When it comes to the Switch do you prefer digital or physical?

When it comes to the Switch do you prefer digital or physical?

Physical always

Always physical

Single player = physical
Multi player = digital

You know it in your heart to be true

I've always been a physicalfag, but lately, and especially with a handheld, digital is just so much more convenient.

this always

I only get digital when its a game i always go back to, like monster hunter.

If it's something I'm going to put down for a while i get physical.

This desu famtachi

With physical I average 51 dollars for a new release with GCU or prime. Most games hover around 20-25 trade in so far. With digital I pay 60 with no trade in chances. So physical.

I can't believe the switch bundles only contain download codes. That is some full jew right there.

Same as music, movies, books etc... always go for the physical release for two reasons. One, you fully own it no matter what. Two, you can sell it on at a later point in time if you so choose.

The only time I break this rule is for digital only releases like Sonic Mania.

Should I get double cross?

Depends how much you want to put up with moonrunes.

I love it, I play it about 10 or so hours a week. It's something I can always just boot up and chill out to hunt some monsters.

Mainline Nintendo exclusives and games with large file sizes: physical
Indies and smaller games: digital

>when it comes to the switch
not interested


PC digital is meh, but console digital is absolutely retarded. They aren't moving or shipping anything. It's direct profits and yet there is no discount.

Speaking of which, you have to pay tax with Prime?
If so, what does the total come out to be?
I've been meaning to pre-order some games.

Digital Storage
-You do not actually own the game and use a license just to play it or "rent" it.
-Must establish internet connection, no offline play
-Server quality varies widely and downloads can be really slow
-If servers go down, you're fucked
-Company can take away your games at will if you misbehave

This indefinitely.

>-You do not actually own the game and use a license just to play it or "rent" it.

>physical games don't have EULAs