Times you were really blown away by graphics

Back in 2001, I was completly stunned by the graphics in Silent Hill 2. I thought it was a fucking hoax until I played it. The lightning effects in particular left me awestruck.

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mm yeah every ps2 game seemed very realistic for the time

unironically crysis

Black. Like, what the fuck.


I don't remember really paying much attention to graphics before the PS3/360 were released. I remember thinking AssCreed 1 looked amazing when I first got a PS3.

Only game that truly blew my mind. Still the best graphics ever. Single–handedly made me realize how fucking stupid the push for 4K is. The Order literally looks better than Horizon Zero Dawn. Also, yes. I have a 4K TV with UHD or whatever the fuck.

The first pictures of Doom 3 that dropped in 2001 (I think?) blew me away more than anything before or since. It was the first time a game had used normal mapping and as a result the jump in quality over anything else was huge.

The first time I ever played Mario RPG I was really blown awau by how cool everything looked. It was the first time I remember being excited about graphics.

THIS IS ME: Also, this. Those dimly lit, blood spattered corridors were fucking unreal. Anyone that played it at any point not directly after launch doesn't deserve to review it. The reason it was so horrifying was that the visuals were literally the best ever.

It looked digustingly good.

>friend had this grown up game (rated 15!!!!1!)
>i was 9
>she had boobs
>and an actual face
>that day something changed
>i developed “thirst”

Ratchet and Clank on PS4.

Got a PS4 after having a toaster pc for years and to this day still can't believe how good that game looks.

Doom 3 and later Crysis.

Played this the other day for the first time now consider it better than everything that's come out in the last 5 years

Black for sure. I do remember learning to melee cancel reloads so I didn't have the DoF thing though

Just finished silent hill 1 on my psp for the second time. it has some serious fps drops but shit i was amazed when first emulated it. gorgeous graphics, fantastic game ( with minor annoyances)

banjo tooie
>underground where it's pitch black
>supposed to dick around and start some machinery up
>can just use fire eggs to temporarily light the way

Might and Magic VI, Mario 64, the first time I saw Gears of War played on an HD TV(this being the biggest). Now I don't get "blown away" because I'm not looking for realism in videogames so art style will always win out over graphical fidelity

Silent Hill 1 looks like garbage. I could see if you played it on release but judging by your post you didn't.


this but unironically

it has phenomenal aesthetics, insane amount of detail to its environments, monster design is great are baiting? Have you even played the game?

Haven't gotten that far in it but I have played it. It looks worse than MGS.

Strange. The streets are pretty decent, maybe wait until you have seen the hospital, its great in non nightmare world as is the school or maybe you just have shit tastes either way i dont care. good night

t. retarded brainlet who never played it and has no idea what he is shitting out of his mouth detected.

Not that user, but SH1 does look pretty amazing aside from the human character models. The environment, lighting, and ambient effects still hold up to this day, and they used the limited power of the PS1very effectively to emphasize the unnatural wrongness of the monsters.

>play snes and N64 my entire childhood
>got a gamecube on launch year with pikmin

>that fucking leap i took from N64 to Nightfire on the Xbox

like photorealism at the time

I played it on the PS1. Not emulated. So it was an aliased mess with jiggly models. But so was MGS but that looked better. I got up to playing some amount of the school. Also the main character's model is one of the worst I've ever seen in emulated images with aa like yours. The low resolution actually does the game a favor.

The last time I recall being blown away by the graphics was with DiRT 2. Watching how the parts of the car flew when you crashed, compared to other games, looked fucking amazing. The gamplay and the soundtrack were also great to boot.

I remember also being amazed when the first Persona 5 gameplay footage released. Not by the graphics themselves, but by the way they managed to make everything look so fucking stylish.

MGS1's environments are good, but you're literally blind if you can't see the amount of effort and artistry that went into the visuals and environments of Silent Hill 1. They blow pretty much everything else from that era out of the water.

Those were the days when environments were hand crafted with love. Now it's all copy pasted shit.

Resident evil 1 on the psx was my game. Never seen anything like it prior.

