So today's the final day of the FFXI Free Login period

So today's the final day of the FFXI Free Login period.

What's the verdict? Did you have fun going back, or was it just not for you?

Share your stories.

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I went back and ran into my old LS leader. We played for a bit and then I got into his discord group so we could keep in touch outside of the game. It was fun, but I just don't have the time for it these days. Good memories, though.

I resubbed.

The grind for REMAs are fun to me for all the wrong reasons, but I've gotten two relics done so far and I plan on 119ing them soon.

i didnt get anything done i was running around with no idea what to do and didnt want to get into an ls cuz i didnt know if i was sticking around

>make new character
>"I'm going to do all the storylines!"
>get sidetracked camping NMs
>get sidetracked crafting
>get even further sidetracked clearing every quest I encounter
>spend hours organizing and sorting out all the inventories so i could pimp out my
mog house with crazy furniture

Tempted to resub but I swear to god I've got one strange desire to get sidetracked and be completely ADD with everything in this game




I'd say go for it if only for the fact it seems like you're having fun with it.

To think it was even more of a timesink
Crazy how much free time I had as a kid.

>browsing for FFXIV thread from work
>find ffxi thread instead

Every time

When will you guys move on and stop cluttering up the board?

Sent from my iPhone.

Any luck with Domain guys? i only got DNC dagger so far....

It's their free login campaign and XIV is in a lull
And desu after beating the shitty treadmill I've been wanting to look into XI too bad I never had an account

>free login ending
no wonder there are less people posting on ffxi threads

Is there a domain bonus going on right now or something?

I wish I still had that free time. Damn being an adult.

yeah bro, its ending 7am pst


What do you get for it?

Not done college yet so still cant play

Will replay and steam every story line when i do have time.


I have two kids and a wife, my gaming life has been completely destroyed. I come to these threads just to enjoy games vicariously. Life seriously goes so far downhill after school it's insane, I work when I go to work and I work when I come home, I love my family but my existence feels so utterly bleak sometimes.

I don't see anything on FFXIAH/forums.

Where's this domain bonus coming from?

Friday, November 24 at 7:00 a.m. (PST) to Saturday, November 25, at 6:59 a.m.
Domain Invasion Treasure Coffer Campaign

Head into Escha and you'll see all the proof you'll need.

I left for Spain on the 13th, am on a plane back to the US all day tomarrow.

Pretty much missed he entire free log in period. I had fun on the like 2 days I got to play though, may actually resub when I get back. Had not played since 3 story's.

Any idea what LOD does in the config plugin? Is it a working option?

>play a year ago
>look for group
>everyone tells me about trusts
>the multiplayer aspect of the game is dead outside "endgame" content.

I typed in //config help and I don't see it.

Config requires you to type things in case sensitive, so if you typed in something not part of the default options it'll add it, even if it doesn't do anything, to the help info.

If people wanted to party, they would. The majority of people want to solo content so the devs made stuff to cater to them.

Damn alright, was really trying to solve the LOD pop in so I guess I must have added it while messing with commands.

I dislike how players worship EXPing as being some kind of central pillar to building a community. You made friends EXPing in the past, sure, but I much prefer being able to do 1-99 at my own pace without having to sit in town and wait for the right people to become available.

I haven't played for long, but it's fun getting to know people and talking on Kupo. I've somehow either missed every time the guy with the LS pearl is on, or I just haven't found him yet.

>he fell for the family meme

has Ihatewinter not logged on at all?

He probably has, but I've been logging in slightly later than when I met him. Plus, I'm likely not in the same time-zone (don't live in Burgerstan), so that's further adding to the issue.

>consider resubbing
>remember all the campaigns are ending

There's one aspect that's confusing me and that is that we're currently on "Part 1" of the Returnee Campaign.

I'm not sure when Part 2 is going to kick off or what it entails, but I wish they'd hurry up anad say it.

You fuckin guy, I just went and spent like 500k buying furniture and spent an hour sperging out decorating my mog house. What'd you do to me?

So the free period was supposed to end at 12 GMT, but it's like 20 GMT now. Did SE forget to turn off the free period?

Also, what's the big campaign thing right now? I read in the thread about domain invasion or something like that.

Campaigns are planned all the way until December 31st according to SE


They have to turn it off manually, if you can still play that means they forgot.

From what I understand there's a bonus for fighting the three Eschan dragons that the unity leaders mention in the chat

The rewards are a wide array of things, but I think it's basically limited to eschan drops.

>And desu after beating the shitty treadmill I
What do you mean?

Did they ever fix it so that using Mog House furniture doesn't fuck you over and keep you from using your storage outside your home city

yeah, I've got no issues like that.

I haven't played this game since NA release and I want to come back. Off the top of your head what are the most time-gated things in the game?

I recall getting your chocobo license took a while in real-time, Dynamis was limited and those RSE gear quests took a while. I just want to make a checklist for when I come back, so I don't waste time.

They have removed like 90% of the time gates, either they don't exist or were changed to (wait one ingame day) or (wait one ingame hour).

