Switch hype is dead. Mario Odyssey is coming out soon and yet these things are STILL NOT SELLING

Switch hype is dead. Mario Odyssey is coming out soon and yet these things are STILL NOT SELLING.

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Nobody wanted a gaming tablet

Seriously did Reggie literally shit in this guys cereal or something? He has lost his mind

Sony ponies are getting desperate. They should.

Holler when you hit 63 million.

I want to fuck Joshy's head stump

Are you talking about the PS4? It's only sold 60

Why do you keep making threads about this butthurt faggot?

>System nowhere to be found
fucking artificial scarcity
>Nintendo keeps systems in stock
lol hype ded

Considering the holiday season is coming and there's likely to be a sale I'd say people are waiting.

>a sale
>on nintendo hardware
Haha lol

fuck off joshy.

Can a mod just fucking ban any post that has Josh's stupid fucking face in it? I'm so sick of seeing his dumbass tweets

>console is impossible to find for nearly 7 months
>people who haven't bought it yet are waiting for holiday season to pick it up
>hype dead
Why does diaperboy hate Nintendo SO much? Isn't his entire channel Nintendo-based?

>broken defective hardware
>from a company known for releasing new models almost every year
Gee, I wonder what Nintendies are waiting for?

Its been in stock in Amazon for weeks. The hype died a while ago.
Everyone that wanted one early re-thought their purchase or just played Zelda on CEMU.

Can one man be such a faggot
I've never meant anyone with such a hate boner for anything like Josh has for nintendo. how sad does your life have to be that all you have is hatred towards a single video game company. If i don't like something i'll make fun of it, sure all of Sup Forums does that but i don't actively do what Josh does here. I'm not actually desperate for something like xbox or sony to fail. I don't get mad when a game i don't like is made and is successful, i just ignore it or shitpost on Sup Forums a little. this fucking goes all out and is desperate to the point of claiming suicide if nintendo is successful and deletes his account every time he's assblasted about it. Isn't there literally anything else he could be doing?

There have been switches at my local walmart for months. I dont get the "cant find one" meme

No one played Zelda on CEMU that isn't a fucking sperg.

>Nintendo fanboys are so brainwashed they think consoles available on store shelves is a bad thing

>>console is impossible to find for nearly 7 months
Its been easy to find since August my dude.

i've found ps4s and xbones everywhere for YEARS

guess that means they've been not selling for a long time


hey look its that guy that shoved joycons up his ass

This joshy faggot needs to be instant permaban on post.

Idk who this guy is but he sure does trigger the nin toddler. I mean, just look at them squirm in this thread

That's the month I picked it up and every store I went to after had it sold out

Josh literally thinks Mario in a wedding dress is a trans political statement and not a generic ""japanese humor"" gag and got triggered hard even though we've had Luigi in a dress in a game that was in his precious gamecube era

Holler when your company gets in the black


>the nintendo Switch is no selling

just gonna drop this here and leave


It's Josh himself posting his twitter shit, isn't it?
Don't tell me someone on Sup Forums actually follows some nobody around and posts his tweets here.

>Not avaible for months


>Avaible on locally not bought


Diaperboy is pretty fucking stupid and so are most Nintendo haters.
The console itself sells 150k units per week on avarge spiking up every few weeks becuase of a new game release.
Imagine what will happen if Black Friday and Christmas hits.
8-10 million consoles sold in the first 9 months compared to 13-14 million Wii U units All Time Sales.

> Holler
Sony niggers

>mods delete my post but not this thread

>likely to be a sale
Dude wii us are still like 300 bucks

He's literally a nintenbro, his youtube channel for the last like 7 years has been jerking off nintendo. The moment he didn't get a switch for free, he turned into a gigantic faggot.

3DS already did years ago.

Doesn't this guy make his living streaming/reporting/whatevering exclusively Nintendo stuff too?

i dont understand the argument, there are always consoles sitting on shelves at any market, that doesnt mean they dont sell tho

Josh is a based /ourguy/ for throwing shitendrones into a furious autistic tantrum. Its so hilarious to look at LMFAO!

When new leaf came out, he made like a video a day of visiting peoples houses for like 2 years. Josh is a huge faggot

Its pretty funny yeah

>D-doesn't c-count!

Jim Sterling does it better

Big if true

Nope he stopped because "Muh free speech, fanboys don't let me express my self REEEEEEE" because people called him out for making a channel based around Nintendo when in reality it was just a cheap way to get people to watch his Animal Crossing Journals.

Who are you quoting?

Lies and slander!

Even if it was a trans political statement, stuff like that has been in Nintendo games for years. Animal Crossing for example has long allowed you to wear hairstyles and outfits of the opposite gender


Reggie personally murdered this guy's parents in cold blood. True story.

Crossdressng isn't automatically trans, I hate the current year

Whats with nintendo and crossdressing?

>Sup Forums Defends a Diaperfag: The Story of How a Board on a Chinese Moving Picture Forum got BTFO by a Videogame Company that Makes Games for Kids.

WiiU 2.0

The same thing could be said if you love a single video game company that the validation of your existence relies on it.

Just searched animal crossing on his channel and came up with over 200 videos.

Don't worry I'll buy one for christmas senpai

I gotchu, 'Tendo. ; )

*KACHING*, 0.03 Nintendollars were withdrawn from your account

Like I said, it's just Japanese humor, men dressing up in frilly clothes, being donked in the head with pie tins. Elevens yuck it up.

