Don't mind me, just pirating this ham!

Don't mind me, just pirating this ham!

Other urls found in this thread:

You're making a copy of that ham?

Why are there so many anti-pirate threads already? Did something happen recently?

You have to leave behind a copy of the ham to pirate it. Otherwise you're stealing the original and nobody else can have it.

What are you talking about?
There are more ham's where this one came from. Me taking one wouldn't hurt the company at all. I was never gonna buy one anyway!

Shills and corporate bootlickers. Mainly shills.

Leave me in coma, I don't want to wake up.


You were never going to buy one, but by taking one, you've permanently decreased the amount of money a company makes, as well as making it so that someone who was going to buy the ham can't buy the ham. That's different from a digital good, however.
Plus I just pirate games to demo them before I buy them. I would literally never pirate a game again if there were GOOD DEMOS and FUCKING RENTAL PLACES AGAIN GOD DAMN IT

Honestly, stealing a ham is way more moral than buying it.
If a significant portion of people walking out with hams were hamburglars, supermarkets selling ham would lose money. Soon they would realize that ham makes them lose money and would probably avoid selling ham. This would make farmers who "produce" ham earn less money, which is a good thing as "producing" ham must involve inherently immoral actions.

>food analogies
never change Sup Forums

the EU Commission financed a report that says videogame piracy boosts sales by 40%, other than that no

Reminder if you clone the ham and take it there's nothing wrong with it.

enjoy your ham bro

Your mistake is thinking anyone on Sup Forums is being genuine about anything at any time. It's all just shitposts for (you)s

Well if other people just do what
does, they're pirating games to find out whether or not they want to buy them. 60 dollars is a chunk of change for a product that you know almost nothing about and has a good chance of being shit.

>tfw vegans take ham off the market by creating the great ham heist of 2018

Don't mind me just pirating this gold

>vegan faggot
>tumblr filename



>hurf durf da fud analogeez are bad
>j-j-ust cuz

Because comparing a physical product to a digital product is retarded.

i dont want to wake up faggot go away

I don't even like bacon or ham. The reason I'm not a vegan is because I don't want to be looking at the ingridients of everything I eat like a weight watchers scam victim. Hell, even regular candy contains animal products in form of cooked bones. It's just too much of a hassle.

I just think it's funny how often it happens. I guess it makes sense since everyone can relate to food.

People worked to produce the software/video game you're pirating. If you were "never going to buy it anyway", you wouldn't have downloaded it. You are really saying you were never going to PAY for it. If stealing it was not an option, I'm sure you'd buy it.

I should have added that by not paying for the software you're using, you are making the people who created that software lose money.

Yeah but where's the copy

I'm not arguing that, I'm arguing that food analogies are stupid. I think that if you pirate a game and say you weren't going to buy it anyways, then you have interest in the game and are just a cheap fuck. If you pirate a game and decide you weren't going to buy it from having tried it for free, then nothing is lost.
If you steal the ham and decide you didn't like it after the first bite, you still stole the fucking ham. The store still has -1 hams.

Nice. Mind torrenting that ham so I can have it too?

>all these anti pirate threads
bots/shitposters are going ham again, it seems

whats up with all those piracy threads in the last couple of days?

Don't mine me, just stealing this bread

damn time really has flown, hasn't it
i'm wasting my life here

Why is the gaming community the only one that gets triggered over piracy?

>pirate music
>no one cares
>pirate books
>no one cares
>pirate comics
>no one cares
>pirate PC software
>no one cares
>pirate video games
>REEEEEEEEEEEEE *screeching*

Fine, you don't like food analogies? Labor is infinitely reproducible. If I hire someone to mow my lawn and then refuse to pay him because "I wouldn't have paid for the service anyway", is that okay? The person spent his time and effort to provide a service for me. I used the service and didn't pay.

At least that guy was supposed to copy the food, the guy in op's pic can't even copy it.


>hire guy to mow my lawn
>destroys my flowers, ruins my grass and soil

Alright but you copied that person?
Like, you cloned that person?

>hurf durf food analogies are bad because you can copy shit
>not knowing that most expensive medications are created for less than 1% of their market price
>not knowing that diamonds are only expensive because (((certain people))) have an interest in keeping the price up by creating artificial scarcity
In free market, prices aren't determined by real scarcity.

No, it's not okay. But that's not what I'm fucking saying you illiterate retard.

You invite the guy to mow your lawn. He does a good job, you're satisfied. You don't pay him because you wouldn't have paid for the service anyways.
You invite the game to mow your lawn. 15 minutes in, he's destroyed your rose garden. You tell him to fuck off and don't pay him. He still delivered a service, but it was shit, so you don't pay.

Was Blockbuster piracy too, or is Sup Forums too young to remember Blockbuster now?




jews have been shilling here for a while because profit is down in general.

