Wow Bethesda's upper management sure is diverse, I guess that explains why their games are so smart huh

Wow Bethesda's upper management sure is diverse, I guess that explains why their games are so smart huh

most those people never played a videogame

Not a single remotely fuckable woman in the crowd god damn.

3rd from left standing in the second row is extremely fuckable

Get out of here Tood, you're no woman.

3rd from the right sitting down is prime gmilf


What's the problem besides the one bitch who is unironically wearing cowboy boots?

I wish I had a job that pays insanely well, and I didn't have to do anything.

Corporate suits and women, pretty much what I expected
>tfw never going to get another game to rival new vegas

Look at all those people who 100% don't actually play video games.
Is there ANY industry where management ISN'T full of people who don't know dick about the industry they're involved in?

> upper management
> their games

That's totally how a corporation works. Now back to highschool you retard.

Private military companies. Management is all former staff too old to still be fucking around in some sandy or steamy shithole.

that chink is shorter than todd
what is this madness

Spooky. Someone shopped Todd's head into a room with a bunch of successful businessmen.

For a bunch of executives at a big company, they sure look poorly dressed. Is it an American thing to dress like a failed, middle age primary school teacher as often as possible?

Explains why FO4 was such a fucking let down.

That angry old indian looking lady is probably the reason behind creation club.

the men are just as rancid
you think with all that skyrim money theyd be able to afford youth extension treatments

Top legal firms are a good example too. Most of them have an ''up or out'' policy, where you are either promoted into management or let go after a few years. Most upper management started at the same firm as junior lawyers straight out of law school.

what the fuck do they need a million managers for?

Which one is Trump's brother?

Bethesda is in the top 5 biggest 3rd party game publishers, user.
I remember when they were just getting started, with shit like Rogue Warrior and Wet.

Zenimax is worth $1.2 Billion.

The company literally makes billions and employs thousands of people. It's not that weird to have a few managers. These people are also the least likely to ever be fired, as they are the ones to make those decisions and all protect each other. It's not a bad gig to have, really.

Is there a more quintessentially "eh, it was ok" game than Wet?

Is that Rodney Dangerfield?

well Sup Forums is diverse now thanks to neogaf

> Sup Forums getting culturally enriched by Sup Forums
I think that Sup Forums may have a point on immigration.

Todd must be kneeling in the picture so as not to offend anyone else.

it's pretty obvious most of Sup Forums just wants things to be fair and they're just sick of evil assholes running the place through their braindead followers.

alot of the people there look like they know nothing about video games.

So, in all honesty, couldn't you weed half of those people out and the productivity of the company wouldn't change?

they get bullied by their leaders into what to do.

Theyre fuckable they just arent dressed up slutty

You clearly never been to Sillicon Valley, all investors and stakeholders are white, mid-to-early 50s and white

Is it a whatever irrelevant country you're from thing to always be obsessed with America?