Is this better than the first game?

Is this better than the first game?

Yes. However it takes a dive in story, characters and subplots. Level design and gameplay are much improved across the board though.
If you liked the first game, you will like this one

Damn I'm getting some people saying the story is better and others saying the story is worse. The plot and storytelling is what drove me away from the first even though I loved the gameplay. I guess I'll just watch a lets play.

Story is bit weaker. Everything else is improved.

Yes, but the story is weaker and the hub area doesn't even compare

Gameplay wise, yes. Performance is very bad though, as my 390x struggles to maintain 60fps on medium settings

I liked it more than the first game but I have a high-end card so performance was not an issue.

I liked the level design and overall gameplay more than Dishonored 1, story was maybe a bit weaker, I didn't mind it that much though. My first run I did an all ghost pacifist run, was a lot of fun, then I did NG+ as a full chaos run which also proved very entertaining.

Oh yeah and as for performance it ran well the majority of the time on high settings, but in certain areas on specific maps I would get huge framedrops for some reason, it was only on a couple of maps though in really specific areas so it wasn't really too bad.

PC version was broken as fuck on release.

I'm conflicted. What can I say about a game with a better gameplay, but worse level design, story and characters?

story is just rehashed from the first game with a villain rehashed from the dlc. targets generally aren't as interesting and feel less impersonal because you aren't introduced to them at the start like in the first game. level design is better but the last level is, again, a rehash. performance is wank on toast but apparently they improved it with patches

The voice acting and writing are a huge step down, but if you can ignore that the actual gameplay is great, with some cool gimmick levels.

*more impersonal

The story could actually get worse somehow from 1?

>The voice acting and writing are a huge step down

This is a super safe unbreakable lock.


both MCs are technically Geralt and Ciri

Is this what Sup Forums has come too?

Maybe its subjective. The game is good tho.

Wow multiple people have varying opinions on the plot of something?

gameplay is tied to level design, dh2 had more memorable levels

First game had a better story, atmosphere, writing, and characters.
Second game had better gameplay and level design(Clockwork Mansion and A Crack in the Slab).
I prefer the first, though I think both games have pacing and consistency problems.

People here like the story of the first game but I thought it was fucking boring. I didn't give a fuck about this dude. Maybe I'll care more about his daughter. Just started playing my friends' copy and the first cutscene drew me in more than anything in the first game so that's good.