I just bought The Witcher III with all DLC for $20

I just bought The Witcher III with all DLC for $20.

Why does anyone buy games at launch?
Why do you promote toxic business practices?

>Why does anyone buy games at launch?
Because if i hadn't i wouldn't have had anything to play in 2015 and 2016 just like now.

>has played every worthwhile game from the past five years

Okay user. Either you clear games at a record pace, or you only care about current gen games.

>saves 40 dollars
>misses 2 and a half years of playing the game

Truly idiotic

No, i only care about story driven games. Bonus points if it's an RPG.

>implying there isn't already 2.5 years of good games to play

Unless you've played every "good" game ever at launch, there's no excuse for not finding something to play to fill the lull between launch an GOTY releases.

Pretty much describes PC gaming.

>failing to realise that they released Witcher 3 on gog on release day with a sale for $45

ITT: rich fags who probably argue about "muh billion-dollar corporation rights" in piracy threads

>failing to realise that they released Witcher 3 on tpb on release day with a sale for $0

>I am poor

The definition of a casual gamer
What about divinity 2?

I paid full price for the game and all dlc and still feel I robbed them

Made it about halfway through but there just isn't enough story to support the exploration bit. I'm generally not against exploration but if that is 90% of the games gameplay loop then i'll be very bored very quickly. I need like a solid 30 min of story and characters for every 2-3 hours of gameplay; unique gameplay moments and events(like collecting the witcher sets, small cut/dialogue scenes with new characters) help with that a lot.


Game also included a map, stickers, soundtrack and other shit. That's the small things that win me over

quit bitching and play the game u lucky faggot
>tfw u will never play blood and wine for the first time

OP here, never played 1 or 2, but I have both on Steam. Should I go through each? Will they help me appreciate 3 more? Does 3 reward you if you have saves from previous games like Mass Effect did?

If there are any game companies out there worth supporting, it's CDPR
>Self Publishing
>DLC is well developed and worth the price
>No DRM, trying to prove DRM is a waste of time.

This is why I never buy games full price. They'll inevitably be on sale in a few months or come out with a complete edition, so I just wait. I have plenty of games to play in the meantime.

How about 2012 and 2013 games?
Or better yet, all those 1998-2003 games that you never played that are miles better than the modern schlock?

"Witcher 3 is the first game in the Witcher franchise."

Holy Fuck I love them.

It was half the game on release day.

only way to get pic related

I can play the game for 2 and a half years at any moment, what point are you making?

Depends on the quality of the game and the publisher. If it sells poorly then yea you can get it on sale for 50% off in like 3 months. If it's doing very well better wait for event sales and even then the % discount is not much.

A tattoo? Seriously?

Yes some things carry over, like getting a tattoo in Witcher 2 and some people appear in Witcher 3 depending on if they survived in the other games.
I really recommend going through all the games in release order even though the first might seem outdated.

Because im bored now and need something to preoccupy myself until i die of obesity.

Nigga i've been playing vidya for 25 years. Unless it's console exclusive, i've probably played it within 1-2 years of release.

because you fags will spoil everything if i dont buy it on launch like you always do

>play tw1
>play tw2
>read all the books
>buy tw3 at launch
>stop playing at velen because the graphics suck
>2017 buy both dlc on a sale
>still haven't really started playing
>events of the second game a bit blurry
>book events a bit blurry
I'll play it this year

I've gone this whole way without being spoiled on Witcher III, how hard can it fucking be? Unless you're so obsessed with being "in" on all the latest fads. Go back to fucking high school.

id say play 3 first
then u will appreciate 3 a lot more if u ever play 1 or 2 if u get my meaning

as for getting rewards from prev games, all u get is a tat and a based witcher for help during a very important quest

that's it

Witcher 2 really bored me.
Witcher 3 did also for a period at the ~30 hour mark, quit for like a year, then played up to 140 hours and all DLCs.

similar thing happened with mgs v as well

obviously, I'll never buy games at full price ever again. Except maybe Cyberpunk 2077.

>play tw1
>play tw2
>play tw3, graphics suck
nigga wat

I read all the books al 8 of them after finishing blood and wine
I was grasping for anything witcher related at that time

I'm still kinda pissed at TW2 because it couldn't run on my mid-range laptop at lowest settings despite MGSV running smoothly at mid settings. The games look roughly the same. Why was TW2 so poorly optimized?

Have you played this?

Glad I played all of them at launch.
Each new sequel blew my expectations out of the water

not joking, graphics were so bad. I tried different post processing and stuff, nothing worked. I hated the way geralt looked etc. Now I have all the mods available to fix that; proper TW2 geralt, tw2 armor, a very good lighting mod, proper high quality grass and a custom reshade to top it all off. I've managed to make the in-game atmosphere is incredibly alluring right now and nothing sticks out like a sore thumb. Haven't actually started properly playing yet tho.

i got this game for free so ...

Made especially for Xbox 360 and CDPR nearly went bankrupt back then

No, but it's not relevant to my tastes(story driven and character focused with a tight narrative, bonus points if it's an RPG).

Is that really the excuse. MGSV came out four years after TW2 on two separate console generations with its own unique engine and still runs better. Can't really defend CDPR on that one.

Sup Forums has basically consistently spammed spoiler threads for every big video game for years, so pretty fucking hard? There's really nothing worth spoiling that happens in W3 though.

Well, yeah.
They were a tiny studio of a few inbred drunk Polacks making the game on calculators in a tiny shack made of scrap back then

Game also came with the soundtrack and stickers and a little manual. I seriously felt shitty for NOT buying the collector's edition, I wanted to give them more money. Plus the 2 expansions were really good content that were worth every penny, these guys did it right and I wish every dev would pay attention to them because I don't mind giving devs like these my money.

