ELEX bread

ELEX bread

Jank is love -edition

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The Outlaws seem the most interesting to me so far, but looking at their skills it seems like they're the least viable playstyle. I haven't actually met any other factions besides the Skyrim bois but can anyone tell me if Outlaws are just plain shit, or is using low tech guns viable? (No spoil anything pls, am having funs)

Why do female characters' boobs jiggle from side to side in this game all the time, lol

None of the factions are plaint shit imo, they all got their pros and cons. I dislike the berzerkers the most tho, faggy faggots.

Same, I can't wait to get out of this shitty town with their gay ass giant seeds and shit

To make your pepe hard.

because PB doesn't give a H*CK about political correctness.

Buy my game

I already did my man.

What's missing in PB games in general is fishing. Fishing would be top comfy.

Woah another shill thread color me surprised!

Anyone finished this?

What exactly am I supposed to do?

>discussing video games is now considered shilling

The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums

>try to create a rpg that is actually complex rather than streamlined bioblizz trash
>get called jank by ameritrash

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand ELEX. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of RPG mechanics most of the choices will go over a typical player's head. There’s also Jax’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from elex withdrawal, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these Factions, to realize that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about JANK. As a consequence people who dislike ELEX truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Jax’s existential catchphrase “got something to sell?,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Piranha Byte’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have an ELEX tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>My name is Not Important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!

Are these all cities/camps?

>buying a painfully mediocre RPG with combat from 2006

Holy SHIT ahahahah

What the fuck did you just fucking say about Elex you cunt? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in programming. I have over 300 completed projects.

Jank is jank, lesser, greater, middling - makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definition blurred. If I'm to choose between jank and another, I'd rather not choose at all.

>Get pickpocket
>pickpocket every single npc that you come across anywhere
>just save and sneak+pickpocket immediately and most pickpockets will never fail even at 1 skill
>amass a huge amount of money
>get chemistry and buy the elex potion from Alrik in Goliet
>Use money from pickpocketing to buy liquor/natural elex from alb npc in domed city
>Can now have as many attribute points as you want

Also have any of you guys found any useful items/ hidden away stuff? I found these sunglasses that highlight every item you can pick up on the windmill to the NE of domed city.

I also helped that girl escape the island to Goliet and she gave me a claw that let me join the thieves guild in domed city.

I'm still in starter gear and have focused points in int for the attribute skill but I'm having fun trying to break the game.

That's the name of the "genre". It's fitting enough since these type of games don't have a massive budget so they can be a bit clunky.

I guess a better question is, are the Outlaws just a gathering of random people, some cool, some shit, or are they your usual retard collection of bloodthirsty idiots that just get killed by Kenshiro?

I pirated it and it's very enjoyable so I will probably buy it once the price drops.

Somebody NEEDS to make the "the virgin Bethesda toddler vs. the PB chad" picture STAT!

Is this game actually any good or is it one of those Sup Forums meme games they pretend liking like VTMB or Dragon's Dogma for example?

Whatthe fuck is this game and why so many threads

The combat is not good, but it's funny how much crying there is when Skyrim is literally one button retard combat.

How is the soundtrack? Did based Kai do it?


Yes but it's missing one major city
For this I think you do just have to bring Caja around for quests and make sure you do decisions that make her happy. It's annoying but not unreasonable. Not sure how much approval you will need though.

Even after killing all of the Albs in that city it don't change anything.

You get a lot of loot from dead NPCs though.

Arguably the best WRPG since new vegas

>being this much of a pleb

>jank being a bad thing in the current year
Wew lad. It's like with 'autism'. We have long transcended it having a necessarily bad association.

If you think those games are bad, just fuck off and go play Fallout 4. You'll be happier that way.

It's called jank in a positive way, you autistic Gernigger.
It's kinda hilarious how Germans manage to be like ten times as retarded as Americans.

Kai left after Risen 1. You can feel the change of the harmony in music when you compare the soundtracks of Gothics/Risen 1 and Risen 2-3/Elex

It's almost as if Sup Forums is full of individuals with different taste in games. Make up your own mind. Did you play previous PB games? Did you like them or not? It's more of that.

VTMB is just your mediocre unfinished Source engine shovelware and DD combat is so fucking flawed for a game that's supposedly focusing on it.

its the new shilled hipster rpg
much like when witcher 2 came out

The shitposters were exposed as sharts two or three threads ago.

Great; like I said, save yourself the time as you will not like this game, and go buy Fallout 4 or perhaps Skyrim.

>basic bitch aRPG combat with a tacked on combo meter
Loving every laugh.

This guy slaps your 2017 GOTY in the ass. What do?

I loved the risen 1 combat. Shame they didn't grow on that, but instead took steps back.

