Slavs of Sup Forums what games do you play?

Slavs of Sup Forums what games do you play?





fuck slavs and fuck all white people

why? not all of us are bad



Mainly JRPGs and recently Yakuza

>computers were invented by whites
>internet was invented by whites
>electricity was invented by whites

Without white people you wouldn't even be able to spout your shitty opinion.

FPS,Platformers and maybe an RPG from time to time

Arma 2

i have like 4k hour in it

>not wearing adidas tracksuit
>squatting on toes and not full heel


Mostly japanese games and pre-2007 western games with the occasional exception.

Today I played Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead and tonight I will play South Park(tm): tFBW

What a govnar, he can't even keep his feet flat



vtmb, underrail, opus magnum, gothic 2, elex, dropsy, xeodrifter, sh3

why do Slavs seem to have the same taste in vidya as Germans

Barn Owl, nice

Etrian Odyssey 5 atm

Skyrim and BOTW on CEMU

judging by my dota mm games every russian in the world plays dota


tell me about the slavs. why do they wear the tracksuits?

Unlike what Americans seem to think, Slave and Germans are really similar in many ways.

If they take it off, will they die?


Tracksuits are seen as some kind of status symbol dating back to the Cold War and the Olympics that took place in Russia.

чe ты хyйню нeceш нepycкий чтoли блять

But a lot of Germans dislike Slavs

Currently? Utawarerumono: MoT. In general? RPGs and all kinds of adventure games.

Just beat Undertale, it's a pretty cute game fun game, why do people hate it so much? Is it because of the fanbase?
Deus Ex is next in the backlog, can't wait to get into it.

Action games. FPS, shoot em ups and beat em ups are my favourites. And STALKER obviously

Not one of them but from experience I'd guess every free to play game ever made just to ruin it ofr other people.

Zelda botw at the moment.

Usually not much else.

Fun fact: The word "slave" is derived from Slav.

>tfw my desktop will never be this clean

Dead Space 2 and How to Survive 2 with a friend. Also thingken of modding New Vegas, but, knowing my previous attempts, I'm either gonna get fed up during the mod installation, or the game will just crash

>heels up in the air

pick one

That's just idiotic

Slaves existed way before Slavs were even known to most of the world.

Slav stems from the word slava which means glory in all Slavic languages

literally every slav and german is playing Elex right now

not me

Nope,i'm playing Gothic 2 right now. Fuck Elex.

>Just because it sounds similar in English makes it true

Every other language that matters it's different, English doesn't mean shit.

Latin is a prime example

For you

If you want me to be some stereotypical Slavshit I love sitting in my dark dingy high rise apartment drinking beer and vodka while masturbating to the STALKER series. Other than that I would say the most "Slavic" games I play are mostly simulators

>farming sim
>euro truck sim
>my summer car
>literally any generic first person open world survival game. You name I've played it
>racing games. bonus points if it's a rally game
>oh and Mother Russia Bleeds. I liked it but please pirate it or get it on sale.
>recently picked up Gold Rush simulator and Hunter call of the wild. So far so good.

Other than that I play mostly AAA titles and

youre retarded

youre ok

Aren't all those stereotype annoying? It's like thinking french are still hanging out witht their baguette and a stripped shirt.

I have fun with the stereotype. I live in the US now and it isn't bad. Slavs aren't openly made fun of here, at least compared to other places. My gym buddy does make fun of me though since alot of my gym gear is Adidas but that's about it.

gee,why you gotta be so rude

how did you get the lower bar to look like that?

Xenus or Xenus 2?

Pirated games

Stereotypes are funny, no reason to get offended by them unless you're a pussy


>Mother Russia Bleeds
Go play Fight'N Rage, unless you were in it for the aesthetics only.

Currently playing Morrowind and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. After those I want eventually get to playing Etrian Odyssey V, I adore the EO franchise.

they have cute girls in slavland 0_0

Not at all, they're pretty funny desu

I love the slav sterotype of when the Slav nations joined the EU every cunt else wants to leave.

The Evil Within 2

DotA 2, Pillars of Eternity.

>>farming sim
>>euro truck sim

I thought, that german gamers play such games.

Mostly playing R6 Siege and Monster Hunter right now
Also trying to play Far Cry 2 but it's fucking boring

Playing EU4 primarily, sort of dropped stalker misery mod after 2 bloodsuckers fucked my ass one too many times.

I play LoL, and desu I don't get why so many people on this board hate it

Don't get fooled user, they're cute till they get hit with the babuchka nuke

What's worse: a slav or a chav?

a fink

Guilty Gear Xrd

I'm playing picrelated right now. Other days, just old games in general and roguelikes like ADoM and DoomRL.

A Hat in Time. Fun all around, obviously made with love and it runs on a notebook well to boot.

>Bydlos VS Chavs VS Hooligans VS Skinheads VS Gangstas VS ...

You have a perfect vidya idea right there.

currently divinity 2, loving it

but that's me

Xcom and fallout actually. Just hacked my 3ds and try dive Into Fire emblem, enjoy it for now.

Dota, vanilla wow, stalker, sh5, arma 2, medieval 2.

>tfw a pic of you gets posted

Where in the us?

Mega Man X2

Came here to post this

Modded doom, stalker, red orchestra 2 and tf2.

I've played the everloving shit out of the STALKER series and 7.62, what are some other slav games you guys recommend?

>Beyond Oasis
nice pick

Talos Principle
Serious Sam
The Void
Metro 2033 and Last Light
Witcher 1

>Slav stems from the word slava which means glory in all Slavic languages
mfw it's true I didn't even know that, nice

Keep sitting on a large backlog of barely unfinished games, like on the last mission level of unfinished.

>why do people hate it so much? Is it because of the fanbase?
yes. I enjoyed it for a while and I don't usually mind fanbases, they're all cancer but this time it really was so bad I absolutely hate the game now. Had to hide it from my steam library so I don't have to be reminded ever again

slavs aren't pussies to be offended by jokes

I have over 500 games on steam, but nowadays mostly bloodborne on ps4 and r6 siege on pc

Here’s another fun fact: servus, literally meaning slave or as a noun “I will serve you”, is a common term for hello and goodbye over here in styria slovenia and austria, probably to some extent also croatia

Or "serbus"


>>electricity was invented by whites

almost forgot God was white. damn

switching between divinity os2, xcom2, pubg, shadow tactics, mario galaxy 2 lately, and trying to beat witcher 3 for the last 2.5 years but it fucking bores me to death, kurwa

Bavaria too, thats literally all they say

STALKER, Gothic 1, 2, Risen, Elex, Witcher 3, GTA V, CSGO, Quake Live.