Explain to me how capitalism still works with the influx of all this lootbox shit

Explain to me how capitalism still works with the influx of all this lootbox shit.

works like this

I could not beat this game.
I need tips.

So why continue to support a capitalist system?

I think you want

Cause there are no better alternatives

Dont go on adventures, just capitalism.

Also find the sweetspot to sell to people, ranges anywhere from 103%-120%. If you get the little orange "Nice!" or whatever then that person will be willing to spend more money in your shop.

Socialism. Prove me wrong.

You lose once, it becomes piss easy on the second loop.

Venezuela. There.

I dont have to, you people consistently prove yourselves wrong.

>tfw lootboxes are the thing that finally makes Sup Forums go left-wing

game wouldn't even exist

Endgame of socialism is communism

Of course a retarded anime poster would crave everyone being a soulless walking corpse

Explain to me how it isn't?
Fuck off back to

Keep sucking corporate cock I guess.

Buy and sell shit.
Even if there's a price hike on goods, you can still buy them below market value at the market/merchant's guild, so there's literally no reason not to take full advantage.

Dungeoneering is for fun only, not capitalism. Absolutely no reason to touch it during the main game after completing the third one.

Never adventure and early on try to build good relationships with people so they spend more money. Give all your shit to this girl for basically free if she's asking for something cheap.

You got three small arguments and deflated. Nice, socialism is truly the scholars system.

keep sucking everyone else's cock for (You)'s

How much do you get paid to say that?

Unchecked capitalism and communism are both failures because they're unbalanced. Like if you tried to make a party in an rpg consisting solely of DPS.

The best system is a hybrid of the two. As evidenced by it being the model that every successful 1st world country has been using for decades. There are disagreements over the proportions of each we use, but that's what voting is for. Like creating a party with a balance of tank and DPS so they make up for each others' weaknesses.

What we need is more strong and stable capitalism where rich people keep getting obscenely richer while more and more people fall into poverty.

Capitalism is working exactly as intended.

You're presenting her with shit that's just too expensive, period, if she's giving you trouble. Your desired profit margin isn't the issue.

>Endgame of socialism is communism
I'm not going to insult your intelligence by believing you really believe that.

dont buy them if you dont like them, retard
get that commie shit out of here

>we need to give away our rights and property cause companies put boxes that give you random game items


because in order for it not to, enough people need to make a conscious decision to not but lootboxes
that only very rarely happens

>Defending lootboxes

I've actually taken an economics course before so maybe that is why you don't understand what I'm implying

I'm not. I do my part by not buying or playing video games with lootboxes in them.

Except you don't have to. If you want to be a corporate suckup you can, but its not obligated by any means. People that bitch for regulations and socialism are spineless hacks with no self control that want big daddy to implement restraint for them.

Everyone who goes to college takes an economics course. You're not special. Nowhere do they say that communism is the endpoint of socialism. Unless you have a professor who's trying to push his political agenda from the blackboard or something.

My wallpaper is lacking in capitalism. Post Recette art.

Every socialist is a communist at heart. Its literally a fact. Sorry you can't admit it, red cock sucker.

Of course it's obligated. The corporations have control of our politicians. They'll jam that cock down your throat whether you like it or not.

Demonstrably false. Please kill yourself corporate shill.

A business man is president. Be obedient or be sent over the wall.

t. Teenage communist that saw a 9gag meme of someone's casket with minions painted on them
Complaining about lootboxes to the point of saying we need a different economic system is the best way to oust yourself as an underaged retard.
I don't like lootboxes, but at least I know that I don't have to waste my money on that shit or play games that have them.


Proof of this? Besides, better have some crooks then everyone be equally miserable.

Its funny, because I haven't eaten fast food in two years now. Willing to bet you do it biweekly though, low willpower commie scum


A non shitty Kickstarter would solve all our vidya problems

It works for the rich anyways.

>muh vene-

You can still regulate shit under capitalism, ya know? Republicans still believe in regulation, just not to the extent of the Democrats

Gambling is heavily regulated in USA, so should loot boxes
At the very least ESRB should rate games Mature if they have loot boxes

If we define capitalism as the exchange of goods in such a fashion that both parties feel they've increased in owned value.

Then yeah, there aren't any. That's the absolute basis of any system functioning. Trust that both parties are making a fair exchange.

When we look at Communism as practiced, it holds no trust, and sees success above the average as somehow criminal. So, everything falls to the lowest possible output. Excepting areas where harsh force is enacted. (Thus the workers' paradise often ends up employing some forms of slave labor.)

In the other extreme, we have the regulatory capture of Crony Capitalism, in which the winners get to write the rules such that none might usurp them. And if they ever fail badly enough, they can subsidize their failure, while keeping their successes privatized.

Into the trash it goes.