Why did he stop making videos?


Other urls found in this thread:


Sex with his little sister is better



He moved to somewhere rural with shit internet, and is hoping he get fibre optic at some point. Don't remember why, he's Irish so they're not exactly smart.

he has a patreon

Don't really see the problem. He turned off his Patreon and is making on right now.

Of course Sup Forums will whine because they're all self entitled losers.

God I still can't get over how crazy that shit was. The first thread had easily over 1000 replies in the first 3 hours.

Sounds like a pretty smart excuse to just keep the fuck away from you faggots

Got cucked by Anderson

It's basically a Plato-Aristotle-situation where the student has far, far surpassed the teacher.

Matt has his sister come in with him during live streams sometimes. He rather spend time mating pressing her then work on videos anymore. There was a thread about it before


It´s a shame since he used to make some of the best videos on youtube, made a video almost monthly while working a full time job. Now he rarely uploads at all despite it being his job.

Literally who?

matt is way better than that ugly chipmunk anderson

>implying you know how he looks

>It's a hamsterboy pretends he would single-handedly murder an entire facility for hurting his son episode

He's moving.
Meanwhile he's stopped the Patreon money until his next video comes out.
He's probably hoping to get into a regular schedule now, but we'll have to see if he can manage.

What are you even talking about?

Also Joseph earns nearly four times Matthew's patreon money :D

If Mathew is Mr. Plinkett, Joseph Anderson is The Nostalgia Critic.

What anime is this

People realized he's a hack fraud.

You're all just jealous that he has a loli gf and you don't.

everybody knows what he looks like

He claims the "rain"
He's making money off not doing shit so why should he

>If Mathew is Spoony, Joseph Anderson is The Nostalgia Critic


Shit. I'd probably be up for banging his sister full time. Good choice if you ask me.

He closed his patreon for not putting videos. Even then his patreon was money per vid.

Does someone have pics of matthewmatosis' sister?

does anyone have pics of matt?

His videos take time and effort. That exact opposite of what makes money on YouTube. That being said even kaptainkristian puts out videos quicker then Matt and a production level 100x higher albeit shorter videos. I think he'd benefit from someone getting on his ass and focusing his time and energy.

Thread link?

Only Anderson would say something this retarded. Fuck off, hamster boy.

anyone else pissed off that Vatti turned out to be a total Chad?

not at his height


Yeah, maybe in India

Why would that piss you off? I'm glad Vaati doesn't look like an ugly shitter.

Still, I pictured him looking like Jim Sterling or Sargon of Akkad.


Yeah I just searched fireden. Guess I've been coaxed into a snafu.

Joseph is posting a lot of streams and playthroughs, it's really cool since he's also doing a Q&A:


I have this suspicion that he was planning on making a video on Breath of the Wild. Zelda and Mario videos are what first made his channel successful after all.

But then Breath of the Wild probably ended up being far more controversial than he felt comfortable covering. What with all the 10/10s in addition to all the people on the opposite end of the spectrum completely ripping the game apart claiming that it doesn't deserve it with the former camp claiming that it does.
Ending with him postponing his video.

And now we have Mario Odyssey. He has probably been planning to cover that too. But since there was never a Breath of the Wild video it's been absolute ages since he released one. And Odyssey too also proved itself to be a somewhat controversial game.

So who knows what he is planning know if anything.

I wonder what happened to his P5 video. He made such a huge deal about not getting it spoiled despite not being a SMT/Persona fan.

Candy Sluts the Animation

He's a pretty big SMT fan as far as I can tell. Just because he doesn't want to be spoiled on p5 doesn't mean he wants to review it

He said he was waiting for the Zelda dlc before making a video.

Excuses excuses

Those are excuses at this point. Anderson did a Fo4 release video, then did another two hour video a year later when all the DLC had come out. He gave Dark Souls II a review, then the DLC. He reviewed Dark Souls III, and then the DLC as they released.

In streams he's said he's more or less delayed videos for days before because he suddenly didn't like the way a sentence sounded and had to rewrite/re-record it.
Basically, he's encountered the living hell that is editing your own writing.
Anderson gets around this by not doing it, that's why all his videos are way longer than they need to be.
James Joyce vs Stephen King.

>Skyrim is in Joseph's top ten games
Why do we listen to this guy again?

Mass Effect 2 being on his list bothers me more.

where is his top ten list so I can judge him?

where is this list. I want to complain too!

He shows it briefly in his dungeon keeper video.
Prepare for some shit taste.

