"It's just cosmetic, it won't ACTUALLY affect your gameplay experience!"

"It's just cosmetic, it won't ACTUALLY affect your gameplay experience!"

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This is the future you chose

Post YFW you've never played a game with loot boxes and never will.

>You chose for them to ruin your favorite game series(es) by not buying shitty Jewish practices
Keep projecting.

>tfw poor
>cant afford online multiplayer games at 60$
>not worth buying after the price drops because the playerbase usually does too
I feel like because there are so many games coming out these days, whatever game you'll get is not even going to last that long anyway. Not saying that makes the game shit, but I question if it would be worth it at that point. Regardless, I wouldn't fuck with microtransactions even if I did buy the games.

>update player profile to indicate non-purchase
>tfw getting tagged as a poorfag in the next CoD unless can convince mummy to buy me all the newest DLC

Only voice any of you have in this issue is what you choose to pay for. Boycott companies that do this and spread more info on their practices, but ultimately we don't have the same megaphone as big companies do and everything we do is kinda pointless. So only options are not to pay for this crap. Pirate games or play the thousands upon thousands of free games without microtransactions. Fuck, just keep playing old games from the 90s and early 2000s, back when DLCs and in game purchases weren't even on the drawing boards, you don't have to play the new meme game just because your friends are playing it too, get some backbone.

There is not a single good game with loot boxes. The entire argument is a non-argument if you have good tastes.

Would you count LoL?

I would

however this model takes into account game affecting purchasable items

Dead or Alive 5's cosmetics somewhat affect gameplay
mind games

fuck, then I am damned.

I don't completely understand where you are going with your logic. Also, logic structures are supposed to be simple and easy to understand. With a logic structure as loose as this, it is easy to understand how a company can end up with 500 glitches in a single game.

That's why I don't buy game anymore and mostly play emulation.

it's not a structure meant to replace the matchmaking system, but to be imposed on it, it's not actual engineered design either, this is just a sketch of what they want the technology to do for them

t. Brainlet

I played TF2 before it had them and stopped playing shortly after they were introduced.

Does that count?

I played tf2, never bought anything and spent a special stack of energy into destroying any opponent with expensive cosmetics, and shit talking them after the match on "how all this crap you bought really helped you out ".

It was cool.

My logic is they claim that these items, even if they don't affect the experience of the game by being purley cosmetic (although states it is for actual mechanic-affecting items).
IF this model applies to games with cosmetic purchasable content, then it affects you by matching you with a (presumed) skilled player with an item the game calculated you may want. Regardless if the enemy is skilled or not, it IS affecting your gameplay by affecting the players you are matched with. If that doesn't seem convincing enough, see 812; the player is specifically matched with players that the purchased item would be beneficial and make victory easier. Now if that's not gameplay affecting, I don't know what is.
Now for the other side of the coin; if these items ARE mechanic-affecting, then it's simpler than that. Imagine the game thinks you could do well buying a rocket launcher. Well it will put you against a team of people who use rocket launchers. It lets you get your asses kicked and generates a Pavlovian responses in your head associating rocket launchers with success, coaxing you into buying one. Then it puts you against players where the rocket launcher kicks ass, further convincing you your decision was correct (while simultaneously and potentially cycling the process making YOU the tool convincing the wimps to buy their own rocket launchers).
From an engineering perspective it's genius, assuming the players play their parts.

I fucking hate to admit it, but even though I think TF2 did some retarded shit with its cosmetics, it seems... ok? Have I been conditioned? Because I can't justify with logic why TF2's loot boxes are ok. I never bought them, I played the stock market and only bought 1 Spycicle just to make me non-f2p.

>Making the game more ugly every day with disgusting cosmetics destroying the great art style of the original game, and making the engine more clogged with unoptimised shit with the game more hard to run properly
>It's ok

you very effectively summed it up, the aim of the system is to take what microtransactions already do to a player's psychology (see cool thing, don't have cool thing, want cool thing, buy cool thing cycle) and forcibly make you experience that in a very concentrated manner
i expect it to be retardedly bad the first times it's implemented though, something like matching you with top whales frequently, although like every piece of algorithm made to fuck your privacy and your wallet it will keep growing exponentially in effectiveness and we'll soon be swimming in microtransaction centered experience
and by soon i mean even worse than now


Congrats, you got indoctrinated.

go ahead Wallaby, ive it coming.

heh im fucking glad i never really cared about cosmetics

Okay, so the two important parts to me then are how 802 is carried out, and what 814 leads to. If 814 leads to me no longer being identified as player 1 in 802, then that means the game is segregating pay to win faggots from the rest of us. This sounds like targeted marketing where people who don't tend to buy extra shit are not targeted. So if you want to buy a game, but hate the fact that it has pay to win weapons, then this concept could be beneficial to you as a consumer.

On the other hand, if a non-purchased item identifies you as player 1, then it means the game will continuously pester you until you purchase it, then put you on OP teams thereafter. The game would be so obviously lopsided that it would undoubtedly fail in anything other than mobile gaming.

Is this image from something in particular or is it just speculation?

It's a patent Activision made for this algorithm model.

the system can repeat itself, assuming there are x number of p2w items itcan put you in shitty teams against players with some of said p2w items you're missing, even if you already bought one or two, it doesn't necessarily have to distinct all players in 2 teams, that's too restrictive and wouldn't sell as well


patent filing on their lootbox matchmaking engine for multiplayer games.

in addition
>it could be multiple items at once targeting you
>it could take ages to realize you're not going to by X item
>it could just put you in a different item list once you are removed from X.

Jesus fucking Christ, I am never purchasing anything associated with Activision ever again.

If they patent a surgery that becomes my only chance at life, I will crawl into Activision headquarters' heating vents and die there with both middle fingers extended.

