TES Lore - ESO hate thread

>Alright we need to make a story for ESO, I know, lets focus on a non-existant Daedric invasion instead of an already relevant and interesting turmoil of Interregnum.
>Lets mix in Mannimarco into this and make it so that apparently you can fully erase essence of a Daedric Prince and 100% fully replace him, not just mantle him or something, straight up fill another Et'Ada's sphere with Amulet of Kings of all fucking things.
>Shit, we can't repeat the same stuff from the end of Oblivion, how do we make the player defeat Molag Bal now...I know! Lets create three different deus ex machina that weaken Molag Bal in severe ways and also lets boost power of the player through the Amulet of Kings, fuck knows how, that should solve it! Now the player gets his epic fight with Molag Bal!
>Oh but we also must adress the fact that the Amulet of King is drained now so that no one else will use it in plot until Oblivion, and lets also say that Jagar Tharn will steal it...how will it get back onto neck of fucking Reman the second in Sancre Tor and how will Tamriel get mass amnesia regarding all of this and location of Amulet of Kings, who knows?
Even ignoring the retarded hoops that one has to jump through to explain and justify ESO main quest, it simply thematically makes sacrifice of Martin seem like incompetence, retardation and pointless. It also makes out Vestige to be a cooler dude than Martin, who was totally a pussy because he couldn't take out his epic blade made of Meridias light and cut Mehrunes Dagon in half without dying and turning into a statue just like the cool ESO protagonist does.

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Eh, I thought one TES thread for today was enough.

Why do they keep using Daedra so much like holy shit come up with something else

This is the continuation from ?

>OP doesn't write "elder" or "scrolls" in the body
Well done.

Being an object of desire for a greater being is a validation of your own value. Receiving blessings from one of such would indeed make you an alpha when compared to other humans.

Can you deny this, or do you think you are the greatest being in the universe? Even Vivec took it up the ass from Molag Bal.

Alien enough to not trigger competitive instincts, familiar enough to trigger attraction, perhaps.

Simply epic

Is this the new Argonian thread?

I was actually upset with the lack of lesser daedra in skyrim, but they do need to lay off the princes for a while.
No its the angry about elves thread

I don't think I've seen this much of a confused TES thread in my life. And I've been frequenting them for years.

It's not they, it's retards at Zenimax Online.
Bethesda used Daedric prince as the main antagonist only in Oblivion and even then Mankar was the real villain. Daedric Princes have been used as Expansion material, since Morrowind it has been
>One Expac related to interesting stuff in the region, one Expac related to a Prince

ESO was literally a mistake

Times change, user.
now post Kirkbride pics

My main problem with ESO, aside from the fact that I just don't like playing it, is that it retroactively makes the setting less interesting.
You read all this amazing stuff in the pocket guide to the empire and then comes Colonel Sanders and goes "Nuh huh those were just fanciful tales" the real Tamriel was generic as fuck.
I'm sure there is some cool stuff in the game but it just doesn't make up for the rape the setting suffered.

Vivec is for lewds

Some is good, but a lot is bad.

And Vivec is still a fag. I'm sorry user but please stop trying to justify that you want to get rammed up the ass every night by giant lizard men as being "alpha".

>elf hate thread
Fucking finally. Tell me, was there a single time in history where the elves WEREN'T the ones who started shit?

Leave reddit for 2 minuets and you might find people who don't enjoy kirkbride trash

Pelinal against the khajiit.

some autismo is going to come in with his
I've played ESO since beta, I can prove it with a screen of my gay ass imga, I've even bought the Morrowind expansion which is honestly the best content ESO has provided...but the game is every bit as boring and uninspired as you think it is.

On the topic of Lizardmen, can we get Argonians that look like this in the next game please?

And the shit in CWC has just too much wank in it.

