Game allows you to move quickly in heavy armor

>game allows you to move quickly in heavy armor

Why is this still a thing?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because slow movement speed sucks

>game doesn't require you to take a shit and eat regularly

Fucking casual games nowadays

Because armors aren't nearly as cumbersome as you might think??? I hate people like you "WHERE IS MY REALISM??????" while you don't even know what reality is. Go away

Stop it
I know you came directly from that zombie thread thinking how easy it would be to bait everyone with a "Armor makes you slow" post.

Because Armor weights are distributed very well across the body, thus not impeding the movement much at all.

You could easily even do a cartwheel in them.

Because in real life humans are actually capable of moving pretty fast in plate armor your ignorant faggot. It was not actually that heavy. Theres literally videos of people rolling around and running and jumping in full plate.

a friend of mine who was into that SCA silliness had himself a suit of plate mail. he loved showing everybody how he could get around in it just fine

Were there any realistic sets of armors that do impede movement? Like maybe a heavy soldier on a horse or some shit. Or the Baboshkanooks of the 13th century sat in a metal cube with spears poking out of it.

ebin, I was in that zombie thread too!

The armors made to protect against swords, not bullets. It's pretty thin.

>Played multiple games where eating is a survival requirement
>Haven't played anything where the player character needs to shit/piss from time to time (except for The Sims)

Are there any other games where the player needs to take a shit from time to time? It should be a lot more common than it is, considering it's something we all do.

Ark you can use your shit for fertilizer to make crops

Holy shit. That's actually pretty neat.

because it's fiction, why can gandalf make light come out of his fucking staff oh yeah cause it's fiction you fucking autist neck yourself

I can only remember a Garry's Mod survivor playmode where you can bottle your piss to use in making some things.

Only other one I remember is The Ship but that's more of an incentive for players to leave safe areas and give their assassins a chance.

because you realism in vidya faggots don't get to choose how I get to have fun

You can also eat it

knights can run in armor

>Why is this still a thing?
Because it's doable in real life

>Wearing gloves increases your dexterity

the gear and armor that modern infantry run around with weighs about twice as much as plate mail

just fyi

It should.
What heavy armor really does is cut your stamina 1/4.
But stamina isn't really well done in most video games anyways.

Of course they can fucking run in armor. OP is a faggot and clearly thinks that knight armor is made of solid metal

Pic related looks like it'd constrict your legs a bit but I dunno. Most armors would be as light as they possibly could be while still protecting the user. Plus the fact, i would that if you can stand up in a suit of armor then you would be able to run, so long as you have a good reason to i.e the enemy is coming ti kill you

Digimon games do this to the point where you'd better be carrying around portable toilets if you don't want bad things to happen.

Heavy armor doesn't make you move slowly otherwise they wouldn't have been used you stupid brainlet

I dont give a fuck what you nerds say but I guarantee I could outrun a faggot wearing plate armor

because armor was made for combat on the go you retard, we discussed this in the armor and zombies thread

If they're properly trained in it (running laps, climbing walls, etc whilst wearing armor). They'll easily outrun you.


My ass. I've seen videos of these faggots in plate armor, none of them move quickly. They can do their little shitty rolls and jump but show me a single one of them sprinting for more than 5 feet.

oh look at his sonic speed

Good luck fat fuck, you'd die of a heart attack

Something something

Well it's a good job the only time you'd ever be wearing full plate is when you're fighting other dudes in full plate.

>it's an armchair medieval combat expert thread
>muh spears
>muh two handing
>muh polearms

who art thou quoteth?

what if they are bullying peasants?

>game calls gambeson armor, "leather"

that was meant to be used in a chariot not a foot solider

Most knights fought on horse so good luck.

Good thing Im from the future and i got a gun

In Postal 2 you can piss on everything

>There are people(humans) in this thread, that can't move quick in full plated armor

so you end up dead then

*blocks your path*

>game calls brigandines "studded leather"

Come on now, you couldn't outrun your own ass let alone a trained soldier.