The English equivalent would be "dad jokes".


Here's the run down

>Be Nintendo Fan
>Make dumb videos sucking Nintendo's cock throughout the Wii era
>Get slightly popular (for the time), quickly becomes irrelevant as Youtube grows and gaming videos become more mainstream
>Becomes a literally who
>Starts to harass other Let's Players and Nintendo channels, eventually pissing off one guy who has close contacts to some of NOA's PR Reps
>They basically tell him to stop
>He becomes a whiny manbaby when he doesn't get the latest Nintendo games RIGHT AWAY for free (mind you, he would still got them, he would just get them late, after many of the big reviewers got them)
>He thinks it's because Nintendo doesn't like him when in reality its because he's a literally fucking who channel
>Still harasses other channels, starts to shit talk Nintendo, going as far as obsessing over some of the Nintendo PR people on their personal Facebook
>eventually gets blacklisted
>Becomes bitter faggot who only hates Nintendo now
>Literally believes the only reason the Wii was so popular was because of his videos, he actually believes Nintendo sold millions of Wii games because of him. Not making this up
>Switch is announced
>All of a sudden he starts kissing Nintendo's ass again, making happy videos and defending the Switch from haters
>Surprise surprise, it was all a ploy to try and get back on Nintendo's Partner Program and receive a Switch for free. Spoilers: It didn't work, they told him he's blacklisted and to fuck off, became huge baby faggot again

I could go on and on, including how he's a Drumpf supporter and how he cut ties with GameXplain because of his political views (when in reality it's pretty obvious he's just a jealous fuck who's envious of Andre and his relationship with Nintendo)

I saw Andre and Derrick in the press section at the world championships this year, I can just imagine Josh being a faggot at home.

ebin ;>)

Tendies btfo

Lots of people wanted a gaming tablet.

To be fair gamexplain is far fucking left but at least they never shower you in FUCK DRUMPF in their videos.

Josh meanwhile has a very clearly visible drumpf bobblehead on his fucking desk and smug drumpf as his twitter banner up until this month

Maybe if Nintendo released some NEW games the console would sell.

>this guy again
Why doesn't he sell his Switch if he hates it that much?

>Supporting and agreeing with a diaperfag

You faggots are so desperate, it's hilarious,

>Switch already has 161 games only seven months in
>this is BAD

>making fun of diapers while being a ninty fan

Posting this faggot should result in a permaban

>nintendo has been releasing new games for the switch ever since it released
>the switch has been selling like crazy

what did you mean by this?

o b s e s s e d

Kill yourself cuck

Games journalism is easily the biggest problem the game industry has next to EA and microtransactions.

Except the huge draw for games on the Switch is making games portable that never were before.

I'm sick of the 40th Skyrim release, but it actually has a small purpose, unlike the PS4 version.

Nice argument user, you totally showed him

blame crowbcat

What are gaming laptops?

Josh is anything but a journalist, hes a youtuber that no one watches anymore because he couldn't do anything but make animal crossing videos.

>there are 11 switch consoles at this place where I'm at, this is no doubt totally representative of the global market as a whole

so this is the guy that wears diapers and shoves things up his ass on camera. i'm not really surprised that all of you are into that.

I've seen things you Nintendo fans wouldn't believe. [laughs] Switch game pallets on fire off the loading docks of Wal-Mart. I watched stacks of Switches glitter in the dark near the heart of a Target Distribution Center. All those consoles will be lost in time, like [coughs] Wii Us in the resale market.

Piece of shit attention whore. Fuckers still salty get got thrown out on the street, where his fuckface belongs.

Why is this guy so fucking mad at Nintendo?

1. Overpriced garbage
2. Not a portable console

Comparing the Switch to a laptop is apples to oranges.

Stop posting your tweets here we have enough console warring faggots already.

Who the fuck is Josh you mouthbreathing idiot. We don't know your friends in school

damn could it be the fucking attentionwhore in the OP who happens to have the name josh whose name alone has 17 results in this thread including the post you replied to

better a mouthbreathing retard than a blind one you fucking shitter

>shittalks Metroid Samus Returns for weeks
>not because of the game, mind you, but because it's made by Nintendo
>expects it to bomb
>game actually sold pretty well and got good reviews
How mad is he?

this isn't your safe space faggot

No one at Nintendo gives a shit about him and didn't send him a switch so hes gone full anti nintendo despite jerking their dick off for the last 10 years.

Didn't he say he will shoot himself if its above 200k? Well now we know it's around 500k based on M+R reports

>>expects it to bomb
>>game actually sold pretty well and got good reviews
He explicitly said, in his own words, it needed to sell at least 2 million copies to be considered successful in relation to this period of the 3DS' life cycle (ie: the tail end). The installbase for the 3DS is huge and larger than the Switch but the active playerbase that still plays (and more importantly buys) is smaller than ever.

It bombed and Nintendo isn't bragging about the success of its sales like they typically do when a game outdoes expectations.

this isn't your safe space faggot


Are you under 18 years old?
You're using purple prose, so I can't tell.

Samus Returns bombed.

But nintendo is bragging. The PR release they had bragged that it was at no.8
>needed to sell at least 2 million copies to be considered successful
Is that out of his ass?