WTF happened!?!?!?

WTF happened!?!?!?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ppl got bored and cheaters are supposedly everywhere

People are realizing even though the idea of a battle royale is nice, the game is a bug-riddled poorly written piece of shit.

I myself after playing a few hours, refunded it and got Killing Floor 2 instead with that money, best decision ever.

>got Killing Floor 2
now there's a mistake

Don't listen to the other retards, it's the Chinese servers being broken and showing weird ads or something.

I'll ausgeglichen your bluehole inc. user

It was a flavor of the month meme game

Friendly reminder that if you are tired of this game and want your money back, wait until it gets out of early access. It will basically "reset" the 2 weeks/xh playtime restriction for refunds.

Same thing that happens with every review bombed game on Steam. Angry chinks sperging out.

Well, the game is flawed in many ways, not even the shadow of KF1, but of the modern multiplayer games available I didn't find anything better.

At least it runs well and provides some fun when I want to blow some steam off.

I dare you suggest a better alternative.

Acquaintance of mine keeps begging me to play this shit pile with him.

After several instances of being 1-2 shot even with the best gear while it takes me 5-6 or more, the fun got sucked out of it faster than Neogaf collapsing on itself.


Nothing. nice thread though

Entertainment industry depends on the Chinese now, and they are pissed about this game for whatever reason.

Not a lot

wow that's such a low rating they had to invent a new word for how shitty it is Auskeklichen

>developer is entwickler
>publisher is publisher
What's the point?

>what are loanwords



Do you think they regret expanding into China?

>uses a language that is old german with french and latin words thrown in
>complains about loanwords in other languages

>what is Herausgeber

I'm sure they cry themselves to sleep each night on top of their gigantic money pile.

Developer is loaned from french développer and publish is from latin publicare (via french, naturally).

>pubg 2100000
>h1z1 55000

That's why they'll never put it out of early access.


What's the problem here? Are chinese people not allowed to use the internet? Is this how brainwashed murrifats are by Trump?

If you combined pinoys+ruskies+brs you have a chink.


People got over it like fidgit spinners

Sure, but they should stick to Chinese platforms.

It's actually all chinks review bombing it, if you check. They're also practically the only ones playing it, too.

Apparently there are:
chinese bots farming loot crates
in-game ads, despite being a game you pay for
bans for "stream sniping" when the person in question didn't even watch the stream at all.

Chinks have flooded the game and are ruining it for everyone.

They're either flat out cheating or botting for loot drops. There is no inbetween. When they get kicked or banned from the game they review bomb it.

Now that Chinks can use Steam, this is the future of every game. Get use to it.

>faggot in a car coming at me
>hide behind a tree
>the car glitches through the tree and kills me

>reeeeeeeeee stop talking in different languages

come down you fucking cucks chinese will be world language by 2030.

do the Chinese actually play and enjoy the game or does it have something to do with RMT or money laundering?

>block chink IPs from Western servers
>problem solved

>complain that we're mad about disliking another language
>proceeds to tells us to fuck off with our language.

Notice the same cheating ID spamming the killfeed because he can just shoot everyone anywhere on the map, literally. Through any terrain and buildings. Its been five days, and still no ban.

I bar myself inside a room with no windows and doors closed to test what that cheater can do, and I got headshot out of thin air. Its quite amazing how well the cheat improves.

Mostly botting for loot crates to sell. To you or I a 2c loot crate isn't worth the effort, but most people in China don't even make $5 a week working 16 hours a day.

It's just the same as gold farming. It's shitty and not worth the effort to any first worlder, but in countries like China it's a high paying job.

KF2 is pretty great as long as you ignore the crates and maybe the pvp mode.

That meme is a decade out of date. All the educated chinks are learning English. Chinese is just way too complex for foreigners to ever adopt en masse.

They should region lock all servers, but they dont want to potentially ruin the balance of the quick pick up game.

>meme game
>getting over 2 million active players

The Triads use online gaming for money laundering, yes.

>everyone talking in the lobby is an American roleplaying as a Nazi or Chink
>everyone talking in game is Russian or Chinese

>only chinks play this game
>have not meet one chink on any server where I play and zero cheaters

but keep the meme up mate.

>what are IP spoofers
>what are VPNs
nothing is gonna stop these cunts as long as they exist and continue to do nothing but ruin everything

>WTF happened!?!?!?
You guys lost WW2.

We need to get rid of the ability for rare drops to actually be worth more than $1

>Now that Chinks can use Steam, this is the future of every game.
every shit game

Every game. It's already happening to a bunch of games right now, they're just not big or popular enough for it to get attention.

>Now that Chinks can use Steam, this is the future of every game. Get use to it.

I don't see this as a problem chinks are more human than americans.

