ITT - Pleb Opinions

>"I disliked the campaign because of the repetitive level design!"

>Other M ruined Samus as a character!!

Why isn't that a valid complaint?

>Ruins of Myth Drannor is worst game and wipes everyones harddrive!

Post something you like, faggot.

Halo CE campaign was goat

>The Arbiter ruined Halo 2

In reality he was the best thing to happen to the series, but he got shafted because Chiefwankers

>Multiplayer cannot make games better, they are only better because you're with your friends

how is it a valid complaint? are you taking pictures of the walls

>"I played Halo for any significant amount of time!"

i have the first three games for literally no reason then

>Halo CE is better than Halo 2

As a Halo2fag I can accept that, but after H2 the series just steadily goes downhill with it's campaigns.

Fuck off, CE has huge issues with repetitiveness and tediousness.

It's not just the level design, it's the visual design, geometry, textures, envoirmental scale, types of enemies and how they are placed, the amount of weapons and how they are given to you, the re-use of level themes for the later half of the campaign, etc.

Basically every facet of CE exacerbates it being repetitive. It's still a good game, but it's very flawed in this regard.


I think ODST and Reach both had better campaigns then 3

2 > ODST > Reach > 3 > CE > 4 > 5 for single player

2 was the most impressive jump in the series for me, but CE still has the better campaign. 2's campaign is messy as fuck.

Okay so i like Halo 3 and Reach the best and if you think that's a wrong opinion then you can suck my cock fuck you faggot

He did, the same way Locke ruined Halo 5, now they're sticking with Chief, putting Cortana back on Chief side again, dropping the squad shit meaning Blue Team and Osiris are getting shoved in the books and Locke is becoming a side character like Arbiter was in Halo 3.

It was still better than Halo 2's campaign.

I never played 343shit so idk about Locke, but Arbiter added some much needed perspective on the Covenant and actually had a pretty good story. Chief is cool but Arbiter was much more compelling.

Ansolutely wrong, CE is like an entire campaign of arbiter missions.

t. chiefwanker

Wrong, Halo 2 is the cancer that caused the downfall in Halo campaigns.
Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 4 > Halo 2 > Halo 5
The rest isn't worth mentioning. Every time they copied Halo 2's campaign, the campaign went to shit.


>People will actually defend the copy and pasted design of Assault on the Control Room and The Library.

>are you taking pictures of the walls
And how does that have anything to do with it when it effects gameplay? Parts of levels have you running down the exact same hallways doing the exact same thing. The section with the bridges in Assault on the Control Room is a really egregious examples, you cross multiple identical bridges with identical connecting rooms with nothing to break up the monotony or make it interesting.

halo 3 was 2short4me, while CE's missions dragged on too long, 2 was a great middle ground imo

It was pretty damn repetitive. Especially the snow area where you get the same octagonal room and bridge area over and over again.

>Halo 3 campaign
>story is just the last cut 1/3rd of Halo 2, Arbiter reduced to beta orbiter
>Flood is nerfed to shit
>Legendary is a joke

The only thing it did right was Skulls and Scarabs.

The enemies in those areas are all considerably different, which does matter because Halo actually has good AI and tactical gameplay and not pop and drop shooting galleries.

Halo games didn't need any god damn perspective of the Covenant, that's what books, comics, and codexs are for.

Both of these guys are me. Chief is only part of the games that are good, it's a shame that we only got three campaigns where the face of Halo and the Xbox was fully playable. Maybe if Bungie and 343 stop trying to make us care about the characters so fucking much and would just make an FPS game, then maybe these games could have a good campaign. Halo is good when you're the Master Chief traveling the galaxy to Forerunner planets/ring worlds fighting to save Humanity, Earth, and the galaxy from the Covenant, Flood, and Forerunners.

>Halo actually has good AI

>Halo games didn't need any god damn perspective of the Covenant, that's what books, comics, and codexs are for.

its an fps, you are always doing the same thing. The enemies and their different set ups add plenty of variety and the 2 weapon limit and limited ammo forces you to switch up and changes how you engage as you progress. All the wall and bridges do is change choke points and cover.