On PC, it was probably call of duty or some shit like that
Consolewise, I'd probably say gamecube games like Luigis haunted mansion or metroid prime.
>pic unrelated

splinter cell chaos theory is fucking gorgeous

Probably mgs2 and dmc1. I remember seeing screenshots in a ps2 mag back in 2000 of them. Looked unreal at the time. Also when i played mgs i couldnt believe how smooth it was. As a 10 year old console kid i had no idea about framerates and shit. Later when i got older i found out mgs2 looked and played so smooth because it ran 60fps on the ps2. Pretty impressive.

p5 is a goddamn style smorgasbord and i fucking loved it

not only from that era pal. Im amazed at the level of detail. its only on par with the older resis (and still better while being true third person instead of prerendered).

It's honestly pretty amazing how well all three original Team Silent games hold up visually (and 4 too). 3 and 4 have some of the best character models I've seen, and the first three's environments are still brilliant to this day. Those guys were masters of their crafts.

this but ironically

Dirt2 will be one of my all time favourite games
those graphics that gameplay and that fucking soundtrack really made it a 10/10 for me
But what really made me realise how far graphics have come was the 2010 Need for speed hot pursuit
The level of detail on the cars and those environments and the sense of speed was really something and to this day I think that games could have kept that level of graphics forever and they would still look great

Donkey kong country
Doom 3

these but post-ironically

Getting Doom 3 way back when on my Xbox. The graphics was like nothing I ever saw at that time

this but neo-ironically

really tragic,maybe fixed perspective catches up someday and with it, more detailed environments

Going from Crash Bandicoot and Gran Turismo to getting my PS2 bundle with Jak and Daxter and Gran Turismo 3. I'll never forget the feeling. I was so sure that it was impossible for g raphics to ever get better than this.

I remember normal mapping blowing my fucking mind with doom 3 also

when I first saw one of the nurses screenshot, that rubbery texture on the face, I couldn't believe it

>no pixelation on textures
>no aliased corners
>no wobbly surfaces
>things actually looked ROUND and smooth
>dat silky smooth performance
>first time moving in fully 3D space with an analog stick
No generation will ever again understand the feeling of xperiencing Mario 64 when it was fresh.


DOOM, Mass Effect Andromeda and Uncharted 4 have some of the best post-Crysis graphics

subtle. too subtle


As a kid I'd play Genesis with a neighbor friend; didn't see him for a week at one point and when I went over to say hi he had Super Mario 64. Imagine the mindblowing of a 9 year old seeing that game for the first time after having played a Genesis game 5 minutes earlier.

>tldr: Super Mario 64

Age of Empires 2. I thought it looked really good for the time.

I remember being blown away by the Luigis Mansion demo at Kmart. I specifically recall the doorknobs he'd reach out for being extremely rounded and glossy.

This. Oblivion and Killzone 2 blew my fucking mind after I bought my ps3 right around launch. @008 was an interesting year.

The scale of Jak 3 blew me away. GTA was similar, but Jak 3 looked so good while keeping the huge environments.

I was a SEGA kid at the time... seeing mario 64 made me feel so bad for the hedgehod =(

Crysis was unplayable at launch though.

I think Silent Hill 2 is the best looking game ever made relative to the time it came out, it still looks utterly phenomenal, especially if you play at high res on PC. One time I was playing SH3 and my friend walked in and said " Is that Silent Hill? I thought none of the PS3 ones were any good". Team Silent were just absolute gods, every SH game after 4 looks way worse than 2-4.

Compare it to pic related, Eternal Darkness is a survival horror game that came out a year AFTER SH2 on a debatably more powerful system and it looks like shit comparatively. The facial animations in SH3 were fucking mind-blowing too.


HL2 looked really fucking good back in the days.

Unironically FFX & Sonic Adventure. Sonic Adventure looked fucking amazing at displays when the Dreamcast launched. FFX looked almost real to me back when it released. We'll never have another leap like what came from PSX/N64 to Dreamcast ever again.

It still does. Some of the environments look way more realistic than many modern games because it looks far more natural than the post-production soup we see in modern games.

>Crysis was unplayable at launch though.
played it just fine on P4 + Geforce 6600 GT back in the days.

mostly low-med settings, 1024x768 res (was still on 4:3), and average of ~20-25 fps. But man, was it worth it!
Occasionally, I'd up the settings just to admire the fancy details I'd (hopefully) get to witness with way better performance as well.