>You read all this amazing stuff in the pocket guide to the empire and then comes Colonel Sanders and goes "Nuh huh those were just fanciful tales" the real Tamriel was generic as fuck.
This is also happened with Oblivion and Skyrim. The problem is that the TES setting is legit too fucking cool to be accurately portrayed in the TES games, unless done by actual competent devs and also completely rework how the games play (you can't have all that cool shit when you have to stick to a "talk to everyone" or whatever formula th

ESO is just a bad game man, it sucks.

what does MK even do nowadays? does he have a job, or does he just lay in an apartment in a shroom induced stupor until todd comes by every few years to have him write some elder scrolls

>some autismo is going to come in with his
Trainwiz is already here.

He works for Telltale designing moviegames

Orsinium was far better.

It's kind of like when you read Children of the Sky in the games and then see what actual Skyrim is like. Children of the Sky states that the further north you go up in Skyrim the more "elemental" the Nords become, and there are Nords that live up north who have Thu'ums so powerful they must be gagged and communicate through sign language or runes.

Here, have a pic Kirkbride made.

Lets talk about MK. I've been here for years. My lore posts got screencapped, I discussed lore with people. I was here when MK suddenly became active on the wider net and when we had nonstop generals awaiting c0da. But things changed. People hate him now and, actually, I do too. He's a fucking retard.

What I'm dismayed about right now is his place in the lore. I'm all for discussing various ideas and seeing where anons get their lore from, but with all the vocal dissent against anything he touched, I'm uncertain whether I'll ever be able to reference that Thalmor want to destroy Mundus or 1008 Cyrodiil weapons of destruction again - or anything he's done.
I think there's a place for it, but I'm concerned the hate wagon is going to bury a lot of great stuff.

well that's fucking disgusting. i wish i hadn't asked.

I imagine there's lizards of all kinds in black marsh

He was a writer for Minecraft Storymode

Can someone sum up Reman Cyrodil for a TES lore newfag? Was he a fucking god?

He works for Telltale but I'm not sure if it's a full-time job.
He contributed to such masterpieces as Minecraft Story Mode and their Batman game (which I've been told is actually pretty good by Telltale standards)

I don't see how that's relevant to anything you're replying to.

Arena Jagr Tharn
Daggerfall Mannimarco
Morrowind The Tribunal
Oblivion Mankar
Skyrim the Thalmor.
ESO Manny again.

Your story checks out.
The mer are always the bad guys.

The thing with Skyrim and Oblivion is that at least they were AAA games, sure they were made on shitty engines but still at least some scope was felt there. When Akatosh blasted Mehrunes Dagon it was cool.
On top of usual TES lore rape ESO also suffers from MMO gigantism, and various other issues that come with the package of being an MMO, not to mention that the tone and art direction is COMPLETELY different from Bethesda TES.

That concept art makes them look fantastic.

I really like some of MK's stuff, and I think some of them are legit fucking retarded. But mostly I like them.
The one thing I genuinely HATE and absolutely fucking DESPISE is how MK and his r*ddit fanbase like to pretend C0DA is some sort of fucking manifesto or whatever that confirms that their fanfictions are canon or whatever.
That's fucking bullshit. C0DA is just another story set in the TES universe, fucking nothing more.

At least for Skyrim and Oblivion you have the excuse that it's been over 1000 years since the Pocket Guide to the Empire was written.
In ESO it's been like 100 years or something.

>the fact that the tribunal had lost all their power and had become useless an unimportant is a major theme in morrowind
>everything written about them since makes them, especially vivec, out to be the most important entities to ever exist

I honestly respect Kirkbride as an artist much more than as a Writer.
I really fucking love his drawings.

Concept art and lore are my favorite thing about TES. I rarely play the games anymore

it's a little thing called CHIM

People will lie to you and claim that he is possible to sum up, it's not possible.
Long story short, he was a man that fucked with metaphysics of all sorts so much that we literally can't tell what exactly he was and can't discern his myth from his reality and from reality that he changed.
He was a powerful emperor and a man turned a God or at least a being with power enough to be called a God, that is all that matters.

>everything written about them since makes them, especially vivec, out to be the most important entities to ever exist
That's one of my biggest issues with them.

Music Marketing and Concept Art are the only things Bethesda excels at.

And the Bamham game
Also this


I mean what really could you play. Skyrim is 6 year sold, Oblivion and Morrowind have been maxed out in mod potential.

