It’s $2.50 on Steam right now. Is it any good?

It’s $2.50 on Steam right now. Is it any good?

Yes, don't worry about dying a lot it's the normal path to play it

You could skip it.

If you love stress, then yes

It's good, definitely worth like 20 bucks

Play the demo in Humble Bundle, and check if it is in sale there too.
Also consider that you can buy it from GOG

The Demo is a Flash game

It's great if you just want to click brainlessly for 10 minutes at a time and see how far you get. Haven't found any other game that's as good for comfy quick sessions.

Thanks user. Any tips for a new player?

Restart until you find Scrap Recovery Arm in your first store

Play on easy first until you win
If you can get the crew teleporter thingie use it, ti's OP as fuck

It’s bretty gud

Not really, I'm awful myself and only play on easy to have any chance. Unlocking new ships improves the game a lot, the couple of first I used got me nowhere but the one with extra shields was very beginner friendly.

Pick up all the burst laser II's you find, the one that fires 3 rounds. It's the best weapon in terms of charge time to damage. Ion weapons are good for disabling shields/weapons systems and for the love of god, don't try to help with the space spiders, they murder everything

worth the money even at full price. at 2,5$ it's a steal for what you get

>and for the love of god, don't try to help with the space spiders, they murder everything
I've had a successful outcome more often than not with that encounter. I don't know why everyone's so paranoid about it in particular. There are plenty of other encounters that can result in far worse bad results.

What is this scrub logic?

Disable advanced edition from the outset, git gud at playing the base game before introducing the additional mechanics it brings to the experience.

Speaking of, are there any other games like this? I tried Spelunky but didn't like how action heavy it was.

nethack. comfy stress free AND 100% free

Bretty good, space hulk scavenging.

You mean Duskers? Been waiting for a bigger discount on that.

Yeah Duskers.
Just pirate it.
Its nice idea, solid craft and of course like always few questionable design choices.
Still decent game(for free or 5$).