Should I buy this for 8 euros? I'm a big original Doom fan. Is it very demanding for a PC?

Should I buy this for 8 euros? I'm a big original Doom fan. Is it very demanding for a PC?

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Get the demo mate.

Yes and I dont know. I got it for $5 today.

It's very well optimized, especially if you use vulkan. Don't expect it to run with integrated graphics, though.

Get it.

Nah it's optimized like butter.
Don't expect old glorious doom, but it is very fucking good.

>Should I buy this for 8 euros?
Uhh... sure..
>I'm a big original Doom fan.
Then you might not like it
Is it very demanding for a PC?
Runs pretty decently on my GTX960 and 5820k

Buy it. One of my favorite games of 2016 but even if you disagree it's definitely worth it for 8 euros. It's a fun, challenging singleplayer arena shooter. Multiplayer sucks though.

Killing demons to this music just never gets old

>Should I buy this for 8 euros?
>I'm a big original Doom fan
So am I, and I hated this.

What did you hate about it?

How well is the Switch version selling?

It's #1 in the store so I'd say pretty well

Where did you get it for $5?

mostly it's monotonous, repetitive gameplay, which unlike the marketing slogans and "fans" seem to claim, is a polar opposite of original Doom-games and its "clones". You literally run through mostly linear corridors, get locked in a shooting range arena room to fight slowly spawning enemies, then proceed through another corridor, into another lock-down combat room. VERY little of actual combat happens outside these arena rooms, and there's very little exploration or feeling of desperate item hunting involved.

Not only that, they just had to slap in a pile of various "upgrade tree" and "skill" systems. Into a goddamn Doom game! And of course the way to get the players to use them, and hunt for "points" to slap into these systems, had to be made by having your starting stats and weapons be irritatingly low.

Besides those two big complaints, I could add that the MP simply sucks (everyone seems to agree on that), the SnapMap is very limited and doesn't compensate for lack of modding capabilities, and I'd say the art-directing was awful as well. Obviously it runs smooth if 99% of the game happens in tight hallways and tiny rooms, all with next to no interaction whatsoever, and with only some dozen enemies on screen at once, at any point.

tl;dr: nuDOOM may be considered as a "good game" only thanks to so many other (console) shooters kicking down the bar in past several years. Which I personally don't agree with at all.

Why does Sup Forums like this game so much?

Zenimax pays people to say good things about it.

I liked the weapon upgrade system because it actually added whole new functionality to the weapons and wasn't just a damage buff or some bullshit like that. Weapon upgrades aren't inherently bad just because a lot of modern games are doing it wrong.

I agree that the levels are less open than in the original Doom and it was pretty much a series of battle arenas, but the arenas were in my opinion pretty damn big and very well thought-out in terms of layout and the enemies you have to fight in each one. Everything just worked well together and you were dead meat if you stayed in one place, it encouraged really fast play which was reminiscent of the old Doom.

You say there's very little exploration but I was actually surprised by how many secrets there were scattered throughout the levels, from weapon and suit upgrades to the action figurines, to classic Doom levels to just plain old armor or ammo pickups. You could even get some powerful weapons earlier if you find well hidden secrets.

It's not really a copy of the original Doom's mechanics but I don't think it was ever really meant to be other than in the sense that it's a fast paced FPS.

No it's complete shit not even worth the space on your harddrive.
>Is it very demanding for a PC?
not particularly it seems to scale well with even low-ish end cpu's and as long as your gpu meets the opengl 4.5 requirement or supports vulkan
because this board is full of retards that grew up eating shit so this slightly different flavour of shit seems like a complete revelation to them.

>Is it very demanding for a PC?
nah, only if you try to play at 4K

100% this. How could anyone possibly legitimately like a game that you disliked, am I right?

>I liked the weapon upgrade system because it actually added whole new functionality to the weapons
they didn't add functionality they removed it then added gimmicks
>It's not really a copy of the original Doom's mechanics but I don't think it was ever really meant to be
No it wouldn't work if it was a copy but they threw the original's design principles out the window to do their own thing with it, What they ended up with just happened to turn out to be complete garbage.
Modern game design to the tee.

I just bought it.
>almost 70 gigs file size

it'll take me the whole fucking day to install

>I liked the weapon upgrade system because it actually added whole new functionality to the weapons and wasn't just a damage buff or some bullshit like that.
I personally think they should've included them out of the box, like so many of the other skills and upgrades. Turok games, Perfect Dark, BLOOD, Shadow Warrior 3D ... many older shooters had this feat, and usually made their best to have the modes truly distinct and varied.

