
>he sided with the scummy vtmb thread

How does Jeanette fornicate with kine without bleeding all over them?

Do vamps even bleed? I would think that makes them weaker.

they ain't got no body fluids but blood.
If you fuck Jeanette it costs you a blood point.
Think about it.

>she'll never sit on my face.

feels bad.

>wanting commie ass

She wouldn't bleed all over them because by spending blood points, she can make her body act as though it were alive. So it would be just normal sex, except that she has exert her vampire power for her to do so.

After sex, you would need to feed. You can mimic life (doing stuff like sex, producing tears e.g.) but its tiring and costs power.

So which faction was in the right? Anarchs, LaCroix, Camarilla, Sabbat, or Kuei-Jin?

They're all fuckers. That's the point.

Where is the video games?

Which one was less of a fucker then?

Anarchs aren't anarchists though.

up your ass

All ass is equal user. Besides converting women is easy.

>tfw Toreador with a Malk bf

Camarilla is probably the least shitty but shit none the less. The whole point of the World of Darkness is that its a crapsack world, and everyone is out for themselves.

>tfw you will never get Damsel to join the Camirilla

Is she really a Brujah? I heard she was Toreador that took LARP-ing a litte too far.

not even once

I don't know why someone would tell you that.