Complains about piracy

>complains about piracy
>buys used games
Well, Sup Forums?

i don't do either of those things

Who are you quoting?

I only buy used games if I dislike the developer/publisher, like NISA.

I don't play games.

>buying used games at all

Reselling physical copies just moves around the value that was purchased at the initial sale; it doesn't actually shortchange the publisher in any real way since the total supply remains constant - and, of course, they already got their money. Pirating the game actually adds a copy of the game into the supply that was not paid for, thus leaving the developer uncompensated for their work. People who buy a used copy, are also more likely to pay for legitimate dlc as well.

Everyone on Sup Forums who talks about how piracy is harmful to the videogame industry.

By your logic, buying used books is piracy too.

Who the fuck buys used books? At least mention a library instead

>buys games

>buying games at all

dude a new book is 50 bucks, a used one is 5.

Paperbacks are like 15 bucks, what the fuck?

Used books are cheap as fuck. A new hardback is like 25+ dollars, while you can find the same book used (and often in good condition) for like 2-3 bucks.

I do my part and purchase used pirated games.

honestly the worst kind of scum

Why not just pirate it and use an e-reader at that point?

there is literally nothing wrong with being a pirate
>nobody cares when you pirate music
>nobody cares when you pirate tv shows/movies
>nobody cares when pirate software
>everybody is suddenly a moralfag when it comes to pirating video games

why not buy the used book for 3 bucks at that point

>Reselling physical copies just moves around the value that was purchased at the initial sale

one person bought the game, 2 people played it and if it went through gamestop, someone other than the publisher made money.

this is worse than piracy. it cannot be argued.

>nobody cares when you pirate music

>buying at all

>going full retard

dont you know, if you pirate lil J is only going to get a normal private jet instead of a gold one

The supply argument doesn't work because it's artificially scarce to begin with. Used games short change publishers since every used purchase is a lost sale.

Someone has to buy a copy of the game new first before it can start circulating as a used game. The amount in circulation is dependent on the supply of used games on the market. This supply is finite.
Pirating only requires 1 person to upload a game and then it can be pirated ad infinitum. Now you can buy a game, upload it, then request a refund so it wouldn't even cost anyone money in the first place.

How is option 1 worse than option 2?

Pirating music is honestly incredibly harmful. Of course it's not going to effect the musicians who already made it big and have contracts and receive payment from other means, but to those who are just starting out it essentially forces them to have to sell out to some agency if they have any aspiration to actually be somewhat successful.


Should've gotten a proper job, hippie

music/movie is a social and normal media, many normal people actually talk about it, share it and it's free advertisement
video game is a media for disgusting asocial NEET practicing product fetishism at home fucking ungrateful fuck you don't get it do you?

Because the second person spent money to NOT give it to the developer. It's obviously much much worse because someone else is making the profit that should go to the developer.

when some one pirates a game, the dev makes NO money. when someone buys a used game, the dev makes NO money, but someone else does. that does make it even worse.
