What is the most unforgivable trend in modern games?

What is the most unforgivable trend in modern games?

GROW UP THERE and get me some WAFFLE FROZZ...


Pay to Win microtransactions in full priced games

I said go ahead and sit down CUNT


I remember getting in trouble freshmen year because my friend who sat next to me did such a good impression of this that I was howling with laughter eventually.

Take me back.

nutted in her pussy and got her PREGNANT

pre-order bonuses


Linear, set-piece centric ""cinematic"" campaigns.

post the name of the video quick before jannies nuke this I forget what its called

Pseudo intellectual writing.

The standards for game scripts is disgustingly low. Any half-assed philosophy 101/emotional manipulation fueled plot line gets 10/10s.

skinny jeans

The trick is to talk with your teeth clenched

regenerating health , cant play any shooters with this retarded shit

Balance to the point of boredom. Balance is very important but there needs to be a point where people (or a team) can kick ass if they do things right. Otherwise games are insanely mundane.

Father Daughter sob stories

Pre-order bonuses I can live with, but retailer exclusive pre-order bonuses are a special kind of fucking cancer.


Tiny fonts
Huge fonts
Huge UI showing gun or useless information covering half the screen
Lens flare in an fps (real eyes don't see lens flare, only camera lens)

No single player focus just shitty open world multi player games