I gotta disagree with the arenas. They just resulted more tedious combat and less memorable levels, as you were, for the most part, in full control of choosing WHEN to initiate the fights.

The "secrets" are one one of the major beefs I actually had with the game too, but seldom remember to list out right off the bat. In short, too much pointless e-peen enlarging "collectibles", too much pathetically easy to get areas and items that are as if just marked to tick the secrets-count. Plus the waaay too generous and all-revealing Auto Map just ruined any sense of discovery.

>It's not really a copy of the original Doom's mechanics but I don't think it was ever really meant to be other than in the sense that it's a fast paced FPS.
Then why call it "Doom"? Hell, it plays more like Painkiller. More like Serious Sam. Or rather, more like a bit less casual BS: Infinite!

because its good?

I've done no-upgrade runs of the game and the weapons still feel meaty and powerful without the upgrades. I didn't feel like anything was missing, I really thought the upgrades were good but not necessary additions. You're saying there was no exploration but the upgrades are exactly what you get as a reward for exploration and you're calling them a gimmick. Kinda contradictory if you ask me.

I wasn't a fan of the other upgrades and I disliked the fact that armor is basically just an extended health bar, so it's not like I have nothing but praise for the game, but overall I thought the excellent mechanics alone carried it for its duration.

Sup Forums does not.
The real-deal Zenimax shills + people who had never even heard of "Doom" before the 2016 "do".

it really is not, unless you've let your standards drop to rock bottom levels in past two generations or something.

Todd and Skyrim BTFO

>it's a "grandpa who played doom when he was 10 spergs out about the new game" episode

Because its really fun and actively encourages you to keep moving around and be aggressive as fuck. It plays very well on the higher difficulties.

>I've done no-upgrade runs of the game and the weapons still feel meaty and powerful without the upgrades
I don't understand how anyone can claim that, when shotguns lack reach AND penetration, with imps and those lazor-zombies taking up to 4 shots to the nogging just to get GK-staggered.

The upgrades ranged from bonkers side-grades that would render many weapons obsolete, to just plain mean way to nerf the player's capabilities at the beginning. The HAR and it's infinite rockets mode is practically all you need once you gain it, and in general said gun almost renders Minigun and RL obsolete.

The way you're praising nuDOOM's "exploration" is just another example of the big divide this game caused within the Doom-community. In original games, the exploration was literally that: exploring. Mapping out the maps, finding keys and practical supplies you put practical use right away. In the new one, you just look up a sliiightly off the beaten path leading branch on the map, just to get a bobble-head dollie or an easter egg.

I agree on the armor, one of the many idiotic changes. About rest, we will not see eye to eye.

I didn't have "fun" at all with this shit. And yes, I played on UV, on a PC. No, it's not my first Doom game or anything either.

Fucking Killing Floor 2 has more aggressive feel and satisfying gore than this pathetic excuse of a console-shooter in old IP's skin.

Well, that's like your opinion, man.

I also like KF2, but they are two very different games.

its a lot of fun for at least a single playthrough. very well optimized and great fucking soundtrack

I also liked Serious Sam 3: BFE a lot, and that's seemingly VERY similar game to nu-DOOM. It just does practically everything better, including sticking to its roots.

You brought up another point I agree with, some of the weapon upgrades do in fact make entire other weapons obsolete. And the shared ammo between some of them made me never use one because the other was much more useful. I never used the plasma rifle because I always needed the plasma ammo for the Gauss cannon when the big enemies showed up, so that is a flaw admittedly.

I guess what it comes down to is if you think shooting a bunch of demons in closed arenas while moving super fast is satisfying or not, and this game simply hit just the right spot for me.

The Gauss' Siege Mode also does the same to the Rockets.

>great fucking soundtrack
yeah, I so enjoyed that BRRRAAAP BRRAAAP!

Confirmed for not playing it. This game's soundtrack is *nothing* like your BRRAPPP bullshit.


No my matey, it is just that.
Way to ironically state (You) did not play it.

let the butthurt flow while I keep on living.

It's more like what Doom 3 should've been, it feels just as far removed from the original. Honestly I like the sections in between fights in Doom 3 than in NuDoom while NuDoom has better fights.

Its okay and worth it for cheap, though I haven't beat it.

you just honestly sound like a fag that doesnt like anything. the soundtrack was good, but you just start making fart noises like you probly do in real life

>if I say it enough times it'll be true

Take your meds, retard. You're drooling on the floor.

The game's soundtrack was serviceable at best. But it also never plays outside of the scripted arena fights.

