a way, always

why would you use windows 10?

I support this
These stupid consumers should be turned into cattle, brainwashed into slaves
Take away their right
Take away their freedom
Take away their minds

And everyone will be happy

Americans are the best goys.

I never got cheating in a multiplayer game? Is it just about ruining other players fun?

Good news about React I will have to check it out, haven't looked at it in a while. It wouldn't surprise me if they did implement some sort of killswitch, it's in everyone's interest bar the consumer to do so.

You do know that Microsoft is currently fighting against US government's demands for access to customer data hosted outside the US, right? Microsoft has appealed all the way to the Supreme Court and it's still a pending case.

But don't let facts get in the way of being a tinfoil hat retard.

I bet it’s in the enterprise builds too

You do realize they already got DX9 cloned to a decent enough point where it can play some more modern games right? DX11 is another story though, they haven't even started looking into it since they are far from finishing their DX9 clone.

>pirate game
>OS recognizes the game as pirated

>download mods
>"these mods are not officially endorsed, they will be deleted"

You keep just taking more and more dick from companies that just want your money. I honestly don't get where you will draw the line.

>implying win10 isn't being uploaded to you right now

It's about inflating your ego by making you k/d ratio really high.

>I bet it’s in the enterprise builds too
Considering you can't actually turn off spyware even in Enterprise edition, I'm sure it is.


Because it's awesome. Im using it from day one and encountered zero problems. Even 7 was infested with bugs, but 10 is superior in every way even in backward compatibility.

>PRISM is tinfoil shit

>and the more popular will Linux get.
ok I like making fun of win10 and will do so at every opportunity but valve gave linux the biggest chance its ever had with steamOS, with all the driver updates and what not.
Thats on top of all the fuckery from win8/10 and STILL people disregard linux. The distros have divided and conquered themselves.

>want to use Linux/Ubuntu on my PC when I finally decide to get off my ass and build it
>remember they have almost no game support and I don't want to feel like I'm trying to hack into the matrix just to get a game properly downloaded and running every time I buy it
>Steam is dominated by Spyware10

I just want access to a large library of games that I can easily install and play, and this says nothing of mods...

What right? Cheating has been against the EULA's rules since the dawn of multiplayer games. Programs like these are just to enforce the rules because people break them anyway.