Neogaf thread cont'd

purge all the commies edition


remove mods

>Retards unironically thinking Neogaf will improve after most of the SJWs leave
>This is their first ban for having a "wrong think" opinion

New anti-politicalGaf, same as the ol' GAF

is metro 2033 redux good

>purge all the commies edition

don't worry, they'll starve themselves out like always.

What happened?

It's not raining in here!

And you fucked up with the OP pic. Shit is gonna get deleted.

Why are all Sup Forums tourists fucking retarded?


fuck no why did they even bother when the original was fine?


>purge all the commies edition
wow good thing we're allowed to discuss this very important VIDEO GAMES

Trump is best girl

I don't meant to look a gift horse in the mouth, but hiro was slow as shit on this one.

loling at people that think Sup Forums is alt-right. Sup Forums is probably the second most left leaning board after /mlp/ on this site. There is just a super small minority, but VERY VOCAL, group of Sup Forumstards that shit up every thread with nazi propaganda posts. Starting to think its just bots at this point


i didn't buy it i was just asking cause i wanna play it but only the redux is available

I'm going to make my next Skyrim protagonist a Dunmer who looks like Tyler.

Reminder to help reinstate /l/ so all loli-related subjects can be contained on one board.

Wouldn't be a problem if there was a better place for gaming news. Doesn't help gaming sites only publish a fraction of the news late.



Also all neofag refugees, please kill yourself immediately.

he speaks engrish and probably puts most of what people say through a translator

How's Dobson holding up?


/mlp/ isn't left leaning at all. Go there, they literally have a nazi horse general on page 1

Anyone who's still got an account, post these on Neogaf:

NeoGAF refugee detainment sites:
NewAgeGaming.FastComet.Site (NAG)

Hunting grounds:
Vice Waypoint Forum (
Giantbomb forums
OpenCritic (collaborating with Reset Era)


brb renaming my Dark Elf lord after a special someone

what made him change his mind and BTFO of the mods?

>Actually believing that neogaf won't go back to relative normalcy the second Sup Forums is done raiding it.


>group of Sup Forumstards that shit up every thread with nazi propaganda posts.

I agree, but don't forget lefty /pol as well. They're also present here.

sound arguments

Isn't it literally illegal in some countries? Directly advocating it would be retarded, just let them post it in /d/ or something.

>Sup Forums is probably the second most left leaning board after /mlp/ on this site.
Do you even fucking know what happened on April Fool's when they forced Sup Forums and /mlp/ together you fucking moron?

Neogaf owner has been outted as a rapist, Neofags abandoned ship.

Are you seeing the sjw's being rounded up and mass banned right now my senpai? We aren't even raiding. Neogaf is cutting the cancer out.

>NeoGAF damaged beyond repair
>Sup Forums mods get eternally BFTO
Shit is surreal.

Yeah it's fucking hilarious but a bit much

Old gaf mods are creating a new site, sounds like it's gonna be a hit!

Yeah its good

>second most left leaning board after /mlp/
Wow i haven't laughed that hard in ages, thanks user

>Le my opponents are all bots meme
Kys faggot. Not everybody agrees with you, shocking I know. You fucking nigger.

Yeah right ,neogaf diaspora

>he doesn't know

You have that so backwards it's ridiculous. We wouldn't be laughing at the SJW cuckolds of neogaf getting obliterated if Sup Forums were anything less than right wing.

These ban threads are gold

actual sane person definition rapist or just someone who got a bit handsy

People started whining to him about it, and he doesn't give a shit about Sup Forums, he just wants people to leave him alone.

>hollywood shits itself over rape
>neogaf shits itself over rape
It's beautiful, the SJWs are eating eachother.