Not him, but FFXIV has a gear treadmill to entertain those who like gearing up and need a reason to stay interested. It'd take you about 5 weeks to get ilevel330 gear on the left side, and about the same time to get 340 gear on the right (due to weekly loot lockouts) if you're not doing the Savage/hardest current content in the game. However, if you had a static and were doing that content, you could have had 340 gear ages ago.

The issue is that, after each major patch, the treadmill resets for most, and your progress is basically void. Not only that, but the gear you do get is pretty boring, and there aren't really any interesting stats or things you can do with it. There's no point in keeping old gear, outside of glamour, and even then this expansion's current gear has some real shitty looking stuff.

There's a few things you can do if you don't want to do end-game content, but it's more casual focused and you do need to have a house - like dressing up your house, the new Perform stuff, gardening, training your chocobo etc. There's also Triple Triad and Lords of Verminion, but the latter is basically dead while the former has a decent barrier of entry. There's also PvP, if that's your thing, but it's not as fun since they went and tore out a good chunk of each class's kit. You can also gather/craft, if you want to, but you either need to have a lot of time and autism to level everything, or have a shitton of money for the harder mats.

In other words, unless you want to talk to friends, there's not much of a reason to log-in after you've reached the soft ilevel cap.

Some missions require you to wait to the next game day, like 58 minutes, especially the ones in Aldouin. The Aldouin ones require you to complete these assignments that require a "tag" that regenerates every six hours and you need to do twenty.

Chocobo isn't so bad because you can teleport between home point crystals now. You're not stuck in Jeuno for a day anymore, you can come and go as you want. As for armor, I've leveled five jobs from 1 to 99 naked. Armor is not needed. If you complete certain missions you can get a KI that lets you enter Dynamis any time you want. You still only have an hour, that can be extended to two, and will still get kicked out though.

Same retard user, can you force AA through Nvidia control panel?

Ah, I see, thanks guys.
>As for armor, I've leveled five jobs from 1 to 99 naked.
That actually sounds like a bummer to me, I guess it's a pretty different game nowadays. at least I won't need to worry about gobbiebag quests.

If it makes you feel better, 1-99 has basically replaced 1-30.

You're only just getting started with the game when you hit 99.

You can buy armor with sparks, a type currency gained though doing quests, if you want.

Do most people usually stick with the game, or do they eventually get tired of the treadmill system going on?

Most people quit.

The grind is still there, they just changed the numbers and location. Collecting Job Mastery at level 99 is just as much of a pain in the ass as the original 1-75

I think it's like WoW now, there's a big resurgence when an expansion hits and then it trails off and people unsub until the next one. At least that's been my experience over the years, there are people who stay subbed obviously but they generally have their own goals like get every furniture piece or #1 PvP.

The way FFXIV (and all gear treadmill MMOs work) is that people will sub, get all the best gear for the moment, quit and resub when they release a new step in the treadmill to grind for. (which by the way is strategically spaced out to fill the void between expansions)

What sucks is that this has proved to be far more profitable that catering to a core base who want to stay in the game persistently. That's why gear treadmill systems are taking over and pushing out MMOs what emphasize more long-term advancement. What's best for the design is not what's best for profit

About to go and fight the Shadow Lord for Sandoria rank 6, already done it on Windurst back in 2008

Now I'm fucking OP Lv99, i'm hoping to walk into his room, slap cornelia's ass as and watch him do nothing about it.

That is incorrect. It's not more profitable to have a gear treadmill. It's just much easier to make a profitable game based on gear treadmill than a virtual world for people to enjoy. It's all about a reliable return on investment, not potential profit.

That sounds boring as fuck, to be perfectly honest. Is FFXI a good MMO if I want to appreciate the world/music/quests/story and level shit?
I know FFXIV has the same things, but it seems very shallow and more focused on end-game content.

Don't you dare bully our boy Raogrimm

I wouldn't say XI is 'deep', but it's certainly not shallow by any means. FFXIV meanwhile is a big mass of instant gratification and "hey remember this old FF thing?".

The world of FFXI is fantastic. Takes more effort to get into, but I'd say totally worth it in the end.

the boi's beat me up so many times in the past I've earned at least 1 bully I'm gonna use it

They did indeed, can access storage from any mog house. You've also got the mog sack, mog satchel, and the mog wardrobes. Don't even really need mules for holding gear, just got getting more login points to get more KB pops for FUCKING D. RING THAT NEVER DROPS FUCK

I never got to play campaign back in the day, I'm assuming nobody queues for it any more. Is it possible to start with just me or will it fail to start if enough people don't queue?

I guess at level 99 it doesn't matter any more but it always sounded fun and I just want to see what it would have been like.

At 99 it doesn't matter. You can summon trusts for campaign.

Uh, what the fuck game do you think this is? Shit WoW clone #15181?

I thought the same, but it is definitely not a bummer at all. As and said, there's still a bunch of grinding, it just all takes place at 99, and most of it still requires you to work with other people to do it. Trusts are indeed godly but they're not going to help you in Omen, Ambuscade, or this hot new Dynamis D shit going on.