The worst part is that you can actually patent something like this

since when were you able to patent ideas that didn't have a functional prototype

>Activision patents manipulative system that will only be used for COD at best
>Nobody else is allowed to use it
Activision are the heroes we need.

Namco patented loading screen minigames, yet there are ways around it. When was the last time you saw a game through a loading screen?

That is why I said 802 is important to know how it works. The concept seems to present that a person who bought a pay to win item would then be marketed to for additional pay to win items. It is reasonable for them to do this too. If someone spent money once, obviously you want to bait them into spending money continuously. If someone isn't buying your pay to win items, you might not want to deter them from playing your future games by pitting them against pay to win teams.

OP's pic is impossible to categorize as good or bad without more detail.

since the patent offices worried that everything that can be invented has been invented.

we only need china to make loot boxes illegal and they're no longer financially viable

god save us

this is very interesting, thank you

I've never understood the argument that it's ok if it's cosmetic.
Content is content, cosmetic or not.

What if they start selling the character creator in some games separately? You're forced to play as the generic standard character unless you buy the DLC. It's just cosmetic, right?
Or what about graphics settings. Buy the high settings DLC or you're forced to play on medium. It's just cosmetic after all.

This is not even the beginning of it, Boeing has patented nuclear fusion planes. This shit happens all the time

b-but muh free market

You make a point. They CAN do whatever they want. Just don't expect me to pay for it.

holy shit, don't give them ideas. I can already see it
>Only 9.95$ to unlock the premium graphic options, it will make your game look better than for the other scrubs.

>"it's okay when TF2 does it"

The thing that concerns me the most is the last part, about putting you into better matches when you buy the item. I want to know, will this only be for games like Call of Duty where the items are different weapons, or will this be for games with purely cosmetic DLC? Will they put you into shitty imbalanced matches stacked against you until you pay for hats, then give you good matches?

To be fair those developers had to work really hard on those 4k textures and anti-aliasing isn't as simple as hitting a check box in unreal (unless you want it to look like greasy shit). Hey, real time shadows take a lot of processing power too and we don't want to overwhelm our players by having those unlocked by default because that would prevent some of them from enjoying our game.




>never will.
at this rate you wont have a choice

>update player profile to indicate non-purchase
But then what happens?

Good thing PCs still have this backwards compatibility shit working most of the time.

Hopefully, it's an internal thing, where it says "Ok he didn't buy the sniper rifle, so don't bother him with this matchmaking bullshit ever again."

If we're unlucky, it puts a massive POORFAG badge onto your public profile for everyone to mock.

>massive POORFAG badge
you mean a badge of pride to distinguish Gregors from DragonStrikerz123

itll be more like "Ok he didn't buy the sniper rifle, so don't bother him with sniper again, let's try a different gun"
especially since computer algorithms are all about trial and error

They will never put a badge on your account because they will never admit using such a kikery system. Chances are it's already active and they are lying about it.

The more likely outcome is that it will pair you with several better players using the sniper rifle against you to keep kicking your ass until you're frustrated enough to pay for it.

Yeah that's been my assumption for the whole thing. I still think it's really scummy.

>just don't buy it!
>what do you mean my precious ching chong developer put loot boxes in my pedophile simulator game?!?!

>Free DLC
That's fine. Good, even, because the game is way too fucking big as is. An extra 10 gb of textures would just be obscene.

>pantsu DLC

Name δΊ” Japanese games that do this.

I would but I cant pronounce them.

It's gonna happen, just like they adopted on-disk DLC, season passes and paid online.
The slippery slope is real.

>dan schneider
>those feet



Lootboxes should be regulated by the FTC for the same reason that TCP/IP packets should be regulated by the FCC.

I think you could buy lottery tokens in Senran Kagura? I remember there are two currencies but I don't remember if they were both in-game currency.

What am I supposed to do about these practices? Me, the individual, not a "consumer movement?" I'm legit losing friends right now because they're diving head-first into these RNG lootbox paywall-grindfest pieces of shit and I refuse to jump onboard.

Japanese had the "gacha" term years before lootboxes were discovered by western kikes.
In fact they probably had the idea from them.

I'd do the same if I was in that position.

let it all burn, I don't play modern games anyway

>used to laugh at the state of the mobile gaming industry filled with shovelware and microtransactions
>realize the state of the whole gaming industry now
What went wrong?

At least with LoL you can actually choose which things you want to buy

>EA getting a lot of flak for loot boxes, lets stay out of it right Bobby?
>......oh no

>"It's just cosmetic, it won't ACTUALLY affect your gameplay experience!"

the dark secret is that no one would pay money for these things outright, but if they lock them behind slot machines people will suck dick for just one more roll. lootboxes are functionally equivalent to all the horrible shit you see in your average casino.

I've always been immune to that shit. If I don't know exactly what I get I won't spend a cent.
Of course it also affects me since games are designed around this bullshit and usually there is no other way to unlock the items.

that's great for you, but you're in the extreme minority and since you don't play games with these features you literally don't exist to the developers. hence

>caring about cosmetics in a multiplayer game when people play games like Quake, where you just quickly shoot them

Anyone that's ever said they hesitated about shooting someone because of cosmetics is a liar.

thank you

and yet nobody cares about 4k and shadows. nintendo is the proof of this


We let "muh gaeming journalims" lump mobile games with the rest of the crap just so they could tell us that women make half of the gaming audience, giving publishers the idea.

Combine that with your whore of a mother paying money for a few extra rounds of candy crush and here we are.

My mother doesn't like smarthphones.

>I've never understood the argument that it's ok if it's cosmetic.
Then you're autistic and can't understand things in ways other than black or white.

It's from an official patent application.

you tried so hard and got so far, but in the end you're still reddit