The best graphics in gaming

>the best graphics in gaming
>a fucking hunting game

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What's wrong with hunting games

well duh, only has to animate a single animal and static environment.

what did you expect, a game with hundreds of NPCs on screen at once to have better graphics? are you retarded

desu I'd be more irritated if the "best graphics in gaming" was from a typical rpg/fps whatever game I've seen a million times already

looks fake


Not in game

It's a extremely niche genre that usually is a cash grab by some brand from bass pro or some shit.

Wish they would make a real game with great hunting A.I. could be comfy as fuck.

>implying the Cabela's hunting games and the Rapala's Pro Fishing games were cash grabs

Fuck you Cabela's Deer Hunt: 2004/05 and Rapala's Pro Fishing were my childhood.

>Wish they would make a real game with great hunting A.I. could be comfy as fuck.
They did. Its in OPs pic.

The whole point of video games is to experience things I can't experience in real life.

Hunting games are fun.

Actually that makes good poetic sense. A hunting game should shoot for immersive and great graphics help, you really want to feel the textures of the land, see the effect of the wind. Hunting is the kind of activity where you get very intimate with the environment


gut wame?

Now hunters sit in their deer stands and bait the animals into the area with feeders. Actual hunting is a rare skill it seems.

I would actually play this with VR when it will be possible.

tfw comfy as fuck

>those shitty copy-pasted grass/shrubs on the lower left

yah no...

Imagine if Skyrim looked like this.

and still looks nicer than that turd hunting game.

No this is the best graphics

Deer that age do not walk through open spaces like that, and especially not at midday.
Fukken dropped.

Get back to fucking your cousin/sister/aunt Jimbob

Best Horizon, how can Microsoft even compete?

literally every ubisoft game that came out in the last 2 years looks better

Why are western game dev OBSESSED with walking in pine forests and montains? Is that the only natural place known to Americans?


HZD has slightly worse graphics than OPs hunting game, but way more characters on screen and active, and a destructible environment. Not to mention it's on PS4.
Considering all that I'd still say it's more impressive.

Is it going to be GTA rip-off called Driver By Club?

>action rpg

Because conifers are the best trees. Lets see what your gay little trees look like in cold weather.

>slightly worse graphics
You need to get your eyes checked. It looks like shit ingame.

>ywn play oblivion that looks like this

HZD looks excellent in game what are you talking about. Fucking hell, it's like a game you don't like has to be bad in every aspect, it can't have ANY redeeming qualities.
HZD has excellent graphics.

Go back to your internet cafe and drink your soy latte


best graphics according to sonyglets

looks like gtaV

imagine being this fucking retarded

God tier cars shouldn't be wearing such shitty license plates

yeah no since battlefront 2 is out it's again battlefront 2
and i bet it runs way better too

real life also has bad graphics if you stare directly into the sun


triggered cuck

do you see lens flares and lens dirt when you look into the sun?


m8, those hunting games are made with the purest autism to satisfy other autists


If you look through a camera yeah

i don't walk in third person either

beth will reach this level of graphics 20 years from now when skyrim 3 comes out

Youre retarded

well too bad that guerrilla has a history of using overthetop lens flares and bloom doesnt matter if its first person or third person.

it just looks like pure garbage.


oh no not this fucking dutch angle shill


wow you sure showed me
from that random beta screen shot
can you post another cherrypicked shot of The Hunter gameā„¢

t. horizon shill

>flamethrowe over thin grass
>not even trying to stencil some damage on them
>plasma shotguns in a porcelain cathedral
>not a single vase will move
This shit is so archaic it's mindblowing. They are selling 1998 gameplay with megatextures and you are still eating that shit up.
And I'm pretty sure 98 already had environment destruction here and there.

learn to take screenshots

shit desu I could go hunting right now

what game

the hunter call of the wild

it really looks amazing

>d.d.don't make screens that don't use the built in bullshot mode that improves the graphics for commercial photos!

Not really, hunting has always used things like stands and blinds, hunting and predation is entirely about killing in the way that subjects you to the least amount of danger. Most predators in nature are ridiculously cautious and downright cowardly when finally threatened.

your screenshots are ass, why are you projecting so hard?


>The people most likely to be able to experience the actual thing are the ones playing simulators

Here i will dump some of my screens. Please no resolution bully. Im going 4k this year

that wasnt me, horizoncuck

Acceptable res for a webm, dumb animeposter

These graphics are the epicest!

the lighting and foliage in this game is the first to really challenge how good crysis looked when it came out.

This game isnt too great and the devs are total jews. But its worth the buy just for the atmosphere and graphics.

looks like shit. how can pc even compete?


>its worth the buy just for the atmosphere and graphics.
said no one


*ahem* 2

I love the skies in this game. Riding around at dusk or dawn was real chill.

dumping underrated best looking game

looks shit

Wonder how many anons are playing theHunter now. It really is pretty great.

>filesize limits

*ahem* 3

not for a 7 second webm retard
you can practically do 720 and still be fine but that would show the games normal state which is ugly


*ahem* 4

That screen looks good though

if it has no hud, its pre-rendered
no exceptions

please just tell me what the best racing game currently on the market is?

That's the first time seen heard someone say "how can they compete?" and then someone shows them competing. Nice.


Horizonfags just cant compete against based Ubisoft


Is this a joke?

Now we've reached the Cabela's shilling lvl. wew

*ahem* 5

You can turn off the hud you dingus



It's already near 3mb moron, it would look like shit at 720p due to compression artifacts. You're clearly butthurt about the game.

*ahem* 6

Are there actually autists who brag about car game graphics? It's always the same over rendered plastic looking close ups of cars.