Have you ever been addicted to a game to where it takes away all of your interest in better games...

Have you ever been addicted to a game to where it takes away all of your interest in better games? When I try to play another game I practically never play for more than an hour

How do I free myself? How did you?

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Get your acct banned or sell it

Also this is not a FFXIV thread

But I talk to so many good friends I met on there and outside the game. I dont want to end up like those MMO monsters who has been in the game for years...

Stop caring so much about the game. Just like a highly sexual life, too much can really be a bad thing. Take yourself away from the game, all games really and do something else with your life.

get a job, or ask for more hours. Do volunteer work either at a church or local charity. Pick up a new hobby. Maybe even start small and ask yourself when's the last time you cleaned your room? Just do something so you don't have to deal with the game anymore.

If this is really an issue with you, take it seriously. I have a friend who lost everything because he was addicted to WoW. His girlfriend left him, he lost his job, had things stolen from him, and was nearly killed. It literally took him hitting rock bottom for him to shape up. Don't hit rock bottom.

>How do I free myself
You don't
>How did you?
I didn't
While i do like playing ff14 a lot, it doesnt stop me from playing other games
If i dont feel like grinding that day, i go play something like nier, OW or something in my backlog
You just gotta find something that gets your attention

>get a job, or ask for more hours
>thinks he can get more hours in this obama fucked work environment that got rid of 40hour fulltime jobs with benefits in favor of no benefit 39hour with unpaid over time part time jobs

>raid with a bunch of people
>this girl gets drunk while playing and acts funny in voice chat
>I mention how she's funny when drunk
>adds me on discord to want to """talk""".
>asks me my gender and to voice chat with her

What do I do bros? I'm fucking scared.

That's why I gave other options, numbnuts.

If you have a full time job, it should be fairly easy to quit since you only have a couple of hours a day to play vidya and you should spend it on actual good games instead of shitty MMOs that suck thousands of hours. If youre a NEET then you are stuck with the MMO because you have so much free time which is the perfect match for shitty MMOs.
>t. NEET addicted to MMO and ruining his life over it.

>nonironically thinking it was Obama, and not corporate conservative board room capitalists who want more money fucking you over

Maga pepeepee XD


I've moved recently so my room is kind of meh. Weekly grinds from these MMOs are a curse I swear. I have alot of fun meeting and playing together with the other players, but hell it can be addicting
I had a job I hated in florida but the game helped me feel a bit better. Now I'm looking for a job in NC. Before I got into the game I was into story, gameplay and music kino. Favorite games being MGS1, DMC1, Silent Hill, Nier, FFX, RoF. I still have Persona 5 to finish so maybe that will help me fuck off from xiv

can someone post the yoshi P interview pictures

How do you get addicted to this game?
Everything I did in end-game was some awful experiece.

If you reach endgame I would consider yourself addicted already.

what pants are those?

skallic aiming/healing

This. Fucking 400 Main Story Quests

>job locked

damn it.

Hopefully. Remember to also notify your new address and get new plates. Hopefully a new day to day will keep you busy enough.


Dont subscribe to a single game.

call everyone a nigger in shout chat

Or just uninstall like I did, you're suffering from Sunken Cost


M8 I've worked 72 hours a week for a few months and I just ended up sleeping 4 hours a day on average.

>suffering from sunken cost
Yeah this is it. It stopped me from buying anime shit games thinking I was saving money but now just playing xiv is mundane. The community of the game is extremely toxic so that helped me realize this problem. My ps3 remote broke so I stopped replaying my all time favorites. Then I bought an awful 40 dollar ps3 remote used that uses the glossy material while my old one was matte which was awesome
Maybe this thread helps other anons addicted as well

>producer telling people not to play his game all day and that its ok to stop and play other things
Does this man have a heart or something?

Japanese devs respect their players more than Western devs.

If thats true then why the fuck is the game plagued with elements that require you to log in every day or you fall behind?
Fucking lying gooks

Endless grinding is unattractive to anyone with a brain thats paying money MONTHLY to enjoy it. I know how WoW is now and the playerbase just seems like a zombie's shadow of it's former self. FFXIV has some silly grinds itself though as an MMO.

Outside of tomes and easy mode raid tokens
What other things lock you into falling behind?

There is no escape

The game is designed so you are never really behind. Every patch there's a new iLevel max. You can do the bare minimum, wait a few patches and do the harder stuff. There's no reason to ever nose grind Savage stuff, as it all becomes easier when time moves along.

From a completionist perspective
>Daily beast tribes
>Anything related to gathering especially fishing (not locked daily but locked hourly which is just as bad because if you want a lot of a resource you have to stay on basically all day)
>Sightseeing logs being locked behind certain times of day but its completely random
>Leves having a limit not allowing you to level any crafter efficiently
Thinking about it i guess you can just not do any of that stuff and technically still be in the current "meta" of the game but still they lock so much shit behind time gates in this game that they dont have the right to be telling people things like that.

Dont. Girls that play this game are fucking nutcases. You know how they say dont stick your dick in crazy? Its even worse when you dont even get to stick your dick in them because they live 10 states over but you still get all the crazy. We've all been there, its not worth it.

>Being a completionist for an MMO
This is what dragged me deeper in

Same actually
However i actually enjoy the time i spend in this game so i dont really mind

Nothing you listed is really locked by you not logging in every day except maybe beast daily quests
Hell im like 2 ranks away in the ixali from finishing all ARR beasts quests 2 expansions in and i barely touched HW beast quests

Just play patch 4.1. You'll get tired of the lack of content and burn out.

