Buy game, excited to go home and play it

>buy game, excited to go home and play it
>this shit happens.

wat game

i feel u, that must suck

>the disc has no playable content on it
>patch IS the actual game

just wait 30 minutes you impatient retard

Hey man that's my TV give it back!

>tfw 10 thousand gigabyte patch

WW2. It was $40 at Best Buy and I like it.

What should I do for the next 29 minutes Sup Forums

>What should I do for the next 29 minutes Sup Forums
Acquire taste

>29 minutes

I'd be waiting four hours for 10GB.

Aussie detected

I'm normie. I'm 27, engaged and have have a stable career. I like what I like faggot.

same, i buy ff15, 23GB update file

This shit grinds my gears. Especially when it's a game you haven't played in months and you just want to get in a couple quick matches.


what shit part of the world are you in?

>4 hours
I'd be waiting 9 hours for that shit. Rural leafland has worse internet than third worlders.

I just bought it an hour ago. I installed the disc and then this shit happened

Jerk off

That was already done at the 45 minute left mark.

Nine years later and this shit still isn't fixed, and now the punchline is fucked too.

>Buy game
>Needs a mandatory installation
>Needs a patch afterwards
>Need to delete other games because consoles come with a laughably tiny hdd.

Every console generation after the sixth was a mistake.

Ha this.

Be glad OP you could be Australian. Also you can just disconnect.

>MGS4 installation time.jpeg

And you could get fired and be left alone tomorrow, nothing is set in stone, so is your shitty taste, you can change user.

it should be possible to refuse an update as long as you don't play online

>30 minutes to download 5gb
Cry more you fucking faggot, I have to deal with 3Mbps. I wouldn't be able to play the game for an entire day.
You can though.

You can uncheck the auto update option for application bust most people don't do it or even know about it

Are they basically downloading an entire new build of the OS?

Instead of patching offending components.

Guys is it true the psn PS4 sale will get better today? I checked the site this morning and the game prices were still the same

Just exchange the 360 with the Switch.
As long as you're not playing a game made by kikes who cheaped out when buying cartridges, though.

Delta updates are a lie. I've never seen an update smaller than the original file except on Linux packages

>31 minutes left

Holy shit stop fucking whining you damn manchild, this shit would took me 5 days to download. Be grateful you aren't from a fucking third world country

You live on the moon or what

and this is why PC is getting more and more popular, one of the major advantages consoles had was being plug and play. now with the constant updates consoles are just locked down PCs that have less power.

>buy game
>internet required
I don't understand the people who argue buying a console for convenience. There's no reason to buy one anymore except for exclusives.

>Just play it unpatched goy.

>hurr durr pcbros have to wait for downloads, you buy a console game and it just works

>all the retards in this thread who STILL don’t get that people buy consoles because they cost less than gaming PC’s also they just DON’T CARE ENOUGH

You will never convince them anons. Consoles will NEVER stop, no matter waht you think is dumb about them. No matter how much you try to rationalize it.

>buy console game that will be slower to read than an SSD or HDD
>pay for internet connection
>pay for PSN account (lol)
>have to install games
>much more kids and shitters since consoles are moron magnets
>console will be obsolete in 7 years anyway
>console will be obsolete compared to a PC instantly
>fewer people who have mics since you need Sony's proprietary mic
>can't upgrade hardware
>can't fix issues with games yourself

Why do people do this to themselves?

>There's no reason

It’s £300 or whatever to play the same games you do, whats to get? These people will NEVER take the time to compare 1080 60fps to 4K 60fps anyway. They just wont. Oh? Sp you play REVII in 4K on your PC? They will never care or probably even know it can user.

>But consoles are plug in and play!!! This Can't be happening!!!!

>go home and play it

I don't understand, how do you buy the game if you aren't at home? I guess you could use an app and buy it to your console or something....

You can play it without updates just like any other game, there's nothing wrong with downloading patches for a game. Stop consolewar baiting.

Urban leafland does too (780 here)

>much more kids and shitters since consoles are moron magnets
>meanwhile the underages on 9gag just made a “superior PC master race” section for their memes

Hahaha ok man, PC is absolutley not filled with underages

Nobody says this. No one gas said this since gen 7.

it's really not

you go play x new game on console you hear childrens' voices

you go play x new game on pc you don't hear childrens' voices

I fail to see how a website used only by children has anything to do with it

I don't get involved in console war arguments because they're for retards, but the ratio of children is literally ten times higher on consoles, period, it's fact, truth, end of discussion.

>every other gen before 8th gen
>buy game, put it in console, maybe have a small update but it was very small and quick

>8th gen

>you go play x new game on pc you don't hear childrens' voices

You must not play a lot of PC multiplayer games.

Oh no but the gaming media and the Sony ggers told you it was only evil Xbox that does this.

Right ? Dumbass.

So you are an idort then?

I don't play the type that children play no, maybe you should put some thought into that

>puts in these games
>2 minute update (maybe)
>game starts playing

??? I have no idea what most of you are even on about, must be the games i choose.

>As long as you're not playing a game made by kikes who cheaped out when buying cartridges, though.

For example, Skyrim or DOOM

Oh, then you must not play any PC multiplayer games.

