Why are people like this?

Why are people like this?

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Idk zeldafags are truly the worst

I don't know why people draw european-style sword handles on katanas. I'm guessing it's because they don't know how swords work.

Pretty sure the skeleton is using a scimitar or similar curved sword

this is funny

I like this comic.

are you retarded or just american?


>every curved sword is a katana
I know you're being retarded on purpose, but still



tell that to Sup Forums fatboy

>Implying Zelda wouldn't rape that skeleton

Why do europoors spend so much time and effort shitting on Americans. This resentment leads me to believe they are life hating envious and spiteful of all that is strong in the world.

>I M M I G R A T E D

What makes you think hes european and not a asian, african or hell any other place on earth? Seems like you have some sort of persecution complex fag



They hate Americans because they still remember how it felt to be an empire and effect change on the world by themselves. However, two world wars made the give up all their power and because of this they banded together in order to keep some sembalence of power in a unified Europe, but instead they just handed all the reins to Germany.

They be mad jelly of our applause power m8

I assume you mean dickriding Souls for MUH DIFFICULTY and I'd say it's because people don't learn how to play the games and that leads them to thinking that the games are particularly hard when all Souls really does is not hold your hand.

Also Link kills stalfos all day and I've always hated this comic. At the very least it should've been the big skeleton that took him out even though I still think that's, for lack of a better word, unrealistic.

They have internet in africa?

Well, South Africa


I like 'link in the ds universe' treads.

Oot link when die just go back to try again. Adult version has the master sword (the bane of evil) and basically kills everything in 3 his, also he can push back enemy projectiles like a tennis racket. Hylian shield is a 100% def on anything, his elemental tunics let him breathe underwater and walk into lava like. Also has a fire magic that stops time and burns everything in a 10m radius, a teleport, and a magic shield. Also magic spin attack and elemental arrows. And cherry on top, he has the motherfucking grappling hook.

Majora lik has mask and it's game over.

Wild link has finite stamina and weapons but free bombs, stop time in a small area the power of guardians, grippling ability to almost anything and the fukking laser master sword

Link in ds universe is basically superman in double dragon.


fuck off back to twitter you normie faggot
i know this is bait

Fuck you

Just in case this is a real question I'll point out that much of the 3rd world accesses the internet exclusively through smartphones which is probably why phoneposters are almost universally dumb.

You ever notice all those red lines underneath the words you type? Those are letting you know you made a typo. You should really take a look at all those and fix them before you post.

Someone post the fucking template

superior edit coming through

To be honest Dark Souls controls are almost exactly the same as OoT. Its just DaS gameplay allows for consequences

Sorry dude, I was in a hurry and couldn't ck it. Also ita fag here, so l'll keep my spaghetti in my pocket

>What is messer

Anyone have the one where the skeleton says AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? Too lazy to do it myself.

>Europe is a country
And then Americans wonder why people despise them

not bad

he never once stated that you dumb third worlder.


Here comes the white supremacist ego. Pathetic.

>bearer of the Triforce of Courage, so is basically guaranteed to never go hollow [the most important aspect since death to the Undead is nothing, it's loss of purpose that damns them]
>unlimited stamina
>shield with infinite stability
>ability to reflect projectiles
>master swordsman, even if you discard the fact that his sword at the very least would instakill all Demons and Abyss-infused beings
I'm convinced he would fare very well. All bosses in the franchise are even perfecty killably by normal means of "stab at it until it dies", it's not like any of them would require some special resource or power beyond the reach of someone from the Zelda universe. The closest you get is Yhorm requiring the Stormruler and Wolnir and the Bed of Chaos having a specific weakspot

Better than being vermin in a poverty ridden country.


But he wouldn't have infinite stamina and why would the master sword instakill anything

well that's assuming he'd have all the stuff from his universe he's not undead so he has no recovery from estus and probably can't get into loridan in the first place. And it's not like there's hearts that come out of grass there. So even if you were to put link in that universe he'd essentially have to do a no damage run to survive.

Jesus fuck that's some fanfic-tier asspulling

>I wonder who can be behind this post?


>Hyper acrobatic, durable, and strong.
>Goes up against skeletons he's half the size of.
>Goes up against Darknuts and moblins and wins.
>Somehow this skeleton can kill him because it's from Dark Souls.
If anything, Link would thrive in Lordran.

This skeleton can riposte

It was specifically created to destroy demons and other unnatural beings, and to repel darkness. If you're pulling a character from one franchise from another, I think it only fair that a few elements from the mother franchise carry over as well to make the idea more interesting and fair. Otherwise you might as well say Link came over completely naked with no weapons nor armor and you're dropping him in the middle of the 4Kids boss arena.

