Omfg i can't believe this fucking timeline.
Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault, mods on gaf in fulll damage controll....ofc the leftist cancer on there is turning on them.

What a time to be alive!!!

Also this not the first allegation, but this one is pretty serious. NEOKEKS ON SUICIDE WATCH!

Other urls found in this thread:


Can confirm

locked this is just like when amirox was discovered to be a pedo

no one cares you massive faggot

This is a bad thing
It might cause an exodus to here

Just post gore and call people niggers and faggots. That would scare those numales off.


it keeps happening too

we're overwhelmed already, you wouldnt see the difference

You people are so fucking obsessed with that shithole it boggles the mind
Fuck off nobody cares, not video games

How the hell can anyone know whether she's lying or not

>shares hotel room with a friend
>gets drunk
>takes a shower to "feel better"

jesus christ women are idiots


>Cultivate a shitty community of SJW witch hunters
>They turn on you

neofags have to believe everything women say.

>being surprised socialists abuse power

Kill yourself faggot.

What a surprise, the Sup Forumstard is obsessed with neofag drama

How about posting some video games you cancersaurus

yes. YES


omg omg omg

nobody cares

I seriously hope there isn't some sort of exodust from Neogaf, that site is basically a containment for angry cunts in gaming, please don't open the floodgates.

he has a history of doing this and even admitted to groping strange women in bars

Except they don´t, SJW don´t defend victims if these are victims of a famous one or from their group.

video games

That's the most delicious part, neofaggots literally believe that if you don't believe the woman you're a sexist.

They're stuck between a rock and a hard place now