Why aren't you downloading and stocking up on heaps of games Sup Forums before it's too late?

Why aren't you downloading and stocking up on heaps of games Sup Forums before it's too late?

Especially with the fate of net neutrality and also the fate of our internet in Pajeet's hands

Other urls found in this thread:


Thankfully I'm not an amerimutt.

Already have a stockpile to last me years. And worst-case scenario I'll just start frequenting coffee shops and other public wifi spots with my VPN-strapped laptop.

You don't need piratebay, just get the no intro collection.

i've already pirated every game I would want to play
i might download wargame: red dragon but that's it.
nothing satisfies me anymore.

Why, do you americans lose access to torrents or smth soon because of that net neutrality thing?

Without net neutrality, your coffee shops internet is gonna get slower to VPN on too since the coffee shop won’t pay for the VPN access package

what, do you think companies are going to let people have access to piratebay and etc?

>Running a torrent the day before Thanksgiving Eve
>Internet and cable turn off somehow overnight
>Get it back after Thanksgiving
>Torrent is running slow as fuck now
Are we going to have to go back to Usenet now?

I'm a FUCKING LEAF so I haven't researched this much but could proxy or VPN help get around net ISP restrictions or are you fucked?

gonna download some pc games. I'm not gonna let the jews take my classics away.

without net neutrality isp's can control what websites you can get access to
every single isp will take bribes from media corporations to block access to torrent browsing sites
removing net neutrality will make isp, hollywood, music, video game, and porn executives more rich at the expensive of 99% of Americans
aristocracy at work
so much for draining the swamp

I'm a layman when it comes to massive networking infrastructure, but I can't imagine that anything other than using a different ISP would affect your speeds if you're being intentionally throttled by the one you're currently using. A VPN or proxy still uses the ISP's pipeline.

So we're probably fucked even more than we are now.


i am. i have 11tb of anime

Based Trump saving the US economy

I pay for my games because I'm not a degenerate antisocial fuck.

Ideally what will happen is one of the ISPs sees this, and allows everyone open access, drawing the consumers from the major ISPs to the one that doesn't restrict their shit. And then when that happens, the major ones realize, oh shit, net neutrality was actually making us money by securing our customers, and then stop their throttling.

But this probably won't happen, if the changes occur at all.

Not gonna make a difference. You are still using the same Pipe provided by your ISP. You would need to connect to the internet from a whole other area. VPNs just reroute the connections but in the end it has to go through your ISPs cable to get to your Computer

Don't live in the land of freedom 2bh

It's mostly a boon for ISPs, since they'll charge creators for privileged access as well. Smaller creators will basically get fucked because they won't be able to afford such access, which means that the internet will more or less become a portal for only the most mainstream stuff.

Thats correct, you pay for you games because you are a dumb little sheeple

>socialists unironically exist

Problem is that not every ISP has access to all areas. The biggest problem pro net neutrality people have is that some cannot choose their ISP because in their area only one is available/ only one owns all the cables

If net neutrality goes away, how do people affected by it share information with each other if they don't wanna pay for access to websites?

>Ideally what will happen is one of the ISPs sees this, and allows everyone open access, drawing the consumers from the major ISPs

I take it you aren't familiar with the establishment of ISPs. Thanks to the entrenchment of the incumbents, it costs an average of $100million to start a new ISP, and that assumes the startup isn't dogpiled with lawsuits from the local cartel/paid-off municipal gov. Hell, even Google, with their nigh-infinite capital, could barely dig into a handful of markets.


should we start mailing flash drives to each other?

They don't.

lmao amerimutts

Too conspicuous, mSD cards are easier to package/conceal.

i could kinda imagine an underground network of people sharing videos, roms, or other content with each other by sharing or mailing micro sd cards to others. though, i doubt that would happen

You'd have to establish it soon.

Is Congress even going to fucking listen? At this rate, people are going to be out in the streets protesting against ISPs

how would i establish it?

congress is probably being paid off. The petition is going to need a whole lot more backers before congress will even take notice of it

I already have all MGS games installed on my PS3/PC. I don't need anything else.

Just let things flow naturally.

Start a Google Group, exchange private (read: non-Google) contacts, send a few cards as starters and keep comms off Google.

Use pen and paper OTPs that you burn after every use to give adresses to deadrops to your friends

sav net nootrality!!!!

>you know who likes neutrality?
>dumb retards!
>you don't want to be a dumb retard, do you?
>*posts ms paint comic*


sounds like a good and fun idea, i might try this with my friends if we lose net neutrality

s e e t h i n g redditor

This image is gaytarded. Nationalism is not a fucking form of government nor is it an economic system. At best, it's a philosophy.

To be totally honest it's because I'm lazy. I don't want to deal with all the precautions needed to safely pirate and not get malware.

Oh, redditor? WTF I hate neutrality now!

Depending on what measures are passed, this could really set off a daisy chain of shit that ends up hurting America's economy.

Massive surge in FTP and XDCC when?

>Tfw internet SUSPICIOUSLY STOPS WORKING whenever I try and browse R34

If reddit started obsessing over suicide prevention would you kill yourself?

>Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system
Meanwhile, in reality.


I can't comprehend what it is you're trying to say, or who you're quoting as the quote is the exact opposite of what it was I was saying.

lmao imagine being an american

Easier said than done, american ISPs have a monopoly in a lot of regions, which is enforced by law even. If you live in an area where Verizon, for instance, is your only option for ISP, and they decide to block Sup Forums or some other site you frequent, you're shit out of luck until they decide to unblock it at some point or you move into an area where they aren't the only option available. The ISPs know this, so they have no direct motivation or obligation to provide access to a specific set of websites only because one of the other ISPs decided to block them. Chances are, they can't move to an area where they get the option of picking a competitor anyway.

