Video Games to Cope with Depression

I need an escape from real life right now.
Something immersive and emotionally engaging.

Witcher 3 helped a lot, but I've finished that for now.
Cooperative multiplayer might be nice.

I'm mostly on PS4, don't have access to my gaming PC.

Quit being a faggot and deal with your problems, escapism isn't healthy.

mgsv helped me through a rough patch, everyone here seems to hate it but i really enjoyed it as a singleplayer experience or titanfall 2 has some insanely fun multiplayer

Fallout New Vegas

I wish i had the ability to distract myself from my depression. I never wanna play games

Time to get into Visual Novels

Also like to add I am shit at finishing games/getting back into them

You could play Divinity on your PS4 if you have someone to play with. The whole thing's Co op, split screen and online

play rocket league, keep those razor blades nearby though

The Spyro trilogy for the ps1. Those games have such a happy and vibrant atmosphere and they help everytime I'm feeling like shit for a prolonged period of time.

Lol you call a computer a gaming pc. It's there to compute a happy life for you and you failed playing Vidya.


That's because you have depression.

I know but I hate it. It's the same case with movies/TV shows and music. I just wish I could enjoy shit again

Depression Quest.

On a serious note, Nier: Automata was my GOTY.

maybe something like Life is Strange

Heavy Rain to match your mood

It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy. It helped me.

persona 5, the last guardian, nier automata

Persona 3

Dark Souls. Pretend that the world is a reflection of your own mind and see what parallels you can find

This is a good suggestion actually. Even though it can be a rough game to sit through it'll at least distract you. Other than that maybe Persona 3/4/5? You'll feel like you have friends who care about you..

Although a hell of a lot more broad a suggestion than yours, Philosophy in general helps/helped me. Just any and all of it. Metaphysics especially, and Spinoza's 'Ethics' gave me a view of hard determinism that I stuck with for a while and it helped me reframe my life within it's context. As for a video game, I'd say some shit like Animal Crossing might help. Emulate that shit on Dolphin if you don't have a gamecube, or a DS emulator etc. Those kinds of endless sort of "life sim" games are good escapism for a time.

I've spent 3000 hours in CSGO drunk or high. When I'm engrossed in a match I forget I'm a real person the escapism is so effective.

MSGV is next on my queue. Hope it works well.

Looking for a friend now, seems like a good idea.

I played Nier: Automata all of last week. It was a phenomenal experience. Didn't make me happy, but I felt something.


Looks good

You need to feel despair.

My depression keeps coming and going, it's really annoying. Some days I feel fantastic, other days I just want to eat and sleep.

My faith in Sup Forums has been restored.


Persons 5 might work. a lot of content and you can lose yourself in the daily school life stuff.

Mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce depression in scientific studies.

Invest in a DS or get an emulator and play Hotel Dusk.

Trust me OP, you'll thank me later.

I've been re playing xenonauts lately and the game is quite engrossing.

It's got a much more serious vibe than xcom, a really neat atmosphere and very in-depth gameplay. Not to mention the already cool as shit xcom story line

Get into MUDs. Nothing, and I repeat NOTHING is as emotionally engaging or immersive as an RPI MUD.
