When was the last time you were disappointed in a video game?

When was the last time you were disappointed in a video game?

MvCi. I like it, but I'd rather play other fighting games.


It still hurts.

even sfv?

For honor, i mean it was ubishit so i assumed it would be bad, but i was expecting to enjoy it more than i did

Yes, but I'd rather play BB over anything right now.

I just bought MGSV for around 10 dollars a few days ago. The game consists of nothing but
>Land and infiltrate this outpost to extract this soldier
>Land and infiltrate this outpost to extract this intel
Replace extract with kill and intel/soldier with vehicle, child, etc. There's very little interaction with the world.

Every nintendo game after windwaker

But I learned my lesson. I will never hype myself for a game ever again.
That being said the ruse threads no matter how bad or stupid always make my heart skip a beat even if I already know its hopeless.

Breath of the Wild. Put over 100 hours into it, tried my best to like it but I just couldn't.

Total war Rome 2. It was the last time I fell for blind hype and pre-ordered a game. The only a game I'll consider pre-ordering again, if/when it becomes available, is Bannerlord.

The Division

2004, doom 3

Yooka Failee

Zero Time Dilemma.


Hey look, it's this retard again.

Danganronpa V3
where is the fucking originality in this game?
now we are getting UDG 2 next year for fucks sake

I proved I have the fucking game and your game is shit, fuck you stupid apologizer

i don't expect anything from modern shit so

>Being a tripfag without the trip

You literally shill for yooka laylee for free, kys

Honestly MGSV, I've been disappointed in loads of games but none that had such seemingly good reception online and even from people I usually trusted.

The worst is that people still have faith in hackjima anyways
That's the most fucking annoying bullshit of it all

Fallout:New Vegas.

Sup Forums conned me into playing that shitty game.I pirated and still felt ripped off.

calm down calm down don't get a BIG DICK

I just hate this faggot so much
He probably shilled yooka laylee before it was out and made me buy it and now that I did buy it fucking day 1 and was fucking ripped he wants to rip as much people as possible claiming the game is good so he says I am wrong and the game isn't shit BUT IT IS
It is a shitty fucking game
They promised us banjo threeie and they gave us a shitty chink rip off of banjo
Fuck them to hell

Here's the thing, this kid is so autistic, he leaves posts like this . I'm happy that he wasted whatever amount of money he did on the game, he's a cunt and deserves the worst.

Don't forget a total of 20 lines from fucking Kiefer

>When was the last time you were disappointed in a video game?


10 years, for this?

If I can convince even one single user of not wasting his money in this piece of shit with my honest opinions then I can go on my fucking way
Suck my dick, bitch