Niggers in Tolkien-based game

>niggers in Tolkien-based game

Is that loyal to the canon?

why are you using the n-word on the internet? does it make u feel like a big man?

u raciss


tolkeinesque fantasy is european mythology updated for a modern audience

why the fuck would their be niggers?

As someone who clearly doens't care about Tolkein shit, why would you care? Trying to look for something to be offended by today?

there was some shitland south of Mordor with "tanned" wild people

A quick google/wiki search would tell you 'yes'. They weren't in the movies, maybe not even in the books (been a long time since I read them) but there are canon black people in the south, I think. I'm sure some lorefag could explain it better than myself.

muh affirmative action sjw points for people who don't play video games

as long as he comes from that place that Mordor pulled its mercenary armies from, or else a kingdom even further away that we've never heard of.

Go back to your blanket safety forum.
Oh wait it's fucking dead.

fucking racist piece of shit. people of color need to be represented everywhere; there's too many white men ruining civilization.

you should calm down. none of this matters

Tolkien is purely for white people.

They specifically mention how he came from a far away land when you rescue him. Go back to Sup Forums.

>Go back to your blanket safety forum.
>Oh wait it's fucking dead.

Actually you can get banned on Sup Forums for using "niggers" now.
I'm serious.




The mercenary armies were basically North African

>As someone who clearly doens't care about Tolkein shit, why would you care? Trying to look for something to be offended by today?
I don't want to see niggers in video games.
Especially in settings where they don't belong at all.

Then why hasn't op been banned?

I got warned for using "kike". This board is going to hell.

This. He wouldn't be in Gondor, he would be Haradrim who were fierce enemies of Gondor. The Southrons were literally the only dark skinned people in Tolkien lore.

>Then why hasn't op been banned?
Because Sup Forums is too fast to react immediately, retard.

>I got warned for using "kike". This board is going to hell.
Yeah, it's fairly shocking to see those restrictions on Sup Forums nowadays.

>turn dumb spider that was killed by a fucking manlet into super slut Stoya-magician who was also related to Sauron
>she can also cast magic and is more powerful than Gendalf

Fucking hell

I mean they technically were in the movies, they just weren't black.

If i remember well, orcs = ottomans.

She wasn't killed by Sam, she ran off. She's also not nearly as powerful as Gandalf, either.

>Yeah, it's fairly shocking to see those restrictions on Sup Forums nowadays.
Sup Forums last bastion of free speech. really makes you think.

>last bastion of free speech
you get fuckin destroyed if you don't hold right wing opinions though.

>echo chamber
>free speech

doublenigger faggot. Doesn't seem to be a problem here?

Not op but I'm not from usa, I don't see a problem with that word, it's not a big deal over here

wow user quit it with the racism, you do realize we've received an influx of new users in the last few days, right?

>last bastion of free speech

Because you can say nigger?

If I remember right the Haradrim were black in the farther area and brown closer. But Gondorians weren't niggers.

I don't know what shit degenerate poverty-ridden country you're from, but this is an American sub and in America we respect people of all races, including African-Americans.

Fuck you, nigger. Respect this 7.

>updated for a modern audience

Have you looked at europe lately?




Last safespace for us intellectuals

>echo chamber
>free speech
what's your point?
>you get fuckin destroyed if you don't hold right wing opinions though.
everyone gets called a shill.
>Because you can say nigger?
yes, as well as anything you like. that's the point.

who the fuck are these subhumans?

>updated for a modern audience
You answered your own question. International audiences do not want to buy movies featuring an all white cast, unless it's capeshit.

He was a haradrim sent as a diplomatic thing as a kid but had to stay after the war broke out so he became "gondorian", its explained in the game.

what the fuck do you think?

About damn time. The fastest way to kill threads is to spout Sup Forums's nonsense.

>Last safespace for us intellectuals
>i don't think that's a relevant document
yeah, let's shut everything you don't like down. you really are such virtuous person. amazing.

>as well as anything you like
if i were to say that i didn't hate niggers or don't mind female characters in games, what would their response be?

If you played the game, you'd know it was specified he was a Haradrim emmisary.

There are no niggers in middle earth. It's literally affirmative action for fictional work because blacks are too stupid to write books.

>That tiny boat approaching Italy

>kneejerk "muh sjws" post literally right after the justification
Sup Forums can't even read

Fuck no
They exist, but they weren't Gondorian captains
His origin is retarded "I was a hostage for good relations but became captain and dated the general's daughter'

Recent mod actions have affirmed this board contracted such cancer that Sup Forums is a worse hell than Reddit. Nigger faggot mods should be lynched.

At least we won't have Sharia Law five years from now.

it's irrelevant. free speech doesn't prevent people from saying mean things to you.

>If you played the game

I wouldn't play this fucking shit.


>"Is that loyal to the canon?"
>"There are no niggers"
>Nigger gets mad and starts talking incoherently.
My response was a direct answer to his question. NeoFAGs can't read. Then again, we already established niggers can't write so this becomes redundant.

He was a Heradrim that was basically gifted to Gondor as a gesture.


This nugaf thing is worse than I thought.

Why are Americans always making shit up about us? Is it to distract from their own shithole?


Why is everyone freaking out so much about niggers?
Back then no one really cared about words like niggers, slavs, kikes/jews, seamonkeys, heuheuhes, etc.

>Black Numenoreans


There are niggers in Middle Earth. Fuck off and bring your fucking agenda with you.

>you get fuckin destroyed if you don't hold right wing opinions though.
Maybe you should be able to defend your opinions instead of just assuming people accept them?

So they completely disregard Tolkien lore, cool. The Haradrim hold a deep ancestral hatred for Gondorians and sided with Sauron so they could fuck them over. They certainly wouldn't send an emissary.

Haradrim don't do gestures against their eternal enemies

The reason this was included was because the nu-male writer Tony Elias. The first game had a different writer and get this, he actually worked on games that were fun.

Because the youth of America seem to have politicised race to a degree not seen since the fucking 50s.

>game shits on the canon from start to finish
>so did the first game
>the first game wasn't even suppose to be a lotr game
>"holy shit a NIGGER, how can they let this happen? Don't they care about the lore?"

>>"There are no niggers"

R*dditors taking over

They do disregard Tolkien lore, yes. The games were never intended to be canon.

I blame Obama.

>mods are enforcing a global rule
We'll let you say ni***r when I can post ponies outside of /mlp/, fa***t.