Battlestation thread

Battlestation thread

The only thing you're battling is heart disease you fat weeb.


wow rude

ay yooo

>people still respond to this image
whew, also
how the fuck do people live like that? Don't you just feel disgusted at having all that shit lying around? It would drive me insane.

>covering windows
what's the matter, OP? Afraid someone will find out how repulsive you are?

I'm surrounded by cows so I don't have to worry about people seeing into my windows. I work evenings so half of my sleep is when the sun is out.


Clean up your room


>dat Melty Blood setup

What is this TV setup? The program is some sort of emulator program with art scraping?

>how the fuck do people live like that?
By using drugs and alcohol

the empty soda cans and shit I get but why the fuck is there toothpaste and listerine next to your setup... can you not go 30 seconds away from your pc to brush your teeth?

Battle in the Bathroom


Post the one where the melty blood station was at the garbage bins outside.

Can't be worse than mortal Kombat being in the bathroom as an official station for a fighting game tourney.

are you afraid of your roommates?


it's Launchbox. It's a front-end launcher for all your emulated games.

>tfw I moved back with family
I'm waiting until my sister moves out then I'll be able to spread out a bit more. As of now, mind the wiring, it's not permanent. My setup hasn't changed much other than removing the consoles from my desk and getting another chair.


I like it

>catches bait
>takes some other bait in the same post

New keyboard, mouse, headphones, and joycons on the way.

My desktop is NOT bait.


REX Zinogore and Zero

Etika? is that you?

>not putting your console boxes in storage
>those tacky mini consoles on each speaker right in front of your pc

this nigga comfy as fuck

>yes i'll have 4 snes classics please

Get a garbage can in your room

You think that's tacky you should see my old setup from my last apartment.

>That fucking destroyed bleacher foam ass pad.

Why do you have that one blank daki?

Looking forward to Sabrinas show?


What if you accidentally bump into that desk, does the whole thing come crashing down?

The tacky bit is prob because you have emulator boxes right next to what would be a much better emulator box. Figures aren't tacky.



Where did you buy that wall tapestry, looks dope




feet meme

got it off amazon



My set up sucks, got a pokemon tcg display from gamestop thats cluttered with shit.

>not a flag

>ML Spiderman & 2099
Mah nig-
Off yourself

lol, its the only decent posable female spiderman I could get.



I'm kidding, nii-san. I like her design.
But the Revoltech is better, I'd say.

Thats what I have, I have both and fucking hate the ml

>Toenail Clipper
>Webcam to wank with omegle whores most like
>Clio Pantyhose to mask your face when you track those bitches down.
10/10 station.

Poverty Blood, just like the good ol' days.

and that is how you successfully live a life completely secluded from society

oh hey dude i have this thing i need to go to i have to leave now gotta go sorry bye/10

holy shit wrecked

It's funny because I'm not even fat



Looks nice, not a fan of the Vault Boy Bobble or Xbox but it's a good looking setup. What's the floor though?

Know where I can get that Megumin pillow hahaha? Just asking for a friend hahaha

Comfy af


May the gods bless your fucking soul


You're kind of fucked when it comes to options for dakis. The quality is pretty damn good on hobbyheart, unlike bootleg figs.

>You're kind of fucked when it comes to options for dakis.
Its what drives my autism and makes it fun to collect. Should order a bootleg one someday to see for myself what the quality is like.

Please rate gently

lol r u a girl?

No, just gay

a gay girl?

not a huge fan of that long desk, comfy otherwise.

nothing will beat this.

love this. i love being surrounded by shit i love
also good taste.

love the joycon colours. love the station.

you don't see carpet too often, so +1 for that. has a nice relaxed look

looks good user!

could be organized a little better.

really nice user, has a good vibe going.

i always rate yours, but it's just so stylish and clean.

Very VERY clean.
Boring as fuck. NEETrash are the best stations.


Yeah, I have to sort out the sections in my display. There's tons of room in this thing so trying to delegate space just for games sorted by console is difficult when nearly everything I own fits into one pocket.

zodiac killer / 10

it must be a bitch to dust, but i feel your pain.

I like your Miku dedication.
Nice GitS figures as well
Never mind you're a faggot.

Looking at SSD's would be a nice addition to my rig.

>rosalina, daisy
>all that miku

Good ol stained carpet and yeah i havent touched the xbox since i built a PC

nice lotion

It's a lubricant for enjoyment.

I know there's a lot odd here, but what's with all those pictures of jason?


Looks really cold.


Unless you're someones European grandma, this is unacceptable.

>Steam chat

I like the walk-in rack. Reminds me of work.

Link to wallpaper? Had it but had to format computer and lost it.

reminds me of a janitor's closet