Favorite villains?

Favorite villains?

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Don't care how much Sup Forums shits on these games, this guy is great. Probably why the writers won't get rid of him.

Liked him more than I thought I would in Tales.

His last scene in Tales is so fucking great. What the hell could they replace him with?

Angry Joe?

Wacky alien horrors and miscellaneous gang leaders trying to fill in the power vacuum I guess.

Not quite as charismatic though.

Is that you Scatman?

A man scats, a slave just mouths the sounds incoherently.


> Wacky alien horrors
I'll take that one. We still don't what Zero is.

>a man chooses, a slave obeys
such a great quote

I expected a edgelord, what I got was maybe the best antagonist I have ever seen in a video game.

One of the more entertaining/unsettling horror villains I've seen in recent years.

Oh hi Jim...

Was he even a villain?


He fostered a society that subsisted on children being enslaved and genetically modified into a dream-like state that alters their perception of the horrible things that they're forced to do.

So, kind of.

Was Sterling in the game? I think I heard that he was going to be a voice in a later episode, but it still hasn't been released yet.

Yeah, just less evil than Atlas/Fontaine.

For all the hate that Machine For Pigs gets for watering down Amnesia gameplay-wise, I think that the Engineer had one of my favorite villainous monologues that I've seen in a game. The performance was really solid.



so what the fuck was the plot of this game again?

The problem with AI Jack is that it really just strikes home how poorly he was handled in the non-Tales Borderlands games. There was a lot of potential for a genuinely interesting villain there that only got realized after he got killed off.

This after the shit went down.

The timeline got screwed by introducing Donut Steel from Infinite, but little sisters were made after the bad elements could not be contained.


Terrible as the game is, Jack alone almost makes it worth it, it just sucks you have to kill the only remotely "good" character in the game. Everyone else is such a morally deficient prick, even compared to Jack.

I liked Tales overall better than I thought I would.

The good thing is Jack can be kept alive, and Jack's voice actor has hinted to doing work on Borderlands 3 and Telltale has hinted at Tales 2. Both will probably be garbage games but we may get more Jack.

I liked him in TPS, but I guess he's really not a baddie there. And while he could be better handled in BL2, I like that that you're only face to face twice in the game. It makes him seem powerful and distant when really he's alone and outmatched (by the Vault Hunters, of course).

The whole backstory hasn't been revealed yet, but the gist of it is that there's some kind of growing cosmic/genetic horror called "The Grandmother" and those that follow her became physically altered and call themselves her grandchildren.

They live in a massive cave-like structure underground but come to the surface to capture people to supposedly force them to become one of them and bolster their numbers.

The saddest thing is Telltale originally planned to let Rhys keep Jack installed, not just in the chip, and join him to actually take over Hyperion. Gearbox intervened and told them they wouldn't allow it.

>Telltale has hinted at Tales 2
Have they?

That's the only Telltale follow-up I'd really be hyped to see. But I'm worried it will get the watered down Walking Dead sequel treatment.

That seems kinda backwards, the core devs asked that a scenario that keeps their best character around be removed?

Gearbox hates Jack. IIRC it's on record that Burch gets pissed off when fans talk about how good Jack is.


Well Burch isn't around anymore, yeah? The other writers hate him too? Are they brain dead?


Seconding SHODAN
I'll also throw in a Father Karras

Leonard Cohen?

>Writer tries to create a character you're supposed to absolutely fucking despise
>Ends up creating a much loved character with more depth and personality than the rest of the cast combined
Erry time

I know he kind of gets dropped half-way through, but I still thought Vaas was fun. Even if it's just because his voice actor sounded like he was having the time of his life.

Our boy, our unfortunate and loyal friend, Dagoth Ur


2/3's of the way tbf. And it makes sense in the grander scheme of the narrative.

>Why isn't it resonating with joy?


This glorious fucker, always thought he'd sound like Sheogorath desu
Gone swimming lately?