I don't understand, who even gives a shit? I wouldn't even know neogaf was a thing if it wasn't for Sup Forums's incessant shitposting about it over the years.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums's greatest ally

This. They're managed to successfully hide their new home from Gloopglop. When they pull back the veil, there will be too much for them to make any attempts on and they will fall like ants before the sun

Reminder that Gaf runs a CP ring. This "harassment" is just a cover for them to all walk away.

that was confirmed to be a hoax account.

the internet is illegal in some countries
that doesn't mean those countries are range-banned

Sup Forums is based in the United States of America. I'm sure /s/ would be haram in one of those desert countries.



>left leaning board
> /mlp/

>actual, literal discrimination on a video games forum
what the shit


Why do leftist shills always worm their way up to moderation positions in literally every online community ever?
Is there an actual concerted effort? There probably is


these neofag sjws on the minority thread are seriously deluded

how can a sexual predator owned board and YOU neofags defending it be minority friendly? you are literally blind to any other thing than neofag

Are we gonna act like that guy wasn't acting like a total faggot? Because he was

He was drinking with some bitch at a party and she hopped into the shower after puking her guts out so he followed her in and grabbed her tits.

It's illegal to own in Canada and Australia but that's it. Plus legality only matters to a website when you're choosing your server host as the server host follows the laws of wherever it resides. Sup Forums is based in America where loli is legal.
On top of that, Sup Forums is already regularly full of loli. This is a containment proposal.

Most of them are lying low. A sexual predator is a small price to pay for all that power.

You're right. Sup Forums was spamming his twitter trying to get him to wake up though.

just send it to Sup Forums
that's where it belongs

They're the only ones who care enough to actually want to be moderators on an Internet forum.
Gives them the sense of power that they lack IRL.

These have to be people from Sup Forums, leftists can't meme the other 364 days of the year.

"minority" fucking "status assessment"


Lack of employment that affords monetary compensation.

yo I hate it as much as you do. send it to Sup Forums

>dipshit talks politics when politics are now explicitly banned

If neogaf continues to ice all faggots who can't go a fucking minute without talking politics there may be hope for it yet.

Pretty much every time mods are being fags he steps in.

He fucked nipplemod and loli hating mod on Sup Forums. Now we need him to come back and deal with the new shitty loli mod

This post reeks of desperation. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows /leftypol/ shits all over this board while pretending to be Sup Forums. But as you've seen by the existence of this thread now, /leftypol are just a bunch of incompetent shitposters that can only attempt to subvert, Sup Forums is an entirely different animal.

NeoGAF is bleeding profusely while eating its own face.

>japs save Sup Forums once again

how can mods ever recover?

It's true. But we need your help either purging or assimilating the neogaf refugees.

Haha There is no left on Sup Forums we are all alt-right. Even the faggot board is right-wing. You're the minority here.

Tell me about Emperor Hirohito, Sup Forums. Why does he BTFO the mods?

Imagine the absolute state to think that's viable. Must be saad thinking that you're the only thing stopping racissm with your video gaems and your little brown dolls.

Nobody is saying NeoGaf will suddenly turn alt-right. Just that it has been neutered and with Evilore's reputation in the gutter it will never be anything more than a regular gaming forum again.

The latter but it's no use pointing that out when NG was one of the places pushing for for a broader definition of the word "rape". He made his bed; now he gets to lie in it. If it was anyone else, I promise you he would've been there with his paint brush. I have no sympathy for him

based Hiro

Eceleb belongs here as long as neogaf threads are in Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
>ever leaning left

In the past Sup Forums didn't give a fuck about politics but you can tell we leaned right.

Well Sup Forums, how does it feel to participate in the internet equivalent of the Sack of Rome?

What, he grabbed her tits? Can you give me a source, this should be good to spam.

Is NeoGAF officially kill?

make neogaf great again, if the new users push hard enough it can go back to what it was around 2009

Huh both of these actually make sense.

We outnumber you both online and in the real world. Pol is Sup Forums.

It was on her facebook. I only saw caps, didn't save them. Should be on the foolz archive.



NEO Sup Forums MODS

This desu