I don't understand vegans, how is pulling out a carrot and ending it's life any different then killing meat for food? Is it because there is no visible signs of it suffering that it's okay to do in your books?

Oh don't mind me just pirating this water.

This board needs ID's.

Sup Forums is now reddit and redditors are moralfags

>believing the EUcucks
good goy here accept these 6 trillion arabs and give away national sovereignty to unnamed unelected bureaucrats in brussels

Where's the copy

>no visible signs of it suffering
>opening with "plants have feelings"
Holy shit that was fast

Nah, it needs flags to expose the aussie and leaf shitposters.

Reminder that Plants and Fungus (moreso) feel in a way we as humans cannot understand, meaning eating fucking anything is "murder", and we should get over it. The real killer is Diet Soda.

>takes one sip then pisses into the stream
>later complains about getting parasites on a Malaysian Matchmaking forum

This isn't even a question of morality, about logic. People who promote piracy try to justify it with the same tired logical fallacies about how it's not wrong because there's no physical product. It gets extremely tiresome.

Also, one of the reasons why there are so few single player games being produced now and multiplayer and micro transaction "f2p" games are on the rise now is as a consequence of piracy. Developers have determined that making good single player games is just not profitable because idiots will pirate them.

aussies are shitposters, leafs are genuine faggot communist cucks who actually believe in the garbage that leaks out of their face hole.

God if only there was a way to try games before you bought them.

you have 3 boards of shit to choose from, will a fourth make the difference?

This is what Ameritards actually believe. Your country is barely 50% white while the whole of europe has like 1-2m arabs.

>Merely pretending

>some random Jews own the intellectual property of fish and bread
>food and vidya are the same

I'm not a pirate, I buy games too. But the reason of so many anti-pirate threads are newfags and redditors

You can pinpoint the EXACT MOMENT that this thread became Sup Forums

Demos have existed since the 90s...

You do realize renting a game still getsmoey to the developers right? As opposed to... just taking it. Dont get me wrong, the ham scenario is retarded as fuck since you cant copy a ham, but when it comes to paying for a service you are dumb as fuck.

>implying government patents are "free market"

do you make a copy of the ham and leave the original alone?
fuck off food analogy fag

>Sup Forums is the only board with ID's

don't mind me, just getting this 8

>be stuck in forest for 3 days without eating
>gonna die soon if i don't eat
>a rabbit walks up to me and cooks itself in front of me
>don't eat it because it's morally wrong

How is that calculated?

Why the anti-piracy people can't understand the world "copy"?

And they stopped existing a couple years ago.

>1-2m Arabs
Yeah. Arabs are the problem... not muslims...

>f2p and microtransactions are a consequence of piracy
F2P is a tactic used to increase your market share by making the product widely accessible. Microtransactions are just another way to make money. Multiplayer games are likewise competitive and therefore time consuming, this can be monetized via microtransactions. Are you honestly this dense?

There are dozens of reasons why SP games are not profitable; it's not all just due to pracy.

Publishers actively avoid using demos because having customers actual try to game decreases the chance of a buy.

So they rather hide any gameplay and sell the product on hype instead, leaving customers dissatisfied.

If pirating food was such a problem, then how come the food industry isn't out of business then, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????

>meat tastes good
all the reason I need Veganfag.

Look at the list of countries that outlawed food piracy.
See Africa in there?
Guess why.

No one can copy food.
And making the same food but using more and more resources is not a copy.

If we could pirate food imagine how many problems we could solve. I wish I could fucking pirate ham.

Your retarded link counts Russia and the Balkans as part of Europe lmao. Show me these millions of Muslims in the regions that actually matter.

Don't mind me, just pirating these boobs!

>people on Sup Forums are now defending corporations and want you to buy game

lmao keep getting jewed fucking retards

didn't a buy a single game since 2012 and I'll NEVER pay for art, otherwise I'd be corrupting it

This is not always true. There are many games people would eventually buy if they couldn't get them for free

I'm sorry, he might have been from /qst/- it was wrong of me to assume.


Video games are not art.

>guy eating a sandwich
>I watch him eating
>using my pirate techniques I can experience the sandwich without even getting close
>I don't feel hunger anymore
>owner of the place runs after me screaming and saying I'm a criminal

>i-it doesn't mean anything if I don't want it to!!

You saved that picture, that shows a lot about what kind of person you are

What if you like animals but you don't really care too much about eating them?

I don't want animals to suffer and would always support ethical and human "meat farming" but I have no qualms about consuming the flesh of another animal. Just like they don't.

LPs were a mistake.

Why would i want to wake up doctor? i find everything funny now.

shit, monetized art maybe but it's definitely art (with huge potential)

Watching vidya is not the same as consuming it. Unless its one of them movie games. Or a game with shit gameplay but good story.

If you cant sell a game to a customer based purely on the gameplay, its a shit game and you deserve to lose money.

You copied a sandwich?

But theft is illegal while piracy isn't
Checkmate fag