We still don't know shit

We still don't know shit

was the first one even any good

Yeah, it was great

It was shitty. Only megaten game I have't completed. Lost all interest 60 hours in.

shit as an EO game and annoying as fuck for the persona characters

It's an EO game with megaten characters. I really liked it and beat it on hard. Final boss was good.

>plays a game he/she thinks is shitty for 60 hours

So who’s the crossover with? P5 and...

It's not a megaten game at all though. I mean the EO team did make the best megaten game short of jack bros but this was literally just EO systems with persona characters.

in the recent interview it was said "Persona Q2 (tentative name)" so PQ2 might not be the actual title of the game
I don't think it will actually be a crossover between P5 and whatver other characters, maybe some side-story or continuation stuff for P5 only

during the concert the P3 dancers acted like they got a PT calling card

im afraid its going to be really similar to the first one. i really like persona but i dont like etrian odyssey and how it plays

I mean the EO team did make Strange Journey so there's no reason they couldn't make it a good SMT game if they wanted. It really just depends on what ATLUS wants them to make.

the chibi characters are insufferable

Looks like Teddy's eyes in OP pic. Some kind of P4-P5 crossover. Maybe the P4 gang has to investigate the crimes committed by the P5 gang and eventually they fight each other only to find out that their is a big bad pitting them against each other and then they team up.


It's P5/P2

I hope it's similar to the first one but harder, it was pathetically easy.

Imagine Etrian Odyssey but bad.

Solid mapping but the combat was stupidly easy.
Overall it was good because it scratched my mapping itch.

Most rpgs are. It is the way of things when you get weaned on exploit after exploit after exploit, you naturally go for them, and people just go for overpowered skills. You grind for most of your playtime, you get too strong, you feel the burn from it as things die pathetically, rinse and repeat. Grinders only have themselves to blame in that case.

The problem is, if they didn't add such strong skills down the road, people would say the skills aren't worth grinding for. And if enemies resisted or didn't die quickly to them, you'd say the enemies were artificial difficulty or sponges.

no thats literally morganas eyes

>Maybe the P4 gang has to investigate the crimes committed by the P5 gang and eventually they fight each other only to find out that their is a big bad pitting them against each other and then they team up.
It'd be nice if P4 hadn't been so driven into the ground. You could have non-meme Chie dealing with the reality of the Japanese police firsthand in a way P4 glossed over, you could have Naoto and Akechi bond over their superficial similarities while ultimately realizing they are fundamentally very different people, have someone be a gigantic Rise fan and the awkwardness that would ensue. But I am so sick of the P4 cast at this point.

Nah you don't understand. This isn't grindy.
The game gives you a character that can inflict party-wide instant kill in random encounters right off the bat, and physically based characters that can do things like activate skills twice in a row and mash FOE and bosses to a pulp easily.

>inflict panic
>enemy is completely helpless
>Mamudoon/Mahamaon every RE
The game isn't needing to grind, you'll be more than capable just mowing down the normal stuff in your path.

I'm hyped as shit, but I doubt we'll see a Western release in 2018.