Master Sword can't even insta-kill low level demons in the LoZ games. I think it's fair to give it holy properties for the purposes of keeping skeletons dead, but he'd have to fight the DaS bosses just like anyone else.

Also of note is that legendary holy weapons are not unheard of in Dark Souls. DaS3 at the very least literally has 'Lothric's Holy Sword' and it's more or less the same as any other weapon.

fuck you

why would a weapon that's power is divine in nature still have power in a realm absent of the beings that grant it divine power? It wouldn't

Dark Souls wasnt even hard, I hate this normie meme. Zelda 1 was even harder

I don't think America houses orcs or dark elves.


That's a fair point, actually, but on the other hand aren't there weapons like the Black Knight Set that have a significant damage bonus against specific types of beings, demons in particular? You're right, it wouldn't instakill them though. My mistake.

That is only relevant if you assume that the power to repel darkness is a channeled ability dependant on the wielder maintaining a connection with and favor of a chosen deity, rather than an inherent property of the weapon itself imbued unto it at when it was created.


Yeah but Zelda 2 is harder than 1. i don't think DS as a franchise ever exceeds the first zelda. And even then Id love to see today's normalfaggots even attempt Ninja Gaiden 1-3. I doubt they could beat those even with savestate scumming on an emulator.

>I doubt they could beat those even with savestate scumming on an emulator.
For what anecdotal evidence might be worth, I did. Savestates can get you through anything, user.

Both Dark Souls and Zelda are for faggots.


That skeleton looks female based on the pelvic area

I'm talking your average video game player. They would either get frustrated at not figuring out the trick to beating the infamous jump in the last stage or they would get frustrated at the final boss. Only way i can see them beating it is if they figure out the spin jump vs the bosses. And that wont save you in 2 or 3.

Also you're a fag for requiring savestates. Go back and do it without. All 3 of them, they're great games and deserve to be played properly.

I honestly found the original castlevania to be harder than either of those, and Dark Souls packed my shit in the beginning anyways. It's not like all the skills you learn are transferable between genres or even games in the same genre.
if the filename was DaS1pvp it would be perfect.

>mobile device
Easily the most infuriating part of this bait. Phoneposter genocide when?

And it leaves the potential to expand upon the plot. Like I imagine that Link was just a shadow clone, and then both proceed to have an autistic fight full of anime tropes.

It's a scimitar, actually, but tell me, what's wrong with that combo?

Go to hell

you can see her eyes that's haram

Wrong. Narrow pubic arch and a prominent glabella. Probably male.

You know nothing fucking happens if you don't reply, you sperglords? It's like you faggots are 5 and believe in Santa Claus if you think a picture on an imageboard can have any effect on you.

Let us pray for this poor soul whose mother will soon depart from this mortal coil

How can obvious bait catch this many people?

>That is only relevant if you assume that the power to repel darkness is a channeled ability dependant on the wielder maintaining a connection with and favor of a chosen deity, rather than an inherent property of the weapon itself imbued unto it at when it was created.

so even then why would you assume they undead of lordran are weak to that particular flavor of divinity? Their world was made by different gods. It would make sense the creation of humans now undead are compelled differently.Things like evil and holy are relative to their world and it's gods.

Ree harder for daddy

posting comics?

Every day is another day closer to death for my bedridden mother. It's been difficult.


I kek'd

Never played Dark souls unless my friends let me. I played bloodborne which actually got me into the "souls like" as some people say.

I am tired of seeing "souls like" though.

Is this a skeleton thread?

Notice how I didn't mention undead, although before posting I considered making the distinction between the "true" undead [by the way, by undead I mean skeletons, not the Bonfire-linked ones] risen directly by Gravelord Nito, and the ones created by Pinwheel and others usurping his power. I think that if anything, the Master Sword would only have effect against demons [which are twisted and unnatural], and the Abyss [due to its darkness-repelling powers]. Basically the biggest assumption I'm making is that "darkness" both in the Zelda and the Souls universe follow roughly the same properties, and as a result the Master Sword could be particularly effective against both.


doesn't he get full?

Thats actually pretty fucking good you guys


you're still making the same assumption


Well fug, you're actually right

>he has a persecution complex
>not the other guy that started calling him american

to fit in with the epic hardcore gamer crowd


he hit him with his spiky bracer thing :^)

His biggest mistake was using a sword against an enemy that's weak against strike damage.

>implying santa isn't real
enjoy your coal at Christmas

I r8 8/8

Because memes.
Our greatest thing is also being used by normies to be our greatest weakness. All normies do is over use dead memes that we created and discarded.

I think you're giving Sup Forums too much credit for being originators of content. We used to be but that age has long since passed. (about a year before dark souls even came out)

With all the goofy stuff that happens in that movie, it's a shame that 99% of jokes about it are just one scene.