Shhhh don't tell people that! We need them to continue funding the games.

But really, its to play the game while its relevant so they can talk to people about it/not have it spoiled casually. Some people are impatient or don't have a backlog.

If they reduced the price of release games i'd still wait for a sale a year later because the principal is still the same. There isn't a good reason not to unless pressured from outside sources.

The only times the game itself is worth owning immediately is if its a multiplayer game so you can enjoy the game at its peak and before it dies down to 10 minute queues.The other time you might want to buy it is when it is HEAVILY story oriented with many twists and turns people will be talking about casually but I'd rather just watch a LP since its just an interactive movie

Thank you launch buyers for supporting the games with your full price purchases.

>the game is very enjoyable for 2 and a half years
what the fuck? He didn't miss shit, you could beat and truly enjoy the witcher 3 experience after 40-120 hours. It also assumes you're simply waiting for this one game. Most people have a backlog or other games they've been waiting for go on sale while waiting on more sales, its all just a delayed release scheduled

Nothing is missed when you wait to play a single player game like the witcher

Most games nowadays just include an advertisement pamphlet for their season pass or whatever

By this same retarded logic might as well wait 1 years till its like 5$ somewhere.

>not pirating it saving 20 bux now or 60+ on launch

fucking where? gee em gee?

Thanks Todd

>offering new content for money
That's called capitalism you dingus

Hey OP i only just got it yesterday. Planning on going for the platinum, meaning completing it on the hardest difficulty as a first playthrough. If youre gonna do the same, health will be an issue early on the in the game (where i am now) because meditating (the equivalent of resting) doesnt restore health. Spec your character for the spell tree, so you can get the 2nd upgrade for the Quen sign. Restores health without having to use up food

Steam, mother fucker. The most obvious place.

Some of us have to pay for lessr people aka leeches, just like taxes.

More people are currently playing Fallout 4 than Witcher 3, so maybe they were onto something.

Just use the boring alchemy build and you'll a shit ton of HP

Thats 22 dollars

Thanks for the info, user. I'd love to 100%/Platinum on my first playthrough. When devs hide achievements behind difficulties that require prior game knowledge it really irks me.

That's pretty weird but whatever melts your butter i guess.

>inb4 steamcharts
The majority of Witcher 3 sales were on consoles and gog.
Also, mods.

make sure u go
main quest
hearts of stone
blood and wine

>16 dlc like it's a good thing

Pirate bad games or those with intrusive DRM or other dumb shit like Uplay.
If good games don't make money, devs will stop making them and all we'll be left with is ASSFAGGOTS and loot boxes.

You could have gotten it for free.

Thanks again. It's hard to find info like this without massive spoilers.

Well, whatever tiny window on some obscure site offered for free, I missed it. Unless you're talking about pirating. I'm a wagecuck, now. No need to.

It has deep, philosophical meaning user

>gog relevant at all

witcher 1 is ultra comfy
make sure you side with siegfred

>Why do you promote toxic business practices?

Such as?

Why do you play free PC games on a console?

W3 sold about 7 million copies and I'm absolutely sure that at least 500-750 thousand are in GOG. Maybe even a million

>graphics suck

One of 3 options:
>played on broken toaster
>didn't actually play the game, just read shitpost on Sup Forums

Well, there's kind of a 4th option - you've reed shitposts and actually forced yourself to believe them.

It looked amazing at launch and still looks amazing.

Buying video games retard.
These people don't deserve money for their work.

anything else u wanna know?

Because the hype adds up to the perceived enjoyment. Plus, playing while that same hype is still up gives you more of a sense of community, not only to the game and its fanbase, but also to the gaming community as a whole as you experience what's populat at the moment.

It sucks but it's real.

>make sure you side with siegfred
how about fuck you

Did you miss where it said FREE? Most jewish devs would have you pay for that shit. Some of the best quests in the game are among the free DLC

CDProjekt Red are decent devs.
No microtransactions, no lootboxes, finished game on realease, 16 free dlcs, 2 reasonably priced dlcs full of content.
Buy games from devs like these, pirate Ubisoft and other shit

>siding with elf niggers and dwarf ISIS
how bout no you mouthbreather

It has sold over 10 mil now actually

>16 free dlcs

bits of content like hair styles and one new costume don't count as DLC

>buy a game just to shitpost
>then return the game

Why are you even in a Witcher thread? These games are not for your kind.

If you make some calculations it's closer to 17~ mil.

Then definitely at least a mil on gog

What is DLC then? You also forgot the new quests

Elex is better.

They're all worth playing, witcher 1 is janky, but past chapter 1 it's really nice. Witcher 2 kind of loses the slavic soul of the first game, but the story is a bit more bombastic.

Missables are probably my biggest pet peeve. i get that some quests give different items/outcomes depending on choices, but are there events or likewise that are missable if I don't happen to initiate them in a certain time window?

>I just bought The Witcher III with all DLC for $20.
How stupid, why didn't you pirate it?

Nah, I'm serious. I just could not get behind those graphics. The VGX trailer was my idea of what it should have been like, but that would have required a more instanced game instead of open world. Doesn't really matter now though. Witcher 2 on the other hand I thought was breathtaking, like Loc Muinne and the Flotsam forest.

Yeah havnt really got around to alchemy stuff yet, ill probably need to start on it soon though, ive only just left white orchard and im having a hell of a time getting xp. Ive done everything to do there and im only just level 3

I have disposable income. I'm more than accommodating for pirates who simply lack the funds for buying all the titles they care about, but when I, personally, have the money, there's no need to deal with torrents and complicated installs.