COD 4 Modern Warfare.
Went to Ps2 to this and holy shit.

Thats because that game was in development hell for years. They used ps1 era assets in a lot of places.

Team Silent games were really ahead because there was a guy personally on the team, some nip guy who was a 3D art master for the time. He single handedly made their CG cutscenes etc, and was really good at modelling/texturing relative to alot of people at the time.

SH2/3/4 character modelling and texturing isn't so much more advanced than other games in a TECHNICAL aspect, but they were ahead of their time knowledge wise in an art pipeline and really knew how to do normal maps/hair alphas and other things like that properly.

Other nip devs literally learned directly from aping him. I can't remember his name.

seeing Gmans face in hl2 intro, it just looked really detailed back then

coming out the vault in fo3 on x360
motorstorm on ps3

inside of the ship in crysis

re4 on gamecube

Tekken 2 when when it came. I thought they were real-life graphics. Ohh those were the days.

Yeah, Team Silent were definitely just gods of aesthetics. There is pretty much nothing technically impressive about SH1-4 graphically, but it's just so finely crafted artistically that it loks amazing. I also think that the grimy art style helps hide blurry textures and shit like that.

tekken 2, FF7, Virtual ON

all i had before then was NES and Genesis but then I got playstation with the demo disc which had tekken 2 on it. 3D blew my fucking mind as a small child.

Tetris, oblivion

this but post scarcity

Still got this screenshot around from when I showed a bro the unbelievable facial models of ME1, as well as the contrast to the shitty clothes texture

Were did it all go wrong.

Eternal darkness was planned for the N64 before the gamecube was announced.


I had taken a long hiatus from gaming, since PS1/N64 days, when I started getting back into them this summer I bought a PS4 and Persona 5 and I could not believe how beautiful it was.
I'm still blown away at many of the games I've played for PS4.
If anyone is cynical about gaming or can't have fun with them now take a long break and when you come back the magic will be there again.

>blurry as fuck
>awkward camera
>incredibly low framerates
>lower resolution textures than hardware two years older

a single sega saturn launch title looks better than the entire n64 library

It ran fine on my gaymer asus laptop that had an nvidia geforce 9800m in it at 1366x768. are you like 12 or something?


It was Far Cry 1 for me.

oh and to add, my gaymen laptop had everything cranked up to very high or whatever it was in 100 degree desert heat and it was fine

I was gifted an Xbox in 2004 and was blown away by Halo's texture resolution. I stared at the grass texture of the second level for a couple mintues, amazed by it.

I can't think of a time since then that I've really been 'wowed' by graphics, except maybe the draw distance of promo videos early in the 7th gen.

Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo/Tanker Level

The graphical jump from PSOne to PS2 was fucking mindblowing.

I got the ps2 a tad late but it came with burnout 3, the Punisher and Guitar Hero. I Started to play that shit every single day.

Also whatever fucking dark magic Arc Sys used to make GG and the new BB.

this, how unfortunate the rest of the game was utter garbage

There were plenty of multiplats that had better framerate on the N64. The Tony Hawk games for instance. They were missing the live action video though.


n64 is the only system that had a notoriously poor framerate at the time. most games usually targeted 20fps at best, and this is first party games we're talking about.

HL2 came after doom 3, and graphically it was behind it... but it was a faaar better game, and facial animations where of the charts for the time

Was FC1 the first 3D game to do a convincing jungle?

hl2 really isn't much better than doom 3, they're both mediocre and hl2 has some really bad unskippable cutscenes.

fuck it was meant for

PS1 had shit framerates as well. SM64 didn't go below 20 fps (and probably didn't even get that low). I'm sure the Turok games did, especially 2 and 3. Zelda games are the ones notorious for being that low but they were more graphically impressive than anything on the PS1. Meanwhile MGS and Silent Hill dropped pretty low, though probably not lower than 20. Tony Hawk 1 was locked at like 24 fps while the N64 version was at 30 fps.

graphics aside, eternal darkness was a fantastic game

I hope you aren't somehow insinuating that Eternal Darkness is a better game than SH2, I love ED but it doesn't even come close.

nah, doom 3 kicked hl2 graphics's ass... but hl2 was the better game

>lightning effects
I don't remember there being any electrical storms inside any of those run down buildings.