Less than a month after release

>less than a month after release
>-50% on steam

Why do you keep making this thread over and over again?


>so this is the power of AAA
you seem a tad bit upset

its $25 at best buy and amazon

who gives a shit about steam

>hurr I'll make the thread again

While we're on the topic of steam, recommend a game that is $2.49 on the sale

Actually it's good that we get daily threads like this - it serves as a good reminder and also great example of what not to do to your IP

hey, not only he enjoy the down fall of others


Who are the original creators of wolfenstein and are they weeping now?

>Who are the original creators of wolfenstein
Is this a bait post? Everyone knows it's Muse Software

>Fate Chapter 7 bankruptcy

you are aware that wolfenstein has always been about killing nazis right

>try their hardest at race baiting and playing to the current "political climate"
>game bombs because their target demographic don't actually buy games
like clockwork :^)

1940s Nazis and not /pol nazis

>tfw thought it was a good game and didn't really give a shit about what's assblasting some people here.

That's kind of how I felt about DmC. I don't care about how badly it flopped, I had my fun.

You have shit taste user.


Christ, this "SJWs don't play games" meme is usually dumb enough without the added "only SJWs hate Nazis" Sup Forums bullshit. How far up your own arse do you have to be to convince yourself this is reality?

you dont have to argue with me, son. you have to argue with the board lol






Why are you mad that a game that used marketing calling half of the USA Nazis got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT in sales?

He's mad because he thinks you are a nazi

They didn't do that, though. That was all their own persution complex.

no it's a reminder that Sup Forums needs to be deleted

imagine being such a simpleton

do you have any other arguments other than the Sup Forums boogieman? asking for a friend

well said fellow gaffer! anybody to the right of bernie sanders is from pol

Trump voters aren't nearly half the USA and oh yeah they didn't actually call any Trump supporter a Nazi for that matter.

If you actually correct about the reason TNC isn't selling then all it proves is that gamers are a bunch of gullible twats with fragile egos. But I think the real reason is that it's a singleplayer-only game that's really more of the same of its predecessor and gamers are probably largely millennials who don't have a lot of money to spend.

>Screencapping obvious bait
What did you honestly hope to achieve by doing this?

>Sup Forums needs to be deleted
And what exactly would that achieve, again? The people who use Sup Forums aren't just going to disappear just because the board is gone. Hell, since Sup Forums is essentially just a side board to Sup Forums, you'd get more of them coming here spouting truths that nobody wants to accept.

>markup on games is like 900%
>let's cut the (((price))) by half and make them goyim think they're getting a great deal

>Wolfestien 2 doesn't sell
>Blame Sup Forums
How does Sup Forums keep getting away with it? they cant always be right. can they?