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>a (most likely) lazy god-awful port of a mediocre game years after everyone stopped caring about it

It's not a very good game, Op. Star Ocean stopped being good after 2.

Nude mods when?


I played it on 360. So indifference, if nothing else maybe somebody will give a shit about it enough to crack it so others can pirate it.



When will tri-ace make another VP game that isn't mobile shit

What's his name again?

lil bitsh


so people say the gameplay is good but the story and characters are trash

but how bad is it really? Just your boring and generic jrpg plot or actually offensively bad

Soft pussy.

offensively bad. especially with the english dub.

1 wasn't really that great it self
Literally 2 is the only good one, it was a fluke in a series of various levels of disapointment

I'll probably get it because I wish SO would succeed like other JRPGs

Offensively bad. The cutscenes are like really bad CGI and the voice acting is very dry. Gameplay is not even as hyped either, it gets old and broken after awhile.

>Can't fuck the space elf

Still don't care.

This. Nude mod of the nap loli when?

Gameplay isn't that good either. Worse than 3 at least. Story is generic tri-ace shit. Characters are awful even compared to the other Star Oceans.

This game is fucking horrible. Even Tri-Ace admitted it was horrible in an interview for Star Ocean 5, where they pointed out that they literally had no ideas for this game and had no idea what to do, so this trash came out.

Borders on offensively bad. They poke at some interesting stuff (spoilers: the main character and his crew travel through a wormhole to alternate reality Earth and ends up destroying it) but they can never execute on it. Gameplay is pretty fun and engaging and the synthesis system and bounty board in combat are at the very least interesting. Tons of shit to grind too if you've got that type of autism.

No, I didn't fuck up my spoilers either.

I wouldn't call the gameplay good either, it's all around a shit game


FUCKKKK I just bought this shit on PS3.

Not him but what if I play with the jap audios?

It has some of the worst voice acting and most annoying characters ever written.


You have to wonder if those kind of names are on purpose.

dont know if thats an option with the steam version. but original voices makes everything better.

Just warning you guys now, the whole game goes to shit when you reach the part you arrive to Earth

steam version does have jap audio

It says Japanese voices are available. Though they could be locked to the Japanese UI, who knows.

If its a port of the PS3 version it's just an in-game swap. You can switch in-game character portraits during battles to the anime versions too.

>shit japanese pedo simulator on PC
>thoughts oh fellow neckbeards?

shit, this is why consoles exist and shouldn't mix with PC. things like this will make me move to linux

Y'all weebs do yourself a favor and completely ignore any/all dialogue. It's fine as a jrpg, especially if you enjoyed any previous entry but my god the story is complete dogshit. You know you're in a bad time when the stereotypical edgelord is a breath of fresh air.

Protip: None of the Star Ocean games are good. The dev team are literally Tales of Series rejects that got fired when Tales merged with Bamco.

Why the fuck does this one game keep getting remasters/HD ports? Theres no way this game was THAT good

the characters are absolutely fucking unberable, ESPECIALLY the loli summoner and the winged girl.
I am rarely picky about that kind of things, but here, really, like others said, it's more than "borderline" offensive. it's a plain middle finger to your face for most of the game.

Its not, and it arguably the worst game in the series.
I'm confused too...

You are not force to buy it. Its good to have as many games as possible

Ill buy it on sale

VP and EoE are better than anything the Tales team ever shat out.

This is only the 2nd time it got ported. First was PS3 to recoup losses from 360 version, 2nd is PC to capitalize on the weeb game craze on Steam.

I played this on the 360, the cat girl was the only one i wanted to fuck. What was her name again? I remember that social link where she sleeps in your bed and the brunette gets jealous

Maybe since 4 and 5 but prior installments were great.

I enjoyed 1 and 2 and absolutely love 3. I abhor 4. This is not a truth. It sucks all around.

Is this the Sonic 06 of JRPGs?

1 and 2 were never good and 3 is overrated as fuck. Terrible characters, stupid plot, button mashy gameplay.


Damn even years laters, still not enough porn.

I encourage you not to, user.
It's really a bad, bad game.

Worst thing to come out of Japan. The game throws together random elements that in themselves could be the whole main plot of the game, but then moves onto completely another shit.

For example:
-Main premise: Earth is fucked from WW3 and pollution and the main plot of the game is searching for a new home world for mankind
-Expectation: The main plot will be about finding a new habitable world for mankind.
-Result: The whole plot gets completely dropped halfway through the game and at the end Earth is for reasons unknown completely back to normal. This change never gets explained, or even brought up.