>OP is a faggot and clearly thinks that knight armor is made of solid metal
More like OP thinks that the armour is heavy as fuck and people can barely make few steps in it.
Of course he forgot that armours are not that heavy as it is insinuated. Fuck, modern soldier in full equipment carries more than knights in medieval times.

He said a gun? The man who came early was about a hipster fuck who knew how shit works but couldn't implement it in the age he ended up in you fucking nigger.
He said he has a gun and you responded with "Well then you're dead because you don't know how to make a gun."
He still has the gun you fucking retard, not just the idea of one.
Fuck, do you pseudo intellectuals ever read shit you cite when you try to smartass?

Was just going to post this

>not speccing Speed and Weight

Id bet my life i could outrun 96% of the human population if im wearing a cloth towel and they are wearing full plate armor.

You forget about the most important ones
>Muh halfswording
>Muh HEMA experience

Of course people can run in armor.
The big problem that it will lower your ability to do so for an extended period of time and is noisy as shit.

Oh and the race is longer than 10 feet

no you fucking mongo the american GI in The man who came early was armed and it did fuck all to help him with a full host of viking horsemen after him

>Id bet my life i could outrun 96% of the human population if im wearing a cloth towel and they are wearing full plate armor.
It'd be a losing bet, since I'm pretty sure you couldn't outrun your own shadow if you were running towards the sun.

You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?

>Guy is running
>Not fast enough
>Guy makes fucking laps
>Lel, sonic speed
Are you by chance obese basement dweller?

'some' medieval armour was probably too heavy to move that fast in but it was usually reserved for knights on horseback. The plate could be as much as 3cm thick in places like the gorget. Generally it wasn't bad but unlike modern soldiers they had to kill their opponents physically which on foot would probably mean they'd be totally exhausted in no more than 30 minutes tops.

>armed and it did fuck all to help him
Aside of course killing half of them before running dry with the only mag he had, but hey, nice attempt at shit-tier argument.

>He said he has a gun and you responded with "Well then you're dead because you don't know how to make a gun."

you could at least read the plot

>wow it only took a whole posse to kill me

I have a question.

Why do modern soldier wear only bulletproof vests and helmets as protection?

bcus wearing full body armor is expensive for the military as well as heavy and uncomfortable for the soldier

>wearing glasses increases your intelligence
>wearing pants increases your move speed
>eating ice cream improves your fire resistance

doesn't help much against explosives, most western soldiers die from explosives like IEDs and mines which are almost impossible to protect against. In modern warfare you'd rarely expose more than your head to small arms fire in any case and anything larger will penetrate any body armour available.

This looks like something from a manga


modern infantry can expect air and armor support.Its unnecessary and runs counter to the infantry's role.


>Gun knight
Cuirassier sounds way cooler though

As compared to, you know, single guy killing you, because you both have axes and he's better with it.
In the end, they've started to celebrate him as a great warrior, precisely because how hard it was to take him down.
It's like you read the story (assuming you did and not just the shorthand of it) and didn't get a single clue out out of like 5 different themes and story-building cliches being discussed.

Speaking of which, I still say Anderson was wrong in his conclusion. It's not the invention itself being impossible to introduce earlier, but trying to directly "jump the gun" without taking at least some basic steps to prepare for the final leap.
As a great man once said, one does not simply take sand from the beach and produce a dataprobe.

>As compared to, you know, single guy killing you
id prefer not dying really



thought the same thing, just stop

im not wearing a steel plate armor in fucking iraq ill get cooked alive

What was it again, it's distributed at the waist with a belt? Found it interesting.


>sonic speed
What the fuck anime ass reality do you think you're living it?
Go outside, do some fucking exercise.

>Le combat

Bitch Idk whats wrong with you people but clearly someone without armor could do those moves much faster. Armor slows you down and nothing you say will change that.

Cause its about what makes a game fun. Realism only exists as far as it makes the game fun and as balanced as they can.. A hunger meter can be a fun addition and an extra challenge to manage. Limping for the rest of the game because you got shot in the leg and poorly healed yourself on the other hand isn't fun... Or maybe it is to someone.