But that's not true.
They are completely irrelevant to current TES metaplot and plots in general and Dunmer are back to worshiping the Daedric triumvirate with Nerevarine as their messiah figure.

I'm not sure I can take the details of the c0da story seriously. It hit it so perfectly from a metaphysical perspective. The relationship between Akatosh and Lorkhan was such a punchline, it's unreal. Numidium was great. Moon setting, superb. Amaranth was very interesting.
But then you get to the details. All that Nerevar stuff and assassins and the speech bubble. It's all so terrible. c0da works only on the level of a concept. I don't accept the actual events depicted therein as canon in any way.

What really damns Kirkbride is that afterwards he didn't have a single good idea. He's just fucking around with his plebbit fans.

Every once in a while I play Morrowind for a while.
I'm getting tempted to mod Skyrim to hell and beyond to see if I can actually make it slightly decent but I'm pretty sure it won't work

More powerful than Tiber Septim without the Numidium?

I sometimes get the urge to replay Morrowind with Tamriel Rebuilt+Morrowind Rebirth+LGNPCs, but damn I get lazy.

>I don't accept the actual events depicted therein as canon in any way
Funny because no one has to. The entire message of the Loveletter is "don't let C0DA happen you retards"
Also ever since I saw the artwork for C0DA I really want a futuristic TES game set in the moon or some shit with spaceships and esoteric lore. Nobody would play or buy it and it would be great

Impossible to tell, but at least Talos still can be seen as his avatars and aspects sometimes. We've never seen anything from Reman in-game.

what's the deal with Tall Papa?

He thought the Redguards survive kalpas

Reman was so nuts he made Sanguine back off because shit was getting too weird sexually for his tastes.

as far as I remember he is like an aspect of Anui-el or some kind of depiction of the original Dragon God of Time.

Also if you want to know if he's some kind of Aedra or Daedra or whatever, truth is nobody knows what the Yokudan gods are, they're completely alien.

How do lorefags think TES6 is going to handle Skyrim? Just completely write off Last Dragonborn as trapped in Solstheim forever, or do a Dragonbreak scenario where the Empire and the Stormcloaks both win the rebellion. Or even something odder that the Moot (if you win for the Stormcloaks Ulfric still declares a Moot must be held), declares TLD High King/Queen of Skyrim?

Why is ESO so keen on making everything seem so much weaker in comparison to the player? Do they want the player to be the strongest TES protagonist or something? Tbh I'm not okay with this, if anything ESO protag should be an average joe fighting in the interregnum, and greatness should come from players effort.

>How do lorefags think TES6 is going to handle Skyrim?
Tastefully, like Bethesda always did, but leaving us wanting more details.

Probably a new Emperor, is it Ulfric, Dragonborn or Tulius, who knows, we just know Empire got reforged. End of story. No big Thalmor threat continuation. Just something new.

I wonder if he's gonna get retconned now that Bethesda seems to want to remove any African influence from Redguard culture.
I bet they are going to rename him to Abu Achmed or something.

Is every powerful TES entity just a sexual deviant?

Yes, it's the basic rule of power in TES.

>Just completely write off Last Dragonborn as trapped in Solstheim forever
Same way it has always handled Heroes, they completely disappear and nobody knows who they were or what happened to them.
>do a Dragonbreak scenario where the Empire and the Stormcloaks both win the rebellion
I think they might divide Skyrim between Imperial loyalists and independent west, or maybe a peace treaty, or the war still going on. They won't declare a winner, that's for sure.
>declares TLD High King/Queen of Skyrim?

Three easy scenarios, and I can bet 100$ that one of them will be true.
>Game will take place almost simultaneously as Skyrim.
>Dominion will attack again for some reason.
>A major catastrophee will happen in Skyrim making events of Civil War irrelevant.
Either way Emperor is going to be dead after Skyrim which fucks Empire even more.
As for the Last Dragonborn, they don't have to specify, there are a million of places he could have went to including and not limited to Solstheim, Apocrypha, Atmora, even fucking Akaviri of all places.