If anything, it's much better. You can level and do the story lines at your own pace, and you won't get stuck waiting for an exp party only to find out it's got a DRG that's TPing in full AF gear.


People sub and unsub as patches come and go, from what I've gathered.

If there were sub numbers, you'd notice a huge surge in subs when 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and so on release and new gear is released, but every second month, it'd go down to the "core" players who are more casual and aren't as interested in end-game content and do the other stuff the team puts out.

>That sounds boring as fuck, to be perfectly honest
They ultimately pander to different audiences, or just different parts of a game. I personally like some of the end-game boss fights they put out, but that's really it. If you ignore the gear treadmill and just play the game for the content, it's actually pretty fun. The issue is that those are all at the "end-game" of their respective release, so you have this gigantic filler period of (honestly) pretty boring gameplay by yourself. It doesn't help that the levelling content isn't that hard, or mechanically interesting, so that people who aren't as skilled can actually clear it.

Wow good job mentioning the garbage post-wowificaion mode they added! You sure proved me wrong, you fucking retard.

There's a similar focus on getting to endgame and doing all the new content they've designed for it, but at the same time FFXI was built before a lot of things were set in stone for the genre, so there are still a lot of interesting elements to the game that are amazing to experience even now after so much has changed.

I think anyone who enjoys RPGs, Fantasy settings, or considers themselves to be a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise but has never tried out FFXI then they should take the time to try it out.

Especially now since the game is on sale for the Anniversary campaign

>So today's the final day of the FFXI Free Login period.
Uh no it isn't, free period is over. Yesterday was the last day.


>this game doesn't have queues
>oh that doesn't count, the new content is shit

Last I checked, I wasn't able to force AA without making the game fuck up for me.

Maybe I was doing it wrong, I'm not exactly an expert on this stuff.

If you do figure it out, be sure to post it.

Try this.

I'll give it a shot with those settings when I get back from wagie life. Maybe not 32x though that seems like way too much extra stress on the gpu.

Which job is the one you have the most fun with?

Which job is the one you have the least amount of fun with?

Let me be clear, I don't hate FFXIV's setting and story. in fact that was probably my favorite thing about the game when I played it. I think trying to say the world or plotline isn't as good as FFXI is a matter of personal opinion, and kind of a low blow.

What is a problem is everything about how the game is designed, and how it's built around the story in a way that you will focus on storyline instead of acknowledging the number of glaring problems with the game's mechanics and progression.

Pre-99 my favorite was by far BLU because I loved the versitality, I loved going from spike damage with canonball turning around into backup tank and then healing. But I feel with the current structure of the game where every player has multiple 99-jobs, that versatility doesn't have the edge it once had. In fact I'm still looking for a job that gives me the same thrill and feeling of usefulness as pre-99 BLU.

Show me exactly which story content has queues, because that's what the discussion was about you mouth breathing retard.

That wasn't what the discussion was about at all, you're just moving goal posts at this point.

Anyone get anything from Domain Invasion boost yet?

Just augment stuff, so far.

Got a BRD knife.

I haven't played since ToAU. Geomancer looks fun to play but the fact that they are the new Bard where you just get automatic invites and barely have to pay attention is a turn off. Is there any creativity to the playstyle? What are the other most fun support jobs in the current endgame? I'm interested in COR to.

>glaring problems with the game's mechanics and progression
While I think there's a bunch of issues with the progression of XIV, I think the base mechanics of the game are actually pretty solid. The issue is that they never try to really expand or divert from what they have, which makes the game boring, I think.

As GEO, you have to know which bubbles to use, maybe back up heal, status removal, magicburst, and debuff. You have to actually do something that generates enmity to the monsters for the bubbles to have effect, usually a debuff.

I got 2 Irises in 3 Naga Raja runs, I think SE is trying to tell me something.

I'm going to resub when I get some money. This free login period convinced me. Too bad I don't have power in half my house to enjoy this last day. I hope they fix this soon

damn, I'm jealous. I've gotten fuck all from it so far.

You've gotten a lot of beads, silt, CP, and kill counts for the vorseals for doing fuck all. Sometimes they die before they're fully loaded and I still get credit.

you've got a point, but I wish I could get some more augment items out of this at least.


Make sure to check your inventory, sometimes you get items but it doesn't show up in the log.

Yeah, I've been checking.

It's just the random nature of the event

I understand you have autism so properly following a conversation is hardfor you, but the guy asked about queues for story content. The reply then ridiculed him forthinking there would be queues for story content. Just because you can't understand this doesn't mean it isnt how it went autismo.

Campaign is not a story content, therefore he did not ask if there was asked about queues for story content. The post following says there no queues in general for any content.

Not the guy you're responding to but I just want to point out that the conversation was about Campaign, which isn't story content as far as I know.

He wasn't in the right to use the word queues, since there's no queue for campaigns in the first place, but I think most people would recognize that he simply meant player participation.

There's no real reason for this back and forth and constant insulting between you and him over such a simple term.

>There's no real reason for this back and forth and constant insulting between you and him over such a simple term.
oh but there is bro, shitposting
