Neogaf thread cont'd

Neogaf thread cont'd

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Post yfw we won.

>NeoGAF in the span of 48 hours died, came back, and put up a ban on all political and social issues discussion. All SJWs are self-purging from the site to go to their safe space new website

>Fuck off with your "tolerance", you and all the self-hating faggots.


Vice Waypoint Forum
Giantbomb forums
OpenCritic forums

These are the main sites Gafags are evacuating to. Deus vult.



the NeoGAF owner's highly problematic and misogynistic statement for anyone who missed it


Not videogames. Fuck off.


I'm so confused. Aren't we always supposed to #ListenAndBelieve women? Or do we only #ListenAndBelieve when it's convenient to our agenda? D-Does this mean gamergate was right all along? Pls respond


At least their well paid for they're services.

user, you don't watch anime do you ?

ABIB is a gay faggot.

One thread allowed at a time as per Hiro you silly head



>SJWs literally excising themselves from neogaf
>No more political bullshit hereforth
>Just video games

Did neogaf just become worth visiting?

Already writing "I Need a Hiro" for the next musical.


Some of the shitposts there are almost Sup Forums in quality.

Would Neogaf consider this empowering?

>all the neogaf shits pretending to be old fags who only *now* want to talk "video games" after getting raped in the bed they made over the years with their political/social issue discourse.

Poetry. Simple. Poetry

Neo fucking gaf of all places has purged the SJWs. Rev up those dance gifs!

t. NeoGAF mod

Man it sucks how any of our lives could be ruined by a random woman making up lies about us on the internet.

can I get a quick rundown?

Read the sticky and then fist yourself, retard.


Feels good shooting the shit with anons from all over and watching my enemies suffer.
Post boards, I'm repping Uboachan.

well shit, good job Hiro. also a big FUCK YOU to all the Neofaggot mods

>Gaf is banning all political/shitposting threads
If this is true, it would literally be better then Sup Forums.

A phoenix could theoretically rise from the ashes of absolute cancer.


>come back to Sup Forums after a month of binge-playing the yakuza series
>this happens

fucking hell i love you guys

Good things that came out of this
>neogaf is forever fucked in the ass
>it's hilarious
>mods and jannies who have been shooting themselves in the foot for the past months finally gets told by hiro for acting like nazis and turning this imageboard into their personal playground.

Hiromoot approved cuck. Get lost before i fuck your ass.


The first two sentences are right.

Hiro is a cuck and shouldn't have a say in the website policies.

Hasn't he already admitted to doing creepy shit in the past?

wtf i hate jrpgs now

>SJWs banned from NeoGAF
>they'll fade into irrelevance
>Japs are making good games again
What went so right?


>That pic
Are these people sane?


Why not? he fucking owns it


Don't be a mod or be a name. Simple as that.

>push an anti-male mentality on your forum for years
>shame and ban anyone who says "wait, can we just believe everyone who makes a claim with no evidence?"
>suddenly go back on it when the bullshit comes back on you



>the person who pays for and owns the site shouldn't have a say in the website policies

>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life

I fucking hate fanatic ideologues.

And I love Yakuza Faceapp pics.


Literally videogames, suck my dick.

>the OWNER of the site, and the only person that actually listens to the COMMUNITY shouldn't have a say on how HIS OWN site functions

>le epic smug anime girl xD
Not an argument.

for every one getting themselves banned to make a point, you must assume that there are 2 more laying low until this all blows over.

How did we get to this point? Mods are fun posting on /qa/ just to get us to forget what they did.


Bad things that came out of this
>containment has broken

eaten by the monster you created
first hollywood now the game industry.

Retweet to get the flag removed from the Rocket League game!


I just don't understand how the mods could even pretend that threads about a "rival" video game forum are not video games, but are perfectly fine with the hoards of e-celeb and Twitter bullshit. How fucking biased and obvious could you be to ban this shit?

Nope, that's why they imploded and why everyone hates them. Except for the Sup Forums mods it seemed till they learned to fear the samurai.


Yup, go there

This is really the biggest blow to left-wing politics in internet history. They've never lost this hard before.

What subreddit is this?

>Gaf is banning all political/shitposting threads
Oh so NOW they want to separate politics from video games when it inconvenienced them. Fuck These faggots!

>safe space new website
Yeah, here.

Since we're on a trajectory on hating mods...
I still have a log on irc chat with I_AM_ABIB basically asking to unban me a 3 day autoban from posting a cropped image i don't know about. Naturally, he declined. Looking back at it, it is pretty funny. I can post the log if you guys interested.


They also took away the meta threads and they are only allowed on /qa/.
Literally who the fuck will ever go to /qa/ to use a meta thread?

>have account
>want to make suicide thread
>dont know how to go out

Not if the lives that are being ruined are the SJW "listen and believe" cuckolds in the first place.

>all SJW faggots commit account suicide at Neogaf and scamper off to ResetEra
>Neogaf bans political talk and becomes a videogame forum again
>ResetEra slowly dies as the SJWs inevitably eat each other

it's a goddamned miracle

>Girl accuses NeoGAF owner of sexual assult/harassment
>Site goes to shit from this, shuts down from how mad everything gets
>Site owner says he's preparing a statement
>Many mods and admins for the site leave supposedly from how shitty the statement is going to be
>Many people claim that they're leaving forever and going to create their own 'more progressive' NeoGAF
>Site comes back up, statement pretty much says the bitch was crazy and none of it happened
>All political and social issue discussion is now banned on NeoGAF
>SJW users in full revolt demanding they have their accounts banned and telling everyone else who's still around to fuck off and die

This is why you remain anonymous.

do it

Mods are inconsistent as fuck and pick and choose what is allowed in the most absurd and nonsensical fashions, not just Sup Forums but in nearly all the boards.

I agree Sup Forums has been shitposting and Sup Forums cancer for a while but why the fuck can we have ten threads discussing about Wolfenstien 2 is insulting to Nazi's and three threads on Twitter drama but talking about Neogaf is a big no-no?

Fuck of mods either do your jobs or you're fucking hiding something.

Gaf actually is looking like a nice place to post at last.

The mass sudoku going on there is quite impressive.



no post to link to anymore? oh but there is sandpai

I really wish Hiromoot would be more involved with our board culture instead of just being a distant shit.

If you have a twitter account and you're not a Japanese artist you should genuinely reconsider your life choices.


Greeting from GameFAQ

congrats bros

>Bud is posting on Sleant

Holy shit I remember this guy. I thought he was one of the more a-political members on Gaf, never took part in SJW witchhunts etc. Wonder what made him quit Gaf.

Well I mean it could happen even if your just a regular guy. Lik say at work if a woman doesn't like you she can just make up a lie to hr and say you sexually harassed her and they will just believe her and fire you. fuckin sucks

Reminder that loli haters are actual insane kiddie fiddlers. Always suspect the anti-loli fags.

I have been banned a billion times for the most retarded shit in the last few months, the powercreep is real.

Hiroshima might be a retard, but he's our retard at least