ITT: Post good challenging single player games

ITT: Post good challenging single player games

rabi ribi

Opus Magnum

what if you're a brainlet ?

Whats the challenge level you want?

I don't know how to quantify challenge levels in vidya.

Opus Magnum is one of the easiest Zachtronics games, it doesn't have space restrictions and has a good tutorial and gentle difficulty curve. So maybe still worth a shot, if it looks interesting to you.

Use Dark Souls as a baseline. Anything below that level of difficulty doesn't count.


Minesweeper is actually really fun once you get a hang of it. Fuck those 50/50 squares though

that shit is easy as fuck sudoku can be hard

But Dark Souls is basically patter recognition and learning challenge, the most boring kind of challenge. Reaction or strategy challenges are more interesting.

>You don't need reaction skills to beat Dark Souls
What the fuck?

ninja gaiden, devil may cry, godhand




>only four toes

Never heard of this game.

This applies to much of the STG genre honestly

>1321355545 i-frames in a roll
You really don't


That's why you treat it as a bottom of "challenging"-tier

I mean the enemies don't have set attacks ,they have patterns but they don't use those patterns the same way every time. The boss attacks react to your movements, it's reactive. Stop being such a tryhard.


Name one game that isn't challenging if you give yourself enough of a handicap.

dwarf fortress


Missed the "good" part. There's nothing good about stopping yourself from fully utilizing a game's mechanics for the sake of challenge. That's what other, more difficult games are for.

Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl

I don't blame you, it was buried under the rug after the reviewers shitted on it.

I see it's on Steam. How's the PC version?

Hollow Knight

just play a version of minesweeper that doesn't have 50/50s then

Sengoku Rance

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
Super Meat Boy
Any Monster Hunter game
Prinny 1 & 2

It's OK but I heard you need to patch the game. Fix the game breaking glitches and graphics. The game look very rough in today standards but it's a decent action rpg.