Halo 2 was the shortest campaign in the original trilogy and don't give your list of how much you got your ass kicked in campaign, I finished it on the day it released on Heroic. The levels were short, split in two, linear, scripted, cheap, and in some cases boring.

>Halo 2 campaign
>short as hell
>story takes up most of the game, looking like video games of today where story is somehow more important than gameplay
>Flood are broken
>player health is fucked
>Legendary isn't har just cheap
>linear and scripted as hell levels
>all Arbiter levels are dark as shit
>the Covenant go from very interesting alien empire to Star Wars Empire
>bullet sponge Brutes
>Jackal sniper
>diffficulty is busted

short is a plus when it comes to halo campaigns

Since you like character-driven stories so much, go play a PS4 game. Since they're movies, you'll fit right in.

>Nier Automata Route A is better than Route B

Flood were just right in Halo 2, they were actually threatening and not just walking salt-bricks like in Halo 3. Quarantine Zone was some real shit.

>The enemies in those areas are all considerably different
Elites, grunt and some of those jackals with shield.

Even Doom had more variety to its enemies.

No, that's a negative, Halo 2 campaign could barely even register as fun.


The Flood were right in Halo CE, Halo 2 ruined Halo CE's unique AI, Halo 3's campaign fixed all the damage Halo 2's campaign caused to the series, makes me wonder why Bungie's and 343's retarded asses kept making games ton build off this shit.


Halo CE's Flood had more in common with 2's than they ever did with 3s

>The campaign for Halo CE was very enjoyable.

I'll agree with you on Jackle Snipers and player health being fucked but
>battle rifle
>Covenant Carbine
>plasma grenade stick
Makes a quarter of rhose complaints null.

CE does repeat levels, but mixes things up enough to not make that a problem for me.

Halo CE's Flood were fun to fight, Halo 2's flood would one shot you whenever that got the chance, were bullet sponges, and some had shields making them even more shitty since they can snipe you with a shotgun because of your weak ass health in this game.

When you can't use 90% of the weapon sandbox in the campaign, your game already failed.


idk senpai, there's something about a Flood-driven Warthog with a fucking rocket launcher riding shotgun that got my dick hard. Halo 3 didnt get anywhere near that level.

I mean you're on a ring world why wouldn't the designs be similar? It's such a dumb argument everything has to always be different.

>with a Rocket
Fuck that shit, the fact that the Flood could use homing Rockets ruined how great that could have been.

Keyes and The Maw are fine but why the fuck do you want repetition in your games? Repetition is boring.

>played on easy

once you finish the last open area with the marines AOTCR no longer becomes worth playing

I wish MCC added the rally point system to the older halos

>I disliked the campaign because it has too much variety!
>I disliked the story because it was too complicated!
>I disliked the story because it sets up the next game!

1/3 of the campaign is recycled levels.

>ODST is bad because it's $60

Halo 1 is my favorite in terms of campaign. Halo 3 has my favorite multiplayer.

No, people didn't like it because it was a downgrade to everything CE did except multiplayer.

>I disliked the campaign because it has too much variety!
>I disliked the story because it was too complicated!
>I disliked the story because it sets up the next game!

>Halo 3

What the fuck? I'd take the Library over that boring as fuck factory level you have to play twice, and then there's Cortana...

I disliked Halo 5 because I didn't give a fuck about any of the characters.

What did you think of Halo 2 and 3?

>higher difficulty makes the ai smarter

>too much variety!

Spawning in 9001 Bionicles in generic as fuck open arenas got old fast.

Project Lumoria and Silent Cartographer: Evolved are the best Halo missions.

Prove me wrong.

Halo's AI is mostly environment-based.
Take them out of the area they're programmed to fight in, and they turn stupid.

And yet somehow it's still better than that shitstain that is Halo 2.

Halo's AI is full of personality, it's great.

>my top five final fantasy games are 2,3,8,13, and 13-2

Eh idk it's graphics weren't that good, they also nerfed the shotgun and the pistol to oblivion and instead introduced the battle rifle which is just as OP as the pistol was if not more. It had a more interesting campaign but i only played it on the vista and the god awful port ruined it for me.