>try mating press
>have to take gf to hospital because a tandem broke
>she now hates me and wants to sue me for rape
thanks anime

He posted this on reddit.
Skyrim is Nr. 10.

At least Matthew isn't a racetraitor

His fixation on Nintendo games seems to be his downfall. People like Raycevick and Joseph aren't so close-minded, that's why I disliked him at first.

I'm hoping for an Odyssey video before a Zelda video, considering he can't make the DLC excuse.
Odyssey is very plainly an excellent game, at least as good as 3D World if that's Matthew's standard for making a video. It's had detractors, but that's part and parcel for such a huge release.

Neither is Joe. Stop trying to make him look bad. Go back to Sup Forums

Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
World of Warcraft
Dungeon Keeper
Fallout New Vegas
Baldur's Gate 2
Shadow of the Colossus

Could be worse. I see why I don't really share a lot of opinions with him

Hillary won, just get over it already

>joseph surpassing anyone
>when he makes 3 hour long videos saying absolutely nothing that people didn't already know

why doesn't noah get any love?

His wife is fat, his videos are all over the place, his production and voice are annoying

It's up

very poor production values
even little shit like hearing the clicks of his mouse, I mean c'mon


Nintendo fans are like furries, you oander to them, and they'll reward you with insane views and patreon bucks

You think youtuber'd get any money praising, I dunno, Resident Evil?

People aren't video games.

His kids are gooks who barely look like him

He's probably my favorite one considering the circumstances he records hid videos, and especially after the Desert Bus video he did.

He looks like chris evans with down syndrome.

Any evidence for your assumptions?

Matthewmatosis ripped Bioshock Infinite a new asshole and he was one of the most popular content creators shitting on Dark Souls 2 during its honeymoon phase. Dude doesn't give a shit about controversy.

Wish people would stop assuming that Matt is better than Joe just because he takes longer to produce a video. Yeah, maybe his videos are edited a bit better, but the quality isn't enough to justify the amount of time it takes for him to put a vid out. Also, MM has said plenty of a retarded bullshit in his time. I'm not sure why people think he's more qualified to speak on the technical side of video games than JA, because he has spoken on it before and gotten shit flat out wrong.

Also, his hard-on for "immersion" and gimmick shit is stupid. A game isn't superior just because it doesn't have a fucking HUD. Reminds me of that retarded ass shandification video that MrBtongue put out. If you can't get immersed in a video game, then you have only your own lack of imagination to blame. Fuck sakes, I remember back in the NES days, you could barely tell what a pile of pixels was even supposed to be, yet we all still enjoyed the fuckin games.

it annoys me that he doesnt edit when he fucks up his lines really bad. all you're doing is reading a script out loud and not in a particularly engaging way, put at least a little effort into the process you fuck.

>World of Warcraft
One of the best games ever made

Nice try Joe

Really? Nice

nice rebuttal SnomanGaming

Matt blows Joe out of the water when it comes to dissecting combat systems. It isn't even close. Matt only loses to Joe in output.

He's also absolutely right when he says Souls games need to stop leaning so heavily on their shallow combat systems and double down on giving the player interesting adventures.

Shitposting on Sup Forums does not make Odyssey a controversial game.

>listening to Joseph Anderson

Low production values and his mind is uzzerly cucked.

The only reason mandalore is safe is because he hasn't made a Nintendo or Souls video.
Once you do that you get to become a target for shitposting no matter what your opinion is.

Matt gave up long before he stopped uploading

>Complains about Skyrim
>He's literally playing Undertale on stream RIGHT NOW and calling it a masterpiece

Why make a game good when you can tell the player to imagine a good game?

link please

twitch dot tv slash andersonjph

He completed Sans ~20 min ago.

literally who

>visuals are all that makes a game good
literal brainlet detected

He probably has a life and found success outside of chasing the volatile and soon to be fucked YouTube/Twitch scene, and I commend him for it.

Horrendous production but still way better than Matthewmatooshit and Hamtaro Anderson

You know, maybe I could get on brod, maybe I could get on board with Noah, *cough* *click* but at the end of the nday, I just can't get past the frankly astonishingly poor production values. *click*

but shandrification wasn't about the visuals, you have no idea what you're talking about

No, the Souls games need to embrace deeper combat. Gimmick bosses are not interesting adventures, anymore than a QTE boss is an interesting adventure.

If they're incapable of making bosses both interesting and fun to fight, then From sucks ass. Souls games are vastly overrated anyway.

Except Matthew's videos are a thousand times better than Anderson's.

He is pretty cool though, I like that he talks about patches and fixes for games, not many people do that.