And yet you must, because you made the claim they are in your console games because you have heard them, wich you must also play on as well to be able to tell us. Why don’t you think about that.

>I like it
But you said it's updating. You like it just from that?

DOOM has everything you need to play the single-player on the cart, at least. You only download the update if you want the multiplayer for some reason.
I can't speak for Skyrim's situation, but I haven't heard any complaints about large downloads like I have for LA Noire. Do you have a source on that one?

>stay offline and play
problem solved baby

>buy a game for pc
>only the shortcut is on the disk you have to download the other things down from steam
>run the game
>it crashes
>google the problem for 1 hour
>it runs now but after the main menu it crashes
>google the problem for 1 hour
>it runs now but on extremly low fps and you have to wait weeks for an update

Ah yes. I remember the REVII launch for PC too. Sup Forums was most enraged.

Lol the kids are learning saw parents in a gamestop asking about gaming PCs. And the clerk told them it was silly and to buy a console.

>inb4 saying somethin about me being in gamestop
Sometimes they have cheap games. Sometimes

What's the biggest game and update you have downloaded, Sup Forums?

I'm one of those people that don't care. This is also why it's far easier to be an idort and talk to other idorts. Most just don't give a shit. Game is fun? Sign me up. Couldn't give a fuck less if it's 1080p or 4K, 30fps or 60+.

your mom

You don't need patch it to play retard

What happened ?

>buy game, excited to go home and play it
>this shit happens.

>put disk in
>10gb update
>5 hours later
>2gb downloaded
>'You have reached your download limit, would you like to purchase super limitless data package?
>Purchase internet upgrade
>6 hours later
>7gb downloaded
>'We see you have used an excessive amount of data. As per the terms of our services, you must stop cease excessive data usage immediately'
>2 days later
>9gb downloaded
>knock at door
>you open your door
>police burst in and slap your ass
>you are taken to prison
>5 days later
>'Update complete'
>4gb patch starts downloading
>You start integrating with the hispanic group
>Prison life is okay

Most people got to the part where Andre’s body surfaced from the water and it crashed. Others posted how brick walls and textures looked terrible and kept poping compared to the console versions despite having decent PC’s. Meanwhile consoles ran it with no issues from day one.

not op, this is bloodborne. not counting the 35gb disc install time either. this isn't my annoyance. what is annoying is

ps4 controller never says charge complete on the quick menu like ps3
ps4 has no auto psn login disabled like ps3, on the ps4 it can only turn off auto local account login on boot and psn log out, you can't enable default behavior of staying off psn without logging out completely which removes the password. literally a check box to remember the password, 4 YEARS OUT IN THE MARKET
I see no option to permanently remove messages off notifications, it can remove messages from the message app but not notifications
why on Earth can't I delete or reorder the main screen apps, fucking folders aren't the silver bullet


I'll say this much, the jews aren't getting a single ps plus dime out of me.

in first world countries isn't a problem

fuck u talking about, my dl speed is 800 KBs

im not kidding, this is missouri internet

>Can't find anyway to remove spotify trash from my PS4
This is one of the things that bugs me most. I do like rest mode though, that's a positive.

tfw 6mbps.

I doubt any of you have me beat. I'm still stuck with 600 KBs myself.


And that's not even counting the mandatory install. Consoles are such a shitshow these days.

>having poorfag internet

well I was at 400 but I moved

my town was only 222 people, now im in a 4k town and its still ass

How bad is Playstation Network?

sometimes people don't have choice

Id argue it’s not the PS4’s choice either.

>Is cancer

Nothing to see here.

how big is doom 4 patch and doom 4 install

LMAO what a shit comic. 360 has way more games that need installs, in fact they have install discs separate.

>expecting to play a game within an hour of receiving it in the current year

>buy game

>happened to me in my old dorm when infinite warfare came out
>router was terrible and didnt have 60ft ethernet cable
>ended up not installing mwr even though i was more excited for that because it was a bigger file
>took 2-3 days

confirmed for never having downloaded anything off Sony's CDN in his life

17 minute download (assuming you get max speed, as if) + 10 minute install. Wow, such a difference.

You people can be smug about the stupidest shit sometimes

The biggest piece of shit is the harddrive. ITS SO FUCKING SLOW. I used to rely on a high performance HDD for games and it was still slow as fuck compared to my sata SSD, which was still slow as fuck compared to my nvme SSD. Console kiddos have to deal with dirt cheap harddrives that are slower than the slowest hard drive you can buy. And they pay markup for it!!! lmfao

Sorry he doesn't like your cancer weeb shit?

DOOM did this to me on Steam

>Every game you buy now wants to take 60-80 gigs on average then throw in some patches
>Another step in the system where you gotta delete another game then if you wanted to play it again, you gotta delete another

What the fuck is wrong with developers? I bought this thing on a disc to try to save space but the whole game just wants to install itself.

Further proof that optical media is dying. Consoles are such pieces of shit. My ps3 would lag in the menus sometimes. So much for that cell processing power

>optical media is dying
as opposed to what? smell-o-vision?

>optical media will soon be DLC

as opposed to digital media you dumdum. You know, running games directly off the hard drive instead of installing from the disc onto the hard drive and using both.