Grab your sword and fight the naga!

Grab your sword and fight the naga!

I remember when playing the campaign in WC3 and asking "why isnt the naga a race if in the campaign they have everything"

>grainy angled photo

How do I get into WoW? I'm begining to feel that MMOs aren't my kind of game because I played FFXIV and it was nothing but "go do x and kill x and then listen to some boring dialogue". Are there plus sides to MMOs?

wait, didnt they go underwater in an expansion many years ago?

I can't wait to send my crew out on voyages from my class order boat (Original idea, do not steal).

making friends is much easier in MMOs than in real life for me the older i get.
realistically wow "begins" when you reach max level and start the endgame in its current state. if you manage to talk to people and make some friends to run mythics/raids and even get in a fresh guild, no matter what you think about the content the mutual sense of success and familiarity makes for a good time

What are the best places to make friends in WoW? How should I approach people

why is the text on top so misaligned

Jesus fuck no, all the underwater shit they've done so far has been horrible.

Absolutely anywhere. If you have questions as a noob, just ask in general or trade chat in the city. If you see somebody funny or skilled in a dungeon talk to them and add them if they agree.
Just BY GOD do not join a """social""" guild. Those are only used by people leveling up to get the xp bonus. Nothing in there is social. Find a guild that is maybe casual but still does content - mythics, raiding, pvp. Just c onstantly ask people if they want to do something.

Fighting the Naga after defeating the Legion seems like a stepback

>from sargeras to a fucking naga bitch

join a Sup Forums guild

>From the Lich King and Old Gods to some orcs
>No, really, just orcs
>Not even drunk on demon blood

>spend more than a year with an all powerful artifact weapon, feeding it more power
>oh hey, [Rusty Stick With Glitter] ilvl 1200, guess I don't need that anymore

no thanks, i don't find Mfwtrumpwon the Patient's constant rants about how women are whores but won't fuck him funny.

But MoP came after WOTLK

what UI is that, friend?

>MoP was about orcs because of 1 raid


I thought it was "into the void" or some shit?


vanilla best game

made my own, but i use skufllower now
pic related, it's me and my bitch

>will maraudon pay off
nigga, the end boss ring is GOAT

Are you really this gullible? You believe any random picture that you see on Sup Forums?

I remember them saying there were supposed to be 6 races in WC3 but they scrapped it to focus on the 4.

Why people so hung up on this, people replace thunderfury. hand of rag and illidan glaves with poop on a stick, why is this different

Fuck your weapon, that happens every expansion. I want to be able to use my fishing artifact and any new bonuses to be built straight into fishing.

I'm a XIVfag, I don't play WoW, but it's curious to see which direction the next trainwreck expac is going in.

>Merely pretending

your ui alone makes me wanna reinstall

>misusing memes

>I'm a XIVfag
Rest easy because your trainwreck expac is going absolutely nowhere.

>into the void

that's not Starcraft

>Say something stupid
>"hey you're stupid"
>Actually i didn't mean it, surprise!

>Pete's 9th mage
>Have 5 warriors
Just kill me Pete.

They planned to have the naga be a race, but realized late in development they didn't want to repeat the same mistakes they made in Warcraft 2 with naval capabilities polarizing maps into either navy being batshit broken or absolutely useless. Notice how the campaign makes a lot of use out of shipyards with transport ships and destroyers and war amphibious war turtles, all of those were going to be in before they scrapped the water aspect from ladder.

I miss Ashran. I "RP'd" as a Paladin Jailer who would jail Blood elf bitches (with the paladin banish spell for that zone) and follow them to the cell and use stuns / dazes etc to keep them there.

I made sure those whore (especially those naughty shadow priests) elves got punished as long as possible, until they could take no more and tried to run away and die.

Dressed as pic related. Good times

>From Sargeras to that Naga bitch who can beat Archimonde's ass without even breaking out her seven vaginas.

>>Say something stupid
It was a question though.

The MSQ in Stormblood is legitimately good though, and every job is 100% viable (even if RDM is only useful in prog)
also Shinryu EX is probably the best non-raid fight in a game full of god tier bosses

>who can beat Archimonde's ass
you wot

Ooooh. Can I get myself a ship, crew and sail the (7?) seas of World of Warcraft while shagging my panderan wife back in my captains quaters and later sing some AC BlackFlag tier shanties and spear Murlocs through their nutsacs?

She's arguably the strongest mage on Azeroth but source on her beating on Archimonde

>Caring about WoW past cataclysm

Azshara was fucking stronk m80. Decades of sipping the WoE kool aid made it where she was a powerhouse up there with him an KJ, if not above. Remember, she was crazy and strong enough to view Sargeras and go "I wanna see his dick".

>Fighting Aszhara

eh why not

Blue is better than Neon Green Everywhere at leasf

What is Azshara's tax policy?

I just started playing again, I haven't payed since WotLK and the only area that is underwater is Vashj'ir. I actually liked the zone but spent little time there because I cruised past the level for that area.