Sure in some ways, but the games play completely differently. SS3 (which I own and love btw), is more about gunning down waves of numerous but not individually dangerous mooks as fast as you can while running around to keep your distance so you don't get overwhelmed

DOOM is more about getting close and personal to kill things while moving fast so you don't get hit by their projectiles. Two very different gameplay styles.

Also UV is nothing less than "you may not be a drooling-retard" difficulty. Nightmare plays very differently.

>the soundtrack was good,
imagine having this shit taste

The music literally never stops playing. It's just that the music playing inbetween the fights is mostly ambient. I don't think it would be very fitting to have the music constantly at full blast.

>DOOM is more about getting close and personal to kill things while moving fast so you don't get hit by their projectiles
Which itself is all polar opposite of how original Doom games played. The 2016 one is practically a first-person beat'em up, and not very well thought one.

>Also UV is nothing less than "you may not be a drooling-retard" difficulty. Nightmare plays very differently.
That entire sentence smells like some nu-age elitism to me.
And no, Nightmare doesn't play any different. You just die faster, meaning you want to waste even less time with the already pointless GK system.

There is always music playing. Surprisingly, they play the loud and aggressive stuff mostly as the action kicks up.

>Is it very demanding for a PC?

The Switch can run it.

>I don't think it would be very fitting to have the music constantly at full blast.
Worked for the old games.

Glory Kills make you invincible, though.

>Which itself is all polar opposite of how original Doom games played. The 2016 one is practically a first-person beat'em up, and not very well thought one.
Lel I never said it played like the originals. It is definitely doing it's own thing, but it does it well. That's like saying you fucking hate apples because they aren't oranges
>Nightmare doesn't play any different. You just die faster, meaning you want to waste even less time with the already pointless GK system.
Untrue. The enemies actively get much more aggressive towards you as the difficulty increases. GKs are also plenty relevant as long as you use the abilities that make them faster and give you a speed boost. It sounds like you're just regurgitating shit you heard secondhand.

It seems to me like every single person who dislikes this game dislikes it for one reason and one reason only - it's not the original Doom

It's okay, but a bit too short, and not that replayable except for the arcade mode, which can be fun but gets old quick. That modding thing they made is shit.
Original Doom is still the best game ever conceived by mankind though, so there's no point comparing the two.

Fuck me for wanting a game to be similar to its predecessors.

They make you invincible for a second and during that second a dozen projectiles have been shot towards you that you now can't avoid when you exit the glory kill and a dozen enemies have moved close enough to melee you. Nothing leads to death quicker on Nightmare difficulty than using the glory kills.

I never died after performing a cutscene kill. The AI stop targeting you while they happen.

Sure. It's good.
Story ends abruptly for no good reason.
Soundtrack is amazing.

>ID SOFTWARE and BETHESDA allow fuckall modding to their game

What a huge waste of potential. No new custom enemies, crazier-ass ideas of hell, or all these other amazing ideas. You'd think these two companies would some idea how important modding is.

Then they make all the DLC multiplayer, and it was probably just an experiment testing the waters for Quake Champs.

>The AI stop targeting you while they happen
That's just blatant bullshit. Everything keeps moving normally during a glory kill animation.

>I never died after performing a cutscene kill
Try nightmare mode. The first people who ever completed UN said they didn't use glory kills exactly for the reason I just explained.

>Try nightmare mode
I've only played the game on UV and Nightmare.

Sure thing, friendo.

>GKs are also plenty relevant as long as you use the abilities that make them faster and give you a speed boost
No, GKs in general are USELESS, because you get MORE health from enemies, just by blowing them to bits with guns. The lower your HP, the more HP drops you get from foes.

>It sounds like you're just regurgitating shit you heard secondhand.
Yeah, because I've never heard the "lol you did not play the game huh?" before.

I've still never seen a single person die while performing a cutscene kill.

That's because you can't die while you do them.

>No, GKs in general are USELESS, because you get MORE health from enemies, just by blowing them to bits with guns. The lower your HP, the more HP drops you get from foes.
Yes, killing things when you are on low HP will give you HP. Glory killing them always gives you more, AND can make you run a lot faster. It's almost as if it's totally optional and has it's own payoff.
>Yeah, because I've never heard the "lol you did not play the game huh?" before.
Oh, trust me, I have no problem believing that.


yeah tell me fag, cheapest i found is cdkeys: Doom PC – £5.39

>Everyone I don't agree with is Todd.

>Everyone I don't agree with hasn't played the game

>Why do people doubt my claims after calling out my bullshit?