>net neutrality supporters are also nigger thieves

wtf I hate neutrality now
thanks fellow magapede!

He's going off the wikipedia definition without reading it. Nationalism is an attribute to many possible systems, it isn't a system in and of itself.

It's because I'm a white person living in a first world country.
>inb4 triggered /r9k/ NEETs and Europoors spam 56% meme

obama NN is not real NN

t. pirate

>implying Twitter/Facebook won't be able to afford to maintain priority access

At most, people will still get banned, they just won't be able to retreat to their hugboxes because those inevitably won't be able to afford access.

>net neutrality
How will that affect people outside the US?
I live in Norway, will i notice at all?

And there's no way to ever fix this. It'll keep getting worse.

wtf I hate pirates now


>"haha stupid americ-"

>at the expense of 15% of criminals and 100% of NEETs

I'm set for life on GGn, I couldn't give a fuck

How many American-hosted sites do you frequently visit? Those sites will probably get fucked by the local ISPs hosting them.

>tech companies pay for a connection and connection speed
Maybe...they shouldn't....sell service....they can't....provide?

That's mobile only.

Those are stuff you can pay in addition to your data plan.
Sauce on your pasta if you will

>tfw an internet without americans


good think I'm not amerishit

feels good tb H

Why does it matter how much bandwidth they are using on the connection and connection speed they are paying for?
It sounds like they're just crying because they didn't expect anyone to actually use the service they were selling to the fullest extent.

In case you ever wonder why Sup Forums suddenly 180'd on NN within two years

>so much for draining the swamp
how about you take your buyer's remorse to Sup Forums you absolute retard.

I'm glad that I don't use any of those services

Piracy is legal in Bulgaria, and our Internet is highly decentralized as even the small ISPs have access to the main European optics.
Feels good to not be American.

It'll feel good to see these retards get fucked in the ass. At least I'll have that to cling to when everyone else gets fucked too.

Ah, you too huh?

>Newfag trying to fight for NN doesn't know about brainlet Wojak

Just direct download your games

When they tried to pass it for internet they got told to fuck right off by the government

absolutely this, and along with it we have a flat 10% (ten percent; 0.1; 1 out of every 10) tax with zero income tax or any other tax on top of it and a complete freedom of speech

feels fucking GREAT to live in a libertarian paradise over some social-corporatist military-industrial shithole

Trump niggers really are some of the thickest pieces of shit. None of their examples have anything to do with net neutrality.


When did this board become Reddit-lite?

This "battle for net neutrality" is literally nothing but corporation vs. corporation and doesn't stand to affect the consumer in any way. Services like Netflix and Facebook shill for net neutrality (which isn't even REAL net neutrality; ISPs can censor sites or content they dislike at this very moment) because they use so much data. If net neutrality was revoked, ISPs would be allowed to charge those services for using so much data. The cost would be put onto them.

So why do they want net neutrality to stay? Well, if Facebook had to pay for all that traffic... how the fuck would it stay free? How would Netflix be able to bundle itself with Amazon Prime and be nearly-free? The answer is they would not. They would have to charge more to afford those ISP-imposed fees. You think anyone is going to bother using Facebook if it has a $10 account fee? Or Netflix if it costs as much as a cable plan? Of course fucking not, nobody would pay for that, they would find or use free alternatives... which the internet is chock full of.

I swear to god, you fucking idiots fall for this blatant corporate crying game where they claim ISPs want to censor "your freedoms" as if this whole NN bullshit is about that. Why would any ISP want to be the first to get their foot in the door with censoring shit? Why INTENTIONALLY chase away customers? They aren't perfect but they aren't fucking stupid, use your brains and stop being Reddit you absolute uneducated normalfag scum.

I haven't yet understood if NN is good or bad, that's what scary about it. Nobody has a real idea about what's happening.

Oh and P.S.: look at some of the retards replying to this thread with base-level arguments. Half of them are just using all of this blatant disinfo and taking advantage of YOUR stupidity because they get to keep pushing anti-Trump rhetoric, as if it fucking concerns him at all.

Give me a quick rundown on both sides of NN.

I've torrented everything I need before judgement day.
I'm glad Black Friday gave me some good deals on HDD's

You know what's the most jarring thing about this whole thing?

It's 2018, and there's people in here that

-watch tv AT ALL
-watch netflix shit
-PAY for netflix shit

Are you actually in pegging?

yeah well they won. fucking cope

Either the ISP censor Sup Forums or the Gubment does

ISPs want to be able to blackmail companies. If they don't pay up, their internet gets throttled. A brief history of this practice:

2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.

2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.

2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube.

2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.

2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction.

2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.

2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.

2017, Verizon caught throttling customer data in direct violation of FCC Net Neutrality rules

>Services like Netflix and Facebook shill for net neutrality because they use so much data. If net neutrality was revoked, ISPs would be allowed to charge those services for using so much data. The cost would be put onto them.
How does NN stop them from charging for bandwidth usage? It doesn't stop them from charging me for bandwidth usage, or anyone else I know.


>Why would any ISP want to be the first to get their foot in the door with censoring shit? Why INTENTIONALLY chase away customers?
I don't know why but they've done it before, ie AT&T blocking Skype because they thought it interfered with their cellphone bullshit, and Comcast trying to stealthily throttle certain services so you would pay their fees.