>Runs like hot garbage
>Rampant obvious cheating
>horrendous netcode and lag
>chinese infesting every game
I would take the game running better over anything else.

Good joke Chen but no ones falling for it.

Isn't supposed to be a great firewall to block Steam and other western site in China?

>but most people in China don't even make $5 a week working 16 hours a day
First of all that's bullshit, secondly they wouldn't be able to afford a pc to even play the game or afford the internet café.

Feels good to see western shit games and communities be destroyed by Chinese. It's the fault of the developers for designing a shit game that appeals to Chinese. Now shit eaters are swarmed by even greater shit eaters and get mad. Glorious.

How are chinks going to ruin my single player indie games? They don't play that shit lmao.

>tfw still haven't gotten caught cheating
wish me luck Sup Forumsros

Company makes game Early Access on Steam, PC players support the game big time by buying over 1 million copies (we're up to 2 million now)

Game is not nearly done but devs promise weekly (bug fixes) and monthly (content/performance) updates. They then add in crates and do a tournament for some fucking reason. Two weekly patches were missed within a period of roughly 3 months and the monthly performance 'upgrades' normally resulted in subpar boosts and sometimes made performance worse (forcing shadows, foliage)

They then come out and tell everyone who supported them "congrats! we're making an Xbox verson!"
Also that there will be no more weekly/monthly patches (but supposedly development continuing at the same rate), and that no new official version for the next three months while they prepare for release.

Meanwhile servers are dying (3-5s delay) and hackers are everywhere.

The vast majority of Chinese people live just above the poverty line, which is $1.20 a day. Something like 600 to 800 million Chinese people live like this.

>maybe the pvp mode.
Easily done because nobody plays that garbage.

>they spent a shitload of time on it

so basically they bent over the willing PC users and fucked them right in the ass out of every single EA dime they could fool them into spending, all the while having their sights set on the ultimate cash machine. consoles.

during many many months


salty chink detected

The game is fucking shit, the first wave of mongoloids who enjoyed it tricked actual humans to play the game and they don't like this f2p looking trash.

Horde of Chinese who got banned is dragging the game down with them.

Pay denbts to polan, Hans

is utter shit and it became LOL tier

dumb flavor of the year game

All the British did to make English was essentially simplifying German.
Plus the mix of Frenchies on the Island for some time incorporated their words as well.

They have to if they want to sell it on xbox. No way it'll still be early access and selling as a full game on xbox.


Spotted the chinaman

>streamerbait early access trash
>shit like this happens constantly due to shit netcode:
>microtransactions in a $29.99 early access game
>games can be won with almost zero kills granted you camp and get lucky with the zone placement
>"""professional""" tournaments won by players with low single digit kills, see above
>paying customers banned because streamers have bitchfits after every death
>paying customers banned for using car horns
>paying customers banned for playing a glitchy, bug ridden game:
>a literal Twitch-chat controlled player can finish 3rd in a game against actual players:
>matches full of idling bots farming drops
>devs so terrified of legitimate competition from actually released games they threaten lawsuits and claim they invented the BR game mode
>devs literally getting PTSD from tweets
>PUBGfags only defense of these points is "b-but look at the playercount" and wojack images depicting Sup Forums as upset


>First of all that's bullshit
it's not, in a place with as much disposable workforce as china, a trash "job" like this is take or fuck off, also they don't need Internet café, since the owner of the building is the employer, probably paying next to nothing and taking the "internet fees" from the salary of his slaves anyway.
also, not every place in china is hong kong, how do you think people manage to be millionaire overnight? by using the shit workforce and drive them up to suicide by making them work 20 hours a day

I don't read Nazi, sorry Claus.

Fuck off with your Moon Runes.

what did he mean by this?

>subhuman chinks flood a game
>it turns to shit

>"people have realized..."
> fotm has passed"
>check steam statistics
>peaked 2.1m today, 1.7m current players
Does Sup Forums play videogames?

Alright which one of you fags did this?

online gaming was a mistake.

He's not wrong.

really ? thats why there is still billions of gooks. i think the rape really didn't effect them at all.

>Sup Forums
>playing video games where they get dominated by chinese players

lmao this why they love shit like cuphead because they can win against a braindead AI with patterns.

We're due for a sequel.

>The Rape of Nanking 2: Chong Ching Annihilation

>i think the rape really didn't effect them at all.
Yeah chinks don't really care about people other than themselves.
I hope they go extinct


>runs well
Shill detected
Even a computer that could run gothic 3 lag free couldn't run pubg on higher settings

That's not what people are realizing, retard. The game has been out for over 6 months now. It's just one map. Naturally people will get bored, and most will come back once there's new content like myself.


Reading comprehension

Xbox has its own early access program.