>see our FC's neighbor plot is empty
>PM the owner of the house to see if he'd be interested in a trade
>get no reply
>my friend asks the same
>still no reply

It's unironical, you stupid cow.

I said from a completionist perspective. As in if you want this thing done you have to grind it out on their time rather than yours. Like for example if i wanted to go replay FFX and i wanted to get all of the characters zodiac weapons i can do that whenever i want. An hour today, 2 hours tomorrow etc. If i want something like the sightseeing logs in XIV then i have to sit there with a website open all day and go to the designated points during specific times and if i miss one then tough shit try again in 3 days. This is bad design and why i think them telling people that kind of thing is basically lying.

>i have to sit there with a website open all day and go to the designated points during specific times and if i miss one then tough shit try again in 3 days
Only for the ARR sightseeing require that

And werent NMs in 11 like that? except with even more bullshit tied to it like claiming and spawns?

>want to awoo
>get bat ears
>tail on chest

>Only for the ARR sightseeing requires that
Lol no. There are still timed ones even in stormblood dude and to be honest wouldnt have a problem with that if they didnt lock the paintings behind finishing the ARR ones.

This My time and Their time thing is very true. I used to be into the Gathering jobs for the game and if I missed a node I would have to wait 20 minutes again for what I wanted just to get more exp or a nice craft

>Tfw beat FFX and never touched post game.
I think I'll do this

>ultimate coil on Tuesday
>5/8 static left

I just broke free 2 weeks ago.

I really like FFXIV but I wasn't able to find people to play with regularly.

What datacenter?

i had 8 years log in on FFXI.

Nomal video games do nothing any more.

I am top 5000 GW2 players i only give it 1/20 what i did ffxi.

You gotta tell me which ones because all of the ones in SB i've seen are all marked and gotten without any time/weather lock just like the HW ones

Try /vg/

Yeah that's currently me with RuneScape. Gonna start using macros to do the cancer switches though so I'll either enjoy the game much more or get banned. I win either way.

Is ending DWT early to get bahamut out faster a good strategy? My friend keeps bullying me when I let DWT run its full duration before deathflaring.
What do I do?

>cant dye tail without dying the whole shirt

You slow in the head or something?

For the opener yes. You do this to get you into the proper cooldown rotation since you start with Aetherflow active and off CD at the start of a fight.

After that though you're just throwing away DPS if you do so.

>se excuses is that au ra and miqote tails are actually part of their chest

Gomen user, meant to reply to , not your quitting


>a filler patch has filler and ketchup content for the 99%
Imagine my shock.

>built in fluffy tail
>wolf ears remove the cat ears
Possibly my favorite head gear added

>wolf ears don't hide the hyur ears

I wish the foxed ears replaced normal cat ears as well. They would look cute angled back.

>catsluts too busy ERPing to notice the colors don't even come close to matching

break friendships with 90% of friends on FF

they were losers anyway

Amateur! I had thousands of days on FFXI

All future animal ears should work like this, cats are the best race and so deserve the best glamours. You just know they made the wolf ears this way because of all the catsluts complaining about the fox ears giving them 4 ears - now its your turn.

Add them on Discord to stay in touch. The ones that are worth their shit will keep up with you, while everyone else (it'll be like 90% of them) will never talk to you again. Do it, I quit FFXIV shortly before HW ended and I have real life friends that play. Every time I look at the game again I don't regret quitting. You gotta go cold turkey for a week or so and you'll realize how much a waste MMOs are.


Cats are disgusting std ridden sluts
A hyur with dog ears is the cutest and purest thing you could be

Ah, thanks user. Have a cat as thanks.

Nah, i just like to glamour
Bikini glamours are low effort and and ERPers are shit
And dye options are limited, thats the best i could do without them being too dark or too bright

A shame since i thought about going hyur if they looked good

>Now it's your turn
Nigger it was our turn last time when those fucking fox ears gave us four ears. You're not special.

I did meet some really nice people and have em on Discord. most of the ones I met through xivg were a mistake . Hardest part is trying to resist finishing up the weekly loot grind


Most female hairstyles cover up human ears though, cat ears can't be hidden. And if you're using one of the short tumblr haircuts on a girl hyur you deserve it.

Someone make this smaller than 4mb thanks

>pumpkin prisms are character bound

Fuck you Yoshi!

>Get your acct banned
ive been blatantly cheating for monhts and gms wont do anything to me what the fuck

How do I find a girlfriend on this game?


why is she having an autistic fit

>using those shitty seasonal prisms
literally inventory waste

did they know what they had unleashed with these emotes? i think so.

lost a roll to a Lalafell

He probably rigged it and that's why she's mad

they knew
people still complained and begged

I dropped the game cold turkey soon after HW released despite being a legacy player. The game reached its apex during Second Coil. It's all been downhill since.

>that flat roe butt
Of all the races, roes should be packing something in the back considering their massive size.

>beat shinryu for the first time
>oh fuck the mount dropped
>roll a 1
every fucking time i roll for something neat

I realized I spent half a year's worth of hours on XIV so I uninstalled and unsubbed
Haven't touched it in a month


everyone's flat because they fucking hate asses

Find a game or series that really grabs your attention and makes you want to finish it, just keep trying until you find it.

I recently started the Ys games for the first time and I'm fucking loving it, already finished I&II and currently on origins.

Literally every XIV race has a flat butt, male and female.

I recently got into that series too! Beat Origins and then Celceta. Nice niche series

>play another game
>drop it 3 h later and go back to xiv

I'm well aware, but I feel that male roes are the worst contenders.