-New plot: A time travel blackhole appears literally out of nowhere, sending main characters to past Earth. The protagonist does something absolutely retarded and fucking destroys Earth and all of mankind.
-Expectation: This has massive consequences on main plot.
-Result: lol it was just alternate timeline and real Earth is PERFECTLY FINE, the whole debacle just existed to make the protagonist mope for a while

The actual main plot then is fighting generic unexplained aliens that want to destroy existence itself. Lots of retarded drama and asspulls like one party member seeing a non-character he met few scenes ago die, and as a result he becomes the fucking final boss of the game leading the existence ending aliens because apparently existence itself is nothing but suffering now. Another shit about the childhood friend angsting a lot because she has power with literally no downsides BECAUSE I'M NOT NORMAL BOOHOOHOO. In general all characters are generic unlikeable animu archetypes made as cliche as possible so it's not like you can even derive pleasure from their interactions.

Gameplay wise it's decent though, and the blindside system is a fun addition to Star Ocean 3's gameplay. SO3 does also shit the bed plot wise later on, but SO4 is a story shitfest throughout.

Well the game is not a buggy mess but it is indeed cringy and bad.

2 > HUGE POWER GAP > 5 > 3 > 1 > MASSIVE POWER GAP > 4
3 > 4 (like a weaker version of 3) > 5 (just mediocre, more of a spammy clusterfuck) > 2 > 1 (both limited in their 2D design, also happen to be spammy clusterfucks)
2 > 5 (just really fucking mediocre) > 3 (the twist wasn't bad, the rest of it was quite good) > 1 > 4, kay

She has nice feet

The major issue I had with SO4 was the lack of save points in dungeons. You could be doing a dungeon for like a hour and not encounter a save point since the entrance.

Did anybody ask for this port?

whatever you do, don't play this game.

Not good but, i guess if it runs at 60 and we can mod it then that's good enough for me.

Why did people make a fuss over his name and not Fayt's? 3 and 4 are both stupid in much the same ways, but people will fellate 3 and bitch about 4 every day.

Boring main story plot
Private actions are mostly bad. Private actions were the best things in 1 and 2, they dropped them in 3 for the most part and kind of brought them back in 4. except they're all limited to the Calnus and mocap + anime situations don't mesh well.

Edgelord Mcgee

Edge Maverick

>Denuvo on an 8 year old game

Fuck off.

Where is 1 to 3?

I'd have preferred SO3 or SO5, but whatever. SO4 is likely easier to port over since it's their older ASKA engine game. SO5 will probably follow.

I hope they'll release this with star ocean 3 HD on disc.

Looks like a pirate until it gets removed.
Who am I kidding, Squareshit didn't even remove Denuvo from their previous titles.

You can already emulate SO3 in 4k on PC

Funfact: SO4 was meant to be a PS2 game but they switched to 360 early in development after Microsoft paid Square Enix to make 360 games for Japan. Hence why you got shit like FFXI, SO4, and other SE titles on 360.

fayt, EDGE, how is this even comparable, excluding last names?

Anyone else despise how small the text is on these Steam games. To be precise, I mean whenever you do an achievement the text announcing what you did? Horrifically small. Do these idiots expect people to have home mega theater type TVs and Monitors?



If you have to omit the last name to try and argue when the full name is why people bitch about edge's name then you fucked up. Not to mention fayt's 4D powers, edge isnt even a maverick.

Meanwhile, 1, 2 and 5 MCs have perfectly fine names. Roddick Farrence, Claude Kenni, Fidel Camuze.

Why they are remastering this shit and not a Vesparia or Lost Odyssay that are stuck on the dead, irrelevant console reeee

Faty is better then Edge. fight me faggot.

It's fucking horrendous Kay!?

Jap dub not good either. And i'm prefer japanese voices in all japanese games.

little girl gets fucked by elf

Because tri-Ace and SE have nothing to do with those

The only Star Ocean game I played was the second one, should I pick it up?

So can anyone give me a rundown on star ocean for someone who might want to get into it? Where should I start, what should I avoid?


I want to fuck this creature desu.

Start from 2, avoid everything else.

Get in the line.

are they still doing a port for that? I remember reading they were thinking about doing it last year but I guess they decided to go with this one instead.

I want to fuck the cat more.


Loli not for lewding, Kay???

Jesus Christ...

the dub is so fucking terrible but the gameplay is not that bad, I played this back in my 360 have fun PCfags

Will they port resonance of fate/end of eternity

If you're dead on the inside and actually enjoy bad jrpgs play 3 and 4.


Nigga I played Breath of Fire 1 recently and enjoyed it. Inject me with your most bland JRPG shit

xenoblade 2 is coming out and im sure that will carry me till mon hun worlds

Is this the game with the witch wearing the checkerboard suit?