Is SM64DS the best remake of a game?

Is SM64DS the best remake of a game?
Why are remakes shitty these days?

[N64 game on shitty DS]
>New courses
>THIRTY SEVEN new stars
>Not 1, not 2 but THREE new characters with NEW moves
>THIRTY SIX new mini games
>New Multiplayer modes
>New bosses
>Wall jumping made easier
>Can centre the camera
>Higher polygon count/detailed graphics (though N64's minimalist graphics are still nice)
>New powerups
>No analog, though you're a SOYBOY if you can't adapt and DS was shitty

[N64 remake on actually good 3DS]
>New graphics/textures
>can switch between items quicker
>censored (blood/temple music/gerudo logo)
>spoonfeeding (shiekah stones, shard agony, water temple easier, more fairies)

[GC remake on WiiU which is TWO generations ahead]
>higher resolution
>have to pay MORE money for 1 small dungeon

La-mulana and REmake are better


Metroid Zero Mission is my favorite

Twilight Princess HD was more of a port than a remake.



These are all old guys

relevant how? also 64DS came out in 2004

Mario 64 DS was shit. Took all the atmosphere out of the final boss battle by redoing the lighting on Bowser's model.

Besides, we JUST had Samus Returns and it was leagues better than Metroid 2.

>start the game as Yoshi
>use the touch screen to “steer” the player
>botched graphics and art style
>perform L is Real tier shit to unlock the others, including Mario

No thanks.

>muh comfy atmosphere
Not an argument.

Pokemon HG/SS
>Updated Graphics
>More Pokemon
>Your Pokemon follow you around outside of battle
>Brand new, customizable safari zone
>Set of fun, fast paced minigames in the Pokeathelon
>Battle frontier
>R U N N I N G I N D O O R S

This is my first time ever seeing someone call SM64DS a good remake.

Shard of Agony wasn't any new handholding, it was purely a replacement for the Stone of Agony because the 3DS had no rumble. You were still alerted of the exact same shit with it.

Also no analog movement is a pretty huge downside to a remake of a game that built itself on it to begin with. Imagine if they remake Sunshine, but with no analog triggers, you can only spray while stationary.

plus the option to use the original music after you beat the game

definitely the best remakes

I wouldn't call it "comfy"

It was imposing. Bowser was lit with the same colors as the sky (well, they couldn't do actual lighting so they shaded his model.) The remake lost this touch and it made everything just look so flat and basic. I do prefer the updated model used in 64 DS, I just wished they'd had stuck with the lighting changes for a better presentation.

>Allright, imma make a portable version of Super Mario 64
>With some new playable characters
>Oh shit yes
>And a whole slew of new stars and levels
>And a bunch of minigames and new bosses

You forgot OOT3DS allowing you play through Master Quest after beating the game. That was pretty thoughtful of the devs.

Why the fuck do you start the game as Yoshi?

I thought Bowser was glowing because of the power stars inside of him.

as much as I liked 64DS you're forgetting some things
>wario is shit, he only exists to break black blocks. not fun at all and doesn't have any cool moves
>yoshi mysteriously became the main character in a lot of ways, most of all the hat system
>the mario bloat 'n float power-up straight up breaks a couple stars
>no analog is legitimately a pain in the ass no matter how many buzzwords you use, though it's perfectly playable on a 3DS. the game also came with that weird thumb thing for the touch screen back in the day
>a small but still worthy-enough-to-mention gripe: the castle roof is 100% disappointing. no yoshi, no message from the devs, no cool triple star jump. it's awful
I mean that's just my opinion and like I said it is a good remake. but it coulda been better


You may be right but that's too small over the improvements made in general.

I played Mario 64 DS before Mario 64 (I had an N64 but for some reason my parents never got me Mario) and I honestly can't recall any of the additional content except using Yoshi before you get Mario. All the stuff they added was completely unmemorable and lame compared to the base game. The minigames were fun though to be fair.

I also forgot to mention that they dropped the much cool "Super Mario 64x4" name. obviously not a big deal, though

I keep remembering shit that pissed me off. I have no doubt someone will call me autistic for these posts
this fucking door is an asshole. it's in the character select room, and you aren't told how to access it at first. eventually you learn that you gotta get 8 white rabbits to open it. maybe I just jump to conclusions too much but when you put a mystery extra door in the character select room my brain thinks "oh shit there's a secret character"
and then you finally get those fucking key, and do you know what's behind the door? a single star
it doesn't help that getting the 8 white rabbits is a pain in the ass because they appear at random


>Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>Not an argument.

Not an argument.

quality posts anons

>Is SM64DS the best remake of a game?
No. It's shit.

The Resident Evil REmake is the absolute, undeniable king of all remakes.