>actually consider joining the Berserkers
>open up my menu in town
>everyone near me has a meltdown over it

Fuck off with the Bethesda boogeyman, I despise Fallout 4 and Skyrim. VTMB and DD are just so ridiculously overrated by this place.

How do you get Arx? Currently only know about Duras or the robot.

Björn literally created the soundtrack for elex after work at home. The absolute madman.

No wonder all of the characters look so weird. That dude's head does not belong on that body.

So you don't like the more obtuse types of these games and you don't like the casual commercial successes of these type of games.

Why are you even here?

>Steck dein Scheiß Inventar weg!

He's near the domed city


>get killed by everything in like 4 hits
>pump constitution up to 30 so I'm a bit more tanky
>still get killed by everything in like 4 hits but at least I have a skill for more stamina now
Is this game taking me on a ruse cruise?

I wonder if they stop doing that after you joined them

Constitution does nothing cause attributes are bugged kek

Oh I like "obtuse" game, they just need to be good. Like System Shock 2, Thief, Deus Ex. Things like that.

Pretending that VTMB is anything more that painfully mediocre is just lying to yourself.


Atribute points are broken and don't work.

Attributes are legit broken because lolEurojank

It's a game made by not very well known german company called Pirahna Bytes who are acnkowelged for their masterfull work on game called Gothic 2.

This game is called Elex and it is an RPG... something between CRPG and ARPG. Though it's desing in aspects like world building and leveling are very good, it suffers from poor visuals( which some people can't get over with) and poor combat. Everything else in the game is around mediocre (story, music etc...).

It's a great game if you are PB fan. Good game if you are RPG fan and can overlook graphics and combat. Meh game else... and shit game if you despise the genre or company.

Neither constitution nor strength seem to do anything for me so far

They are the Mad Max cosplay faction for the aussie shitposting market.

>these generally liked games are overrated
>but these other generally liked overrated games are not overrated because *I* like them
it's always nice when someone you think is shitposting just turns out to be retarded

Anyone got any word on the patch yet?

You've got to be kidding me. I'm used to PB games being bugged but that's just absurd

Says the person who thinks a shallow Source engine RPG is great.

>and shit game if you despise the genre or company.

Or if you don't have brain damage and don't overlook its glaring flaws because of the company's name.

keep reaching

completed it yesterday and sided with the hybrid.

The hybrid is actually a scientist from pre-meteor strike that holed up with a bunch of other scientists in order to prepare the world for what is to come, because the meteor strike is actually an alien attack and aliens are coming to invade the world.
The entire time you are partially mind controlled by him and your war against the alb is just a distraction so he can finish preparations to start the machine, a terraforming project.
If you're a good boy you can join him and lead humanity to its next stage in evolution.

Actually starting to miss the times where everything kicks your ass. Everything is too easy late-game, even on "Difficult" Difficulty.

So it can be finished with broken atributtes?

Bump it up to ultra?

stfu autist retard

Yes. It can. It's kinda tough though.

Are the attributes really fucked? Has anybody properly confirmed it?

We have a victim of weaponized autism here, lads.

Why haven't you bought my game yet, Sup Forums? It's the single greatest achievement in allegorical philosophy. It's the over-soul of art, the collective memory of all of the greats. Please, do yourself an intellectual favor and buy my game.

Is it just a bad idea to join a Faction as soon as possible? Am I gonna miss out on a lot of XP?

Don't expect to join the berserkers anytime soon anyway. That quest tree will take forever.

20 years worth of videogames to take inspiration from, how the fuck can PB still not do good combat? This shouldn't merely be a minor improvement over G2's.

Game looks wank.


Cleric major city isn't included.

Where are those glasses exactly?

I guess I'll take a break until I hear about the attribute bug getting fixed. I like the ranged combat well enough, but the melee combat is a little clunky for my taste. They'll probably get it fixed up in a week or two, yeah?

wot armor?

What does jank mean? trash? shit?

Begone untermensch, stop staining germany's track record of quality videogames.
Was there a good german video game since Anno 1404?

It's very possible the ''bug'' is in the description. Attributes are just requirements to get your skills up and going.

it means groovy. like bad means good and shit means great.

Where do i get the psi regen necklace someone posted last thread? I can't justify drinking potions anymore knowing that it exists.

Jank is basically video game equivalent of kino.

If you go to the teleporter outside domed city and look north you should see an old broken windmill (it's huge). You have to platform to the top of it to get the sunglasses.

what does kino mean

outlaw enforcer. not that big a fan of it desu

>Gothic is killed for this jank shit

I'm not spoonfeeding your newfag ass.

Clerics I had to do like 2 easy quests and BAM, I was in


is the voice acting better in the other languages? hate the protags grumbly voice.