What does your ideal Elder Scrolls 6 look like, Sup Forums?

What does your ideal Elder Scrolls 6 look like, Sup Forums?

>not having Creation Club
>(laughs internally)

Micro transactions to rent perks for thirty minutes, paid mods, and another civil war.

Need lootboxes

An actually decent combat system
Better spells
Better alchemy
Non-heavy armors to actually have a reason to exist

Vegans, microtransaction, wyverns with 4 legs, lgbtqzjfhalebxsl, pop culture references

This. Also set in Hammerfell or Valenwood.

Civil war but like Shadow of War invading system.

Don’t expect an RPG

Oh, ideal TES... I misread.


I'd like to see how it'd work out to keep level scaling in most areas, but then to also have dungeons tuned to specific level ranges.
It could give loot meaning again

Mod boxes of course, pay a small fee of $5 and get one of the many great mods from our creation club at random

a furry paradise

lots and lots of argonians

>Choose race at the beginning, no stat differences
>Voiced protagonist, same voice no matter what race you chose
>Character starts out being able to use magic, swords, or a bow all equally well no matter what you did in character creation
>No stats at all, only perks which add damage bonuses/resistances

shut up user
>tfw this is actually going to happen

Given to another dev who can actually make a good rpg

Can we get elves that don't look like goblins?

>this already happened with fallout
>this system was already showing signs of rearing its head in Skyrim with the perk trees
what a sad state of affairs

Magic, lore, and world design on par with Morrowind

Nothing wrong with perk trees, the problems were about 90% of all the perk basically amounted to
>you do more damage
>you take less damage
>you need less stamina/magicka
None of that shit changes the way you play the game, the only change I felt vanilla was getting that running power attack.

I care about the fate of the Fallout series more than TES series.
I can't bring myself to care about the world since there's very little that's applicable to me.

This already happened in skyrim except for the voiced protag. Though the whole level skill by using them is not a bad idea but is terrible implemented and balanced in TES games.
Also this

plays like dark messiah, writing/atmosphere of morrowind, takes place in Elsweyr during the void nights, you become the next Mane

Melee fights

>being able to block AND parry
>your blows actually have an visual impact
>being able to perform special actions with very basic button combinations
>weapons feel really different according to their category

Why not have two provinces; High Rock and Hammerfell. Since the Thalmor will likely be the main antagonists, these two provinces would be the perfect pick. You have the Adamantine tower in High Rock so that's a major point of contention between the Thalmor and men. Hammerfell is stoutly resisting the Thalmor, so yet another ideal area for the game to take place in.

The court intrigue in High Rock would be like the council houses in morrowind, but potentially more complex.

turn based real time combat, you buy lives through micro transactions that need to be repurchased after 48 hours if not used up

Now that even the most casual player knows the Elder Scrolls because of Skyrim, do you think they'll start adding depth to the games? Surely they can't dumb them down even further.

yeah fuck Argonians, they make my spine shill whenever i'm around one.

You'd be surprised how much further they can dumb it down. Did you see what happened with Fallout 4?