When was the last time a video game made you laugh

When was the last time a video game made you laugh

I just started Berseria and all the bullying of bienfu makes me happy.


Most recently was probably during Ace Attorney when you had to cross examine the parrot during Case 4.


DDLC when Natsuki said that her dad would beat the shit out of her. Really did not mean to.

Golf Story made me laugh a lot.

Fire Emblem warriors, surprisingly, in the support conversation between Frederick and Leo.

The writing is pleasantly decent.

I was playing The Sims 4 this morning and my sim's oven started on fire. He ran out and I couldn't interact with anything so the fire spread through my whole apartment. Then the neighbors showed up with a bunch of food but got pissed off when I didn't invite them in. The firemen never showed up. It got a laugh out of me.

that sounds pretty damn funny

Grim Fandango

Every time I see Battleborn and realize what a colossal waste and failure it was I bust a gut

I laugh pretty hard every I palletloop with a killer in Dead By Daylight. I'm not sure if I would laugh when I do it alone but most of the time its that kind of contagious laughing with my mates on teamspeak who see what I'm doing

Injustice 2 with banter the characters have before a fight. Some of them are funny, some flirty, some badass. Really good game

>playing PUBG solos
>get caught in a spicy area
>sneak my way out and find a car
>get in
>end up in the backseat by mistake
>see some guy running up to the car
>he gets in and starts driving
>let him take me closer to the circle
>hit PTT when we're close to the center of the circle
>he freaks out and bails, killing himself in the process


push to talk

Mario + Rabbids. Had no right being as good as it was

I smile at some of it, but I haven't laughed

The characters are surprisingly well done, even Rowan actually has a few good moments.

Owain introducing himself with a massive over the top attack... and completely missing with it was very amusing.

Luigi going "bye bye" in Superstar Saga whenever he knocks something out of the way.

Rabbid Peach taking selfies with DK as he falls to his death?

Luigi trying to view the selfies?

Pretty much Phantom in his entirety?

Them building a statue of Rabbid Peach at the end, of all people!?

nier when the robots performed romeo and juliet

Genuine laugh from the writing? Never.
Occasional chuckles from some stuff, but never actual laughter.

Multiplayer games basically don't even count because most of the time you're laughing at something with friends, not something the game did.

In dead Rising 4 one of the characters asks Frank if he's okay and he comes back with "My therapist says it's an ongoing process" which i thought was clever.

>Playing War Thunder
>Doing some Arcade battles to chill
>Flying the Ishak amd delivering papa Stalin's hate for capitalism
>Faggotfire out of nowhere destroys my rudder, of more generally my whole tail
>Still manage to out turn him
> He is still turning and down my gun sights
>Press of trigger
> A salvo of high speed 20mm vodkanium projectiles impacts the faggotfire, instantly destroying both his wings.
>Start laughing maniacally

>tfw the only time you genuinely laugh without forcing it is with a friend that moved to a different state

Radiata stories gets laughs out of me, partially by just how much of a jackass Jack is

Middle Earth: Shadow of War and Shadow of Mordor games, brain magic.