They must of added it in Cataclysm because the area is around 80-82.

>The MSQ in Stormblood is legitimately good though
Yeah yeah whatever go celebrate your 40 hours of *clenches fist* in your own thread

>implying fully unleashed N'zoth isn't final boss

everything that hits the sea floor she gets to keep

user Old Gods are also near the water yknow

They never fought but she was right there with him and KJ during the invasion. Could have easily become the Sargeras' next Lieutenant if she had put in the effort.
"Give me your shit, kiss my feet, and I won't murder your family."

>Implying it has to hit the sea floor

Naga is dangerously close to the word nigger

>tfw you Jailed their Ancient Artifact carrier

literally the most fun I got out of WoD, which actually really isn't say much but still

>retail cucks
lights-hope fresh is just around the corner next week!




That's called hubris user.
For an example of what would happen between Sargeras and Azhara, see Vegeta vs Perfect Cell.

Shit, are you serious? Server wipe or just another server?

Void Lords confirmed to not be a boss back in the Legion comics. Anduin and Velen go to fight them WAAAAAY into the future. When Anduin's about the age of Second War Anduin.

Some jackass GMmade a backup of elysium, deleted the current file, and then made his own server

>Large portion of the WoW population hated the underwater content in Cataclysm
>Hey, lets make an entire expansion about that!
I quit WoW early in Legion, and that was after quitting WoD after progressing through BRF. The only thing that would bring me back to the game in any capacity would be legacy realms with some minor QoL improvements. But its the case of 'you think you want it, but you don't' from Blizzard so it'll be more garriso- I mean Order Hall missions and another endless grind.

I really liked Vash'jir, fuck the haters.

She didn't want to fight Sargeras, she wanted to fuck him. Sure it would be like trying to fuck the Sun, but damn did she have goals.

naga and what more

I know about lights hope, I already logged in, but it's not a fresh server

I don't know about Archi, but where every other elf was shitting their pants at basic demons she tamed felhounds to literally act like pups and mad made Mannoroth her bitch boi lackey without even raising her voice.
Azshara's a bad bitch.

everyone i know goes away in the end

We don't know what 'final boss' Grandpanduin is going up against. Void Lords seem obvious, but they gave themselves plenty of room

theres probably a lot of azeroth blood in the sea now which means shes probs more powerful than argus at this point

Amybody got the screen of that reddit post one of the Elysium devs did where he called everyone who played on the server morons and tried to white knight for the woman taking massive cuts from their donations?

>meanwhile on RP servers.

I know, that I can't turn back time......

Oh no I know. I'm just saying she had a ton of hubris during that time. I read the books and she seemed so full of herself, as if Sargeras was just another notch on her belt. When in reality she had no fucking idea what she was fucking with.

Pure RP Goodness

shame it doesnt happen very often

Dude, they fucked up with SB and you can't deny it. 2 fucking dps class when queues are already a pain in the ass. SAM is useless. Wtf were they thinking?

Imagine what this would look like as a real life meet up.

mop was the peak of wow

if you disagree just kys yourself

Playable Naga and Nerubian when?

Why does every xpac have to be super srs big bad shit
Feels like we're just going through the motions

>Using Tounges


I could never in my life have been this autistic, not even at 14. Never. And adults do this, it's astounding.

>Anduin and Velen go to fight them WAAAAAY into the future
>Anduin and Velen stay on the Vindicar to mop up the remains of the Legion while we handle things planetside.
>Two expansion down the line and the time dilation gives us grandpa Anduin
Just saying, if Blizz wants to go that route they've left a path to it.

t. mopfetus whos first xpac was pandaland
>n-nuh uh! I played vanilla on a private server and it was poopy

Pathetic cretins.

>delusional vanillafags shitting up every thread
Loving the reruns

>He doesnt know about Kiljaidens Cunning and Mannoroths fury

I'd take a mini expansion that took a break from it all and focused on player housing and shit like that before jumping into another of these. Something akin to a peace era, where the raids are games set up like a tourney.

I haven't played seriously since middle of Wrath, but that would bring me back if done right.

Why doesn't sargares just come and plunge his giant titan dick into Azeroth's innocent planet pussy?

Thunderfury was near BiS to halfway through TBC until it got nerfed

Never, because blizzard is too afraid of all the WHAT'S UP MY NAGA jokes. That and they're too lazy to reskin pants into fish-pants.


Busy fucking around with remains of other titans

Spoiler that shit dude, this is a blue board.

reminder to farm all stupid shit you could possibly want from AQ20/40 before they decide to fuck with it like they did ZG/ZA and Karazhan

Leggos are fucking dumb in all honesty

>Lucky one in a million drop turns you into the number one dps and others cant even compete

>he unironically calls them leggos

I bet you love chivies too.

>people hated Vashj'ir
>let's make an entire expansion based on that aesthetic!

I don't play WoW since WotlK, it's strange to finally see the obvious race predicted years ago, I'm another man now, old, with other things to think about, I feel old, however, also I thought the same as you seeing the Naga in WC3.