Not even a full 30 days old

>Not even a full 30 days old
>Already selling for $25

You guys weren't kidding when you said that Wolfenstein 2 bombed. What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pandering to people that don't buy videogames.

>INB4 bethy does it to all their games

Grace SJW shit instead of just concentrating on letting players kill Nazis

i still dont understand why would people do this business-wise?

it's a fucking mess of a tactic

The devs are actually that deluded by ideology

>alienate White Men, the backbone of the gamer community
>upset nobody wants to play their shitty SJW game

>SJW game

Someone redpill me on this game. All I know is there's some sassy black woman or something. Is it a bad game?

Overshadowed by controversy.

How autistic do you have to be to keep making the same thread over and over again?

Must be a middle ground between full blown retarded and Zuckerberg type autistic smarts.


they used a bunch of politically charged marketing to try to mask the fact the game is like 6 hours long at best

I'm more tired of the word autism to be quite honest with you senior

>everything i dont like is autismo

>Sup Forums still crying about a game they've never played

I hope Pete Hines gets fired. He seems to just piss people off instead of making them more interested in the games

not even a cuck but i hope that too LMAO

It will happen because the SJW culture infested the entire AAA gaming industry.

The game has already failed. They have nothing to gain by keeping it at 59.99 while it sells no copies


>Devs make a passion filled experience of love for the audience
>Marketers fuck it up by alienating those people so they don't even buy the game

What a trainwreck

where all the black womyn who plays games n shit

thankfully never seen them here sorry

It's not only Pete Hines he's been there for a long time but the NuBethesda/Zenimax guys are all incompetent soylent boys and blue haired feminists.

That's the gaming industry nowadays.

We traded pragmatism and competence with SJW culture.


>What went wrong?
the activist managers hired other activists rather than talented developers and thought bloated marketing budgets would carry it

thankfully Sup Forums and our allies were in time to inform the public of this scam

Nobody's gonna pay $60 for a sub-10 hour single player game, especially when it's released so close to the sale season.

Doing pretty well now that it's at a more reasonable price.

He's Todds friend, he's not going anywhere

>SJW are not rea...

>thankfully Sup Forums and our allies
So you guys are the ones who have been sabotaging sales of my games! Don't think I'll give up! Wait for Wolfenstein III: The Return of Mamma Dozer ~A Social Justice Tale~

I'd like to make one thing clear for people that haven't played the game:
While the marketing might have pandered to SJWs, the game itself isn't SJW at all. That black power lady is a bitch, and most of the cast treats her like she's a bitch. It's not like they're sucking her dick.
The communist is just a drunk Southern guy and also isn't being put on a pedestal.

couse we do nothing but complain right?

Good game, red-blooded all-american good old boy fighting Man in the High Tower literal ww2 nazis and telling hypocritical commie activists to nut up or shut up.
Entire game is unfairly sullied by the marketing team injecting a political narrative into it that isn't even present in the actual game.

>the game itself isn't SJW at all
fake new nigger

How low do the think price will get by this time next year? $10? $5?

Anti-Nazi torture porn that is too entangled in trying to set up parallels to the current American political climate.

By the way, I'm not one of those people that actually thinks the Nazis were right, I am just observing the obvious problem with how they are portrayed in the game which feels extremely 1 dimensional and preachy like they went an extra mile to make sure that there is absolutely nothing redeemable about any of them which is strange. I mean, even the Orcs in shadow of mordor, which according to Tolkin are just an inherently rotten evil race, get portrayed in ways that make them interesting and fun. You don't just have 5 million scenes in a row that try to demonstrate how evil orcs are. There is no need for that, you don't need to remind me at every twist and turn.

>le nazis are evil game
>sells like shit because nazis were not evil
makes you think right?

how do you explain the "naked pregnant empowered woman winning against armed nazis while screaming"?

The Josh Sawyer wanted poster always get's to me.

Ridiculous over the top shit that doesn't even merit thinking about that hard. It's not like The New Order or the entire rest of TNC was any more grounded.

The game has equal parts serious and silly stuff in it.
That part is one of the silly ones and shouldn't be treated like a serious scene.

Hoping to draw in a new crowd to leech off of, but it never works


Plot armor. What was more ridiculous in that scene was how there were 4-6 Nazis firing machine guns in full auto at an enemy out of cover not even 5 feet away and not a single bullet hitting.

The game came out right before other shooters that the casuals wanted to play ie bf2 and cod ww2. I knew that shit was gonna go on sale, so i waited and got my yesterday. Its not a bad game, and the sjw moments are glaring, but im enjoying some of it so far.

Wolfenstein? More like KOMMUNISTENSCHWEIN!

Literally only 2 nazis

so are the people literally crying because it makes fun of the alt-right

>soylent boy
Stop trying to get past my filters, use your normal stupid insult so I don't see you

My mistake then, haven't seen that scene in a while now. Still, 2 Nazis with machine guns firing full auto at an enemy out of cover not even 5 feet away and not a single bullet hitting.

>What went wrong?
It was shit.

soi boy

So how exactly is this game? Is it fun? New Order was pretty fun.

Who gets pissed off over punching Nazis?

Is he vegetarian?

I don't think you people understand. The devs ARE the demographic they tried to pander to.
Everyone involved in making Cuckenstein II are all a bunch of subhuman libshit commiefuck soyboi nu-male millenial sjw lgbpt multiculti pushing cucklets.

bad gameplay

>He needs a filter

If you can't handle the bantz why are you here?

Then why did Sup Forums like Cuckenstein I?

Well it's a cutscene in a video game.
I think it's a stupid thing to point out. It happens in almost every action game, movie or series.

Hi soyim

It's pretty much just more of The New Order, except TNO wasn't released at a time where people will get salty over having to kill literal moustache-twirling cartoon nazis.

anti-white soyvidya that didn't have a cute girl to redeem it like pic related


I didn't say it has never happened in anything else ever user nor am I implying it's bad. I'm merely pointing out how ridiculous and silly that shit is, same way stormtroopers in Star Wars can't hit shit. Lighten the fuck up, Jesus.

I can't speak for all of Sup Forums but I thought it was CoD with a Wolfenstein skin
Only a yuuumaaaaaannnn...

he is a soyboy

Interested in getting it but it has a lot of negative Steam user reviews, does anyone know if it's been patched or improved since launch to any meaningful degree?

lmao did that offend you?

If you wanted to point out that iwas ridiculous and silly, you should've made that clear instead of calling it "plot armor" which implies it's a bad trope.

It played nothing like CoD though. Except having guns in it

Because it tries to associate Nazi ideology with "white supremacy". It sets it up as if Nazis as evil white men and the opposition faction is an incredibly diverse group of people that kicks their ass.

It's like people forgot that it took a massive sacrifice of the Russian fighting age male population to stop Germany's advancement into the east. France got fucking rolled and the US only came in to aid after millions upon millions of lives were already lost.

Those were not splinter rebel groups trying to fight "white supremacy". Nazi ideology wasn't the fucking "white man" against "the rest of the world". How do people constantly forget that the holocaust didn't just target jewish people but also a considerable number of Poles.Those weren't white?

Like what the fuck is going on in Wolfenstein The New Colossus where they make the Nazi ideology some kind of ideology that targets blacks and jews?

Why the fuck does white supremacy always get conflated with Nazi germany which is a completely unrelated ideology since it doesn't specifically say anything about white people in general, just the Aryan race.

How is 'plot armor' a bad trope? What about the term has a bad connotation? You sure you're not being presumptuous?

>Why the fuck does white supremacy always get conflated with Nazi germany which is a completely unrelated ideology since it doesn't specifically say anything about white people in general, just the Aryan race.
Remind me, what was the nazi party's criteria for being considered a part of the Aryan race?

I'm not buying your game todd, making the same thread every day about the price being lowered won't convince me.

>Because it tries to associate Nazi ideology with "white supremacy"

Probably because it is?

same way the empire in star wars became a white supremacist organization

>Make decent enough Wolfenstein reboot
>People universally agree its inoffensive at least and pretty good at best
>Still missing Hitler boss though
>Mostly apolitical besides Hitler actually kind of being right about Jews being nefarious with their hidden precursor technology they refuse to share with the world
>Get a big head
>Market second game in a way that alludes to the current political climate
>"There's only one side"
>Go full politics
>Make the commies the good guys
>Give BJ daddy issues and jungle fever
>Make Hitler some geriatric invalid that is not threatening at all.
>Your superior is some black panther "I hate crackas" thug


well, for starters, you had to be whi-oohhhhhhhhhhhhh

Give it time, it just came out

Are you actually offended by the conflating of white supremacy and nazi aryanism, or are you playing devil's advocate?

gamers are alt right drumpf supporters. its sad that i am part of a community thats filled with bigots

Alt-right deserves ridicule though

Time for actual criticisms here we go
>level design is worse from TNO, more corridor shooting type areas than usual
>lots of stupid unfair hard sequences, like the 50 health cap at the beginning of the game and the poisonous air in manhattan
>story is mediocre with some elements that just don't work well, like BJ's dad being aggressively racist and evil despite IIRC him being painted as stern but loving in TNO
>game is stupid short
>sillyness is jacked up into overdrive in a lot of sequences, losing the horror that TNO could occasionally evoke in the player
>the hitler scene is funny, but they went too far. Should've portrayed him as scary initially and then made him into a complete fool, that would've been funnier and more effective.
>some plot elements are ridiculous even for this settings' standards, and the devs clearly know very, very little about American culture
>gameplay has barely improved. BJ is still a fragile little boy, meaning stealth is the way to go or else it's death.
>game ends in the worst way possible with a shit ending with no final boss, evidently wanting a third game that may never happen due to the crappy sales

Still a fun game but overall it's a huge dissapointment after TNO and TOB and I hope MachineGames gets their shit together for The New Uprising or whatever. Also I like the title, as it refers to both the literal "The New Colossus" document for the Statue of Liberty and the fact that BJ has a new body, literally becoming The New Colossus (as he is nicknamed "Shimson", aka the biblical Samson, by Set.)


This picture is photoshopped right? There's no way you could have that kind of chubby face with such a lack of fat in your body.

BJ calls out the commies for their shit though
really the daddy issues were the worst part of it all, screw the politics

>>level design is worse from TNO
oof, really?

The target audience (niggers, spics, SJWs, communists) doesn't have money to buy games

clever cat sees through your bullshit

Dumb shit like skull-size, eye to nose ratio and lineage that can be traced back to not be associated with races that aren't considerd Aryan.

Remember, the jews that lived in Germany were white. I don't get why so many people treat jews as universally non-white even though they are not. Most jews in Germany also had a lineage of Germans, they weren't even pure jews.

It fucking isn't. Otherwise they wouldn't have exterminated jews and Poles which are also white. They have a very particular brand of racial superiority that goes much further than skin color. It's not "being white" vs "non-white", it's "Aryan" vs "everyone else".

Alt-Right dumpf Sup Forums Tard Spam it with good reviews and normies blindly didn’t buy it. It just like why Justice league and BVS gotten bad review and normies enough they. Butt hurt marvel fans spamming bad reviews

Was The New Order really a reboot, or was it a sequel to Wolfenstein 2009?

Sure the actual Nazis deserve some flak I agree. But when the left is labeling anything right of Bernie Sanders "communism has nevah bin tried befo" politics as Nazis, it's easy to hit a bad nerve with a lot of people. Also I think most Americans are tired of politics being injected into everything. Again, Wolfenstein new order was mostly apolitical other than we need to stop the Nazis, Wolfenstein 2 goes full bore politics and I think people are exhausted

go cry over at reddit

It hasn't and it's a 5 hour long game (including tons of cutscenes) with no multiplayer.

Because these people think that they are the majority. Probably because they seal themselves in echo chambers so they don't know anyone has different viewpoints.

They wanted those social justice points, too bad they don't pay the bills