Star Citizen

Post predictions

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It will never be finished.

what's the latest? did 3.0 get released? i heard they have taken so long to release 3.0 and have reduced it in size so much yet it is still a buggy fucking mess. also they have delayed the singleplayer game too.

Scam Citizen

That's not entirely accurate, but when skewed, your words aren't wrong.


Literally spartan armor

That'd only one set. They have some pretty nice ones

It'll probably be a mess. But a functional mess and come with most of the features promised in some vapid form or other. Things will get shitposty, and they'll either ramp up to month-long shitflinging fests or immediately die depending on how well the fanbase reacts.

I have a little ranking system for how well a fanbase can take the piss. Goes from like Twilight Fans, or just any fanbase that immediately tries to scream out dissenters, to the DnD fanbase - at least DnD from a while ago, who've made entire movies dedicated to taking the piss. Those guys were great.

You can guess which end the Star Citizen base is closer to.

It will have more content but won't change much in terms of depth and detail.
What you see now is what you will get, that's just how early access games are.

I think you mean Reddit users. Also, no-one cares about mr nobody's rating scale, sperg.

it doesn't follow an early access model. its an open development alpha. that probably gave rise to what early access is, but it can't be defined that way. Score me a $160M early access

It's exactly the same thing.

Like I said, folks, closer to Twilight. If they're not screaming they're being passive aggressive and smarmy like it doesn't make them look just as bad.

I predict this thread will be shit.

>you have to pay real money for ships

Even if by some miracle it comes out it'll be trash.

Yea, I mean, if you're simple.

I'm not sure if you got his jyst. Oh and the irony.

It will come out eventually, and it will be a very ambitious but overall messy and glitchy game.

So it will be like Arma 3 or Warframe where the game is released as a huge mess but after a couple years of patching and content updatesit will be great?


it will be in development for eternity to extract as much cash out of the rabid fanbase

Being a huge dumb fanboi for space games I'm so sad this will never be finished. Even if it does get finished by some miracle, it will be bad as a game.

>>you have to pay real money for ships
for real?

is star citizen destined for irrelevance, like mortal online?

but warframe got only shittier as it got older

early access is early access regardless of the budget. fortnite had a pretty big budget and has been in development for like 5 years, it's still early access if you're basically paying to play an alpha

>but, but guys! it takes time to make a game with $39,680,576 in budget!

what is this post from ? 2014 ? SC broke 180 million in fundraising

>for real?
No, for ships.

>asthma rapist


They keep sinking lower and lower, how can they keep getting away with this and the fucking awful broken presentations

we need them to spend more money on useless shit like face tracking

It won't be finished, they will run away with all the money AND the fanboys will still try to justify it because at this point they're all too heavily invested in this scam.

It blows my mind that SC even fucking exists.

If you'd have told me back then that people would pay hundreds or even thousands of real dollars for spaceships in a game that isn't even released (and shows no sign of being released for years on end) I'd have laughed in your face.
But here we are, in 2017, with exactly that having happened. It's madness. How the fuck can people be so fucking stupid?

And now it turns out that like every fucking thing in the game is instanced to hell so you never actually play with more than a handful of people so the whole 'epic free roaming space sim' angle is total bullshit.
Maybe they shouldn't have gone for cryengine 3.

well, pyramid marketing schemes and religion is a thing, user



amazing, so they cant finish a game even with 180 million

shart shitizen
also paarp

Star Citizen 3.0 or Half Life 3?

>or even thousands of real dollars
Try tens of thousands

Half-life 3's premise is actually feasble as a video game.

>guy uses his own cpap mask for cosplay

Every time I see people from this community, it's always overweight or morbidly obese low-test soy fueled notmen.

Watch Citizencon next week for more delicious cringe. Look out for Tyler Witkin, the Community Manager - he always manages to dig up the most autistic guys ever.

Not is Rabbi Newell has anything to say about it


You mean the downgraded 3.0 right?

compare it with small space indies like FTL that were good and with tiny budget.

HL3 because it deserves closure

At least 5 years to a release that is even remotely close to having a complete feature set and 7 years before the game releases aren't buggy messes. I fully expect some kind of cancerous DLC system in place when it releases. Whether the game will ever be fun is still up for debate.

>yfw didnt back scam citizen