Reminder that if its not ingame its not canon and things found in ingame books are most likely myths, misinterpretations, or outright fiction.

independent east*
Fucked that one up. You know, the Holds that supported Ulfric originally.
>Bethesda seems to want to remove any African influence from Redguard culture
They've always been more arab than african

Thanks for sharing your opinion. I hope you enjoy not having anything to contribute to our discussion from this point on due to your self imposed limitations.

heard you like teso
how do you justify bastardization of mannimarco and his retarded plan?

So you're saying that the novels aren't canon

The way I see it is that Crowns are still very african, while Forebearers are the ones that are Arabic.

What about pocket guides?

Mannimarco's long been an idiot. We're talking about a guy who in Daggerfall made a point to look as cliche'd evil as possible.
The basic fact is he's always wanted to be a god, that's his motivation. It's just by the time of Daggerfall he's been beaten down and back so many damn times that he's a little more humble and realizes he can just get what he wants by asking nicely.
And it works and he gets to be a moon.

Elisef named High Queen.
Leaves the Empire to appease Stormcloaks and save her country.

Bosmer tire of the purges and revolt
Khajit find out the Thalmor had nothing to do with the moons and leave the AD
Thalmor are exiled after their daedra worship is revealed
AD falls apart

World in chaos for TES 6

Hey guys, I'm practicing drawing and I'm bored, anyone wants TES related quick sketches? Something in the vein of MK's sketches.

are you implying that his plan was not true or do you believe that being able to drain an et'ada into an amulet of kings, kill said et'ada and replace them is not retarded

Only a god in the way most races in Tamriel worship their most accomplished ancestors; he was really just a charismatic general that drove off the Akaviri invasion, after which the defeated Akaviri forces began revering him as dragonborn, or the ultimate dragonslayer (the original Blades protected him because of his dragonborn status as the races of Akavir really like slaying dragons).

Do Pelinal assblasting elves with his laser arm cannon

Daily reminder that Empire is fucked no matter what because the Emperor dies during the events of Skyrim.

I'm just saying that many people often take things they find in the books as gospel and never stop to consider that the ingame authors of those books may be wrong or misinterpreting things themselves. Despite TES being a mythical setting it still has its own in setting myths and fiction.
Counted as ingame books but many things in them are fictitious empire propaganda, depending on the edition.


>"They had apparently been searching for Dragonborn, and when they heard Reman's voice during the climactic battle at Pale Pass, they realized what he was, knelt, and swore fealty to him."
So Reman was a Dragonborn as in he could do Thu'um and not a Dragonborn from the Alessian Covenant?
What are the implications of this

Oh it's retarded, but that fits Mannimarco and I can see his logic behind it. He's kind of retarded in the first place.

KINMUNE-era space mage downloading a pirated book only for the file to scream "Another Kindle downloads the beacon!"

How much snek were the Tsaesci?

This is what annoys me about your interpretation of the lore and SSE.
>lol he's just stoopid so its ok
That's not a valid position. This isn't Discworld senpai.

The descriptions of how they moved and acted is too consistently snake-like and extreme. So the bottom half is definitely snake-like at least.

He is fucking stupid. Dude tries to go up against Molag Bal right under his nose and then begs you to free him later on, and that's not getting into half the dumb shit the worm cult gets up to.

There's evidence suggesting they weren't sneks at all and were just humans with maybe some snek-like features.
Also there is the theory that the Tsaeci "eating" the humans in Akavir were just the sneks incorporating the humans into an Empire, or ruling culturally over them or some shit like that.
Or they could have always been full blown sneks. We'll never know for sure. At least I hope we won't.

What are the lore implications of the Creation Club?

Is the next TES game going to be shit like Fallout 4?


Nothing that adds to the lore has happened in the Creation Club.

I don't accept any of that as lore. Only Daggerfall and maybe Oblivion.

So you haven't really explained or defended any of TESO's Manimarco shenanigans. You just burned the whole house down so TESO looks "fine".

Bethesda are shitters and the only way for a new TES game to be good is if the series is given to another studio.

Same as mods.