The game has a weight mechanic

>the game has a weight mechanic
>if you don't let your character starve some you gain weight

imagine the sweaty fat guy taking this picture

Name some games other than San Andreas that did this

I don't understand the point of this thread.

that's a dude btw, so no one that comes to this thread making the same mistake that I did which was fapping to it and only finding out about it aftewards.

yea you do

The Forest

> oh yeah totally not me hehe, have I mention how respectful of women I am?

prove it donald fuck

The sims

nah, fuck off homo fetishists

yea i do

>Implying that's not even better

Not with those curves

I would stuff her crust

>sees a nice butt
>thinks of sweaty fat men
Nigger you gay


Shut up and post more ass.

oh